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Close Grip Dumbbell Press... and the Two Stooges...


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Kilo Klub Member
Aug 2, 2008
So after reading, the thread "Triceps tips" I decided to try close grip bench with dumb bells. I've been doing close grip on the floor with a smith machine and I like it, but some people said the close grip on the floor with the dumb bells was really hitting their triceps pretty well....

I'm glad it wasn't filmed... the challenge is getting the dumb bells into position while you are on the ground. So, I put a bench perpendicular in front of me with the dumb bells on the bench... I squat down in front of the bench, kind of hoist the bells onto my knee's and try to roll onto my back... looking like some kind of dying turtle I'm sure... I get set into position, arms bent at my side.... "arrrrrr.... huh? ARRRRRR!" Crap! I can't get started! I know I can do the weight, but my starting position just puts me in a mechanically disadvantaged position... I say to my wife, "OK, help me start" "Where do I grab? I can't put my hands under your elbows!" "Uh, grab my wrist's, try that" She can't get any leverage... so now she try's getting directly over the weight and is squatting over my face..."Oh geez, this doesn't look good" I think to myself... finally, my stone-face breaks and we both just burst out laughing... I keep trying... we keep laughing... "Forget it!"

We had to look like the two biggest buffoon's.

On a positive note- I decided to just do them on a regular bench with the dumb bells and be extra careful not to go too far down... I like them a lot!
you could try doing it by sitting on the ground, legs straight out and flat, dumbbell outside each leg. grab one, hoist it onto the quads, "hug" the dumbbell as you hoist the other onto the leg (that way it doesn't fall off) then "kick" the dumbbells into position as you lie back. could be easier than squatting down and loading the dumbbells onto your knees from a bench
HAha after seeing that thread last night, I'll be trying these today as well.. still not sure how I'm going to get into position but I thought about doing it the way dropshot described.

you could try doing it by sitting on the ground, legs straight out and flat, dumbbell outside each leg. grab one, hoist it onto the quads, "hug" the dumbbell as you hoist the other onto the leg (that way it doesn't fall off) then "kick" the dumbbells into position as you lie back. could be easier than squatting down and loading the dumbbells onto your knees from a bench

haha, OK, I'll give it a go next time :D
So after reading, the thread "Triceps tips" I decided to try close grip bench with dumb bells. I've been doing close grip on the floor with a smith machine and I like it, but some people said the close grip on the floor with the dumb bells was really hitting their triceps pretty well....

I'm glad it wasn't filmed... the challenge is getting the dumb bells into position while you are on the ground. So, I put a bench perpendicular in front of me with the dumb bells on the bench... I squat down in front of the bench, kind of hoist the bells onto my knee's and try to roll onto my back... looking like some kind of dying turtle I'm sure... I get set into position, arms bent at my side.... "arrrrrr.... huh? ARRRRRR!" Crap! I can't get started! I know I can do the weight, but my starting position just puts me in a mechanically disadvantaged position... I say to my wife, "OK, help me start" "Where do I grab? I can't put my hands under your elbows!" "Uh, grab my wrist's, try that" She can't get any leverage... so now she try's getting directly over the weight and is squatting over my face..."Oh geez, this doesn't look good" I think to myself... finally, my stone-face breaks and we both just burst out laughing... I keep trying... we keep laughing... "Forget it!"

We had to look like the two biggest buffoon's.

On a positive note- I decided to just do them on a regular bench with the dumb bells and be extra careful not to go too far down... I like them a lot!
The floor changes a lot of things....namely the amount of weight you can press!!! LOL. Sure you can do that weight from a bench or some other apparatus, but as you put it, you are now at a disadvantage and the tricep has to do all the work. Big difference. The floor is a great place to be.........sometimes:eek::D
I say to my wife, "OK, help me start" "Where do I grab? I can't put my hands under your elbows!" "Uh, grab my wrist's, try that" She can't get any leverage... so now she try's getting directly over the weight and is squatting over my face...

I read this earlier today and I'm still laughing about it. Good thing you didn't have one of the guys over to help you out.

If you think your sticking point is just the initial start off you could try one of these approaches also:

If you wife's strong enough (and you trust her with weight hover over your body) you could try starting out with arms extended and she could place the weight in your hands. You could start off partials (1/4 way down) for 1 or 2 until your get everything warmed up. She better be quick with the second weight and not step on your face.

You mentioned you have a smith machine so you could buy power hooks and set the weight up above you. Again, your weight would be extended and you could start off with partial movements until you warm up.
Good suggestion...

I read this earlier today and I'm still laughing about it. Good thing you didn't have one of the guys over to help you out.

If you think your sticking point is just the initial start off you could try one of these approaches also:

If you wife's strong enough (and you trust her with weight hover over your body) you could try starting out with arms extended and she could place the weight in your hands. You could start off partials (1/4 way down) for 1 or 2 until your get everything warmed up. She better be quick with the second weight and not step on your face.

You mentioned you have a smith machine so you could buy power hooks and set the weight up above you. Again, your weight would be extended and you could start off with partial movements until you warm up.

Yeah- to top it off, my wife was wearing one of those "skorts" so from the side it looks like her open skirt was right over my face :eek:

Yes, while I like the idea of maybe "kicking" the weight back I think it'll still have me starting with my arms bent... I do need to start in the extended position.... I just looked at the power-hooks... COOL! I may give those a go, thanks.

I agree with OF- being on the floor makes a difference so I'd really like to incorporate these... geez, they're just dumb bell presses, maybe I'm the dumb bell! hahahaha

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