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New member
Aug 11, 2010
I have been on 100mcg of clen for the last 2 weeks. I just started taking T-3 once a day everymorning. My question is, how long can I stay on the clen & T-3? I hear some people say 2 weeks only but Im just starting to see some fat loss.

Im also taking
1000mg Test-E a week
200mg EQ a week

I have been on 100mcg of clen for the last 2 weeks. I just started taking T-3 once a day everymorning. My question is, how long can I stay on the clen & T-3? I hear some people say 2 weeks only but Im just starting to see some fat loss.

Im also taking
1000mg Test-E a week
200mg EQ a week


How much t3 are you taking? How long are you on Test E and Eq for? You said 1000mg Test E a week, that's way too much. Is this your first cycle?
Also are you dividing the clen and t3 in 2 dosage? or 1?
What is your diet like? How many times are you training per week? Give us some history about yourself?
How much t3 are you taking? How long are you on Test E and Eq for? You said 1000mg Test E a week, that's way too much. Is this your first cycle?
Also are you dividing the clen and t3 in 2 dosage? or 1?
What is your diet like? How many times are you training per week? Give us some history about yourself?

I am Taking 30mcg of T-3 once in the morning and I have been breaking down the clen down to about 5 times a day. This is my second cycle Ive been on it for about 4 weeks. Im 25 years old and have been working out football style since high school but just recently (the last 6 months) have started training like a body builder. Im training 4 days a week something close to DC training. I live to train but diet is a huge weak point for me. Im trying to get my head right on it because I want to start competitions this time next year.

If 1000mg is too much, will cutting back the dose now set me back?
I am Taking 30mcg of T-3 once in the morning and I have been breaking down the clen down to about 5 times a day. This is my second cycle Ive been on it for about 4 weeks. Im 25 years old and have been working out football style since high school but just recently (the last 6 months) have started training like a body builder. Im training 4 days a week something close to DC training. I live to train but diet is a huge weak point for me. Im trying to get my head right on it because I want to start competitions this time next year.

If 1000mg is too much, will cutting back the dose now set me back?

Taking your clen throughout the day is worthless.It has such a long half life. Just take it all when you wake up.the problem with clen is that your body will stop reacting to it.I like one week on ,one off. I drop about 4lbs in 5 days with 120mcgs.after that first drop i dont lose much of anything even if i take it for a full two weeks.I stay around 10% BF as well. I dont understand why your running a gram of test a week on your second cycle.500mg is plenty! Your EQ dose is worthless IMO. 600mgs min for me on EQ.Just my .02
1000 mg test is a little much for a 2nd cycle. you should not have to go over 500 until maybe your 4th or 5th cycle. What was your first cycle? Also you should not be using gear unless you have your diet and training ironed out. I learned the hard way and lost most of my gains after my first two cycles.
You really should do some reseach before going on a cycle. I would do 2cc Test once a week. I am not going to give you clen and t3 advice but as I said I suggest you to do more research. Also while on test, you taking any Letro to prevent gyno?
1000 mg test is a little much for a 2nd cycle. you should not have to go over 500 until maybe your 4th or 5th cycle. What was your first cycle? Also you should not be using gear unless you have your diet and training ironed out. I learned the hard way and lost most of my gains after my first two cycles.

My first cycle started at 400mg of prop and 200mg of tren but at the end of the cycle I was up to 1000mg of prop. I kept most of my gains. My training is in order I am just having trouble with my diet. I have pretty good genetics mass has never been an issue but Im well aware that if I dont get my diet straight Ill never get to the next level.
You really should do some reseach before going on a cycle. I would do 2cc Test once a week. I am not going to give you clen and t3 advice but as I said I suggest you to do more research. Also while on test, you taking any Letro to prevent gyno?

Aromison 12.5 every morning
why such a low does of EQ?

Me & my partner purchased a diet & workout from on of the pros on this board and thats the dose of EQ he suggested. I thought it was low too based on the research Ive done.

Me & my partner purchased a diet & workout from on of the pros on this board and thats the dose of EQ he suggested. I thought it was low too based on the research Ive done.

IMHO - Given that you have already contracted with a professional why not just ask them? The trainers on this board are no joke. If you have forked out the dough for thier advice I would definitely listen to what they are telling you. That goes for all aspects including diet.
I am Taking 30mcg of T-3 once in the morning and I have been breaking down the clen down to about 5 times a day. This is my second cycle Ive been on it for about 4 weeks. Im 25 years old and have been working out football style since high school but just recently (the last 6 months) have started training like a body builder. Im training 4 days a week something close to DC training. I live to train but diet is a huge weak point for me. Im trying to get my head right on it because I want to start competitions this time next year.

If 1000mg is too much, will cutting back the dose now set me back?

You can accomplish way more with diet than clen/t3. You can stay on for 3 weeks if you use benadryl. You need to find out how and why on your own. What I will say is you have to taper off the T3 or you can fuck up your thyroid permanantly.

1gram of test:banghead: I've been in the game awhile and I'm just bumped up to 750.

BTW I like the addition of Aromasin....IMHO the best AI period
Thanks for the info. I just wanted to get some feed back.

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