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Constant horrible cramping EVERYWHERE


Oct 27, 2009
Just lately I been getting cramps everywhere. I get them just sitting there doing nothing and in the weirdest spots. Ribs, back, arms, legs, chest, EVERYWHERE. Even when I pee and flex that muscle when I'm done to get it all out that muscle under my nuts cramps too(sorry if thats too much info but thats how bad it is). Its even keeping me awake at night with all the cramps.

I recently cleaned up my diet pretty strict and have been keeping the carbs to a minimum trying to get the middle crease in my abs to come through better. Am I depleting all my ATP stores which are causing it? I'm naturally a very skinny person with a very high thyroid. I seem to be losing weight like crazy the past two days which just seems unusual for the amount of protein I been taking in.

I supplement multivitamins, protein, fish oils, vitamin C. Eat the heck outta eggs, red meat(steaks), bananas, sweet potatos, etc... I think I'm getting all my electrolites from my supplements-protein and maltodextrin from True Protein and a low calorie gatorade here and there. Drinking a ton of water too thinking that would fix the problem but nothing is working. I read where supplementing taurine and magnesium would help but wouldn't I be getting enough of that with all the eggs and red meat?

Is being deficient in something from my diet causing me to excreet water which would cause the cramps and my large weight loss?? I don't post much unless I really do my research and come up empty. Am I missing something?? HELP GUYS-THIS IS HELL
u running any gear?
Actually I don't supplement sodium-salt on anything much in my diet and don't really keep track of that. I do put a little on my steaks and salt my mashed potatoes and corn etc a bit. Not exactly sure how your suppose to keep track of that when you salt stuff etc and not sure how much I need exactly..

Yes I'm on gear at the moment. I run very short cycles(about 4 weeks) as they seem to work the best for me but anyways I'm at the end of week 3 of my cycle of Test E, Tren Hex, and Eq. Doses aren't anything abnormal of what I always do, although its my first time running tren hex but I have used tren ace in the past. Take a little aromasin and nolva too(25mg aromasin and 20mg nolva/day). Thats it... No hcg or anything else.
I cramp on tren. SO i supplement with 2000 to 3000 mg of taurine ed. WOrks great for me.
I actually went to our local drug store today looking for taurine. Unfortunately they didn't have any. Sucks living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I have a hunch taurine will help. Its what I told my buddy and all I can think of. The sodium is possibly another thing though.

Does it seem like you excreet a ton of water when you cramped on tren without the taurine? Just seems like a drink a glass of water and piss out two.
I think you may need to add a little sodium.

I think your probably right bro. Just a few weeks ago my dad had a blood test done for his cholesterol ect and the doctor said everything was all fine except he needs to increase his salt intake a bit. Would that be genetic and aren't most people the other way around? He uses more salt than I do. Years ago I always read that you get enough salt intake in all your meals that you don't need to use additional salt on your food.
I think you may need to add a little sodium.

I think Wolf is right, at least it will not harm you. Drinking a lot of water could dilute the blood concentration of sodium. Just like example: a possible consequence of people raving with E and drinking a lot of straight water is hypohypernatriemia,could bring to death...
maybe tren is raising your body temp.and you are loosing sodium with sweat
I just spent the last hour reading on low sodium and I think your right guys. I have had the worst headaches lately and have been urinating alot more and been feeling pretty lethargic compared to normal lately(some of the symptoms). The increased water wasn't helping me at all when here I thought that was the thing to do. And yes I've been having some pretty wicked night sweats lately-probably from the tren- practically feels like I wet the bed.

Now another concern of mine is your body will lack nutrients from the low sodium. Now did I lose a significant amount of muscle from it then since its probably been slowly happening for quite some time now? I mean since I've started my cycle 3 weeks ago I've lost alot of weight and size. Yes most of it was water but how much of it was muscle? I'm the type of person that without food(nutrients) my weight plummits very VERY quickly. I guess I'm more/less asking what should I do about it? Just increase my salt intake more and maybe the water till it gets back up to normal and just go about my normal training again? Also read not to increase sodium intake too quickly too.

Thanks guys, your help is appreciated more than you know...
If your cramps are like spasms (i.e., charlie horse), this may be due to an electrolyte imbalance (low levels of potassium/calcium/sodium) - I use **broken link removed**.
Low sodium is pretty rare for most people....i'd look at potassium first.

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I would think that plang is right. It is most likely low potassium.
Low sodium is pretty rare for most people....i'd look at potassium first.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I eat alot of bananas and get alot of potassium but it didn't change anything. Apparently the balance is off though. First thing I think of when I get cramps is did I get enough potassium in??

Most people get more sodium than they actually need though. Read the label of everything you put in your mouth and total up your sodium. If you dont have a label you can go here. Nutrition facts, calories in food, labels, nutritional information and analysis –

You will be surprised on how much sodium we actually take in.

This is what I thought in the first place too. But now I'm thinking everyone is different and this isn't always right. Like I said above, my dad needs more sodium intake and all he drinks is mt. dew all day and water at night. I'm wondering if this is maybe inherited down to me too with everyone being different on their sodium intake.

If your cramps are like spasms (i.e., charlie horse), this may be due to an electrolyte imbalance (low levels of potassium/calcium/sodium) - I use **broken link removed**.

This is exactly what its doing.... I got some sodium intake in last night and again this morning and I do believe its getting better. Every so often I still get a mild cramp if I stress the muscle hard at work or something. I think I got so strict on my diet that I cut out all sodium and didn't realize it. Now I feel like a tard and see why this thread got moved to the beginners forum. Cause the first 3 things I think of when I get cramps is water, sodium, and potassium.
If I remember right I think there was a thread on here awhile back when a guy had puffy nipples and thought it was water retention. Someone told him to play with his sodium intake. I think Phil chimed in and said be careful doing that that he didn't advise it cause sodium intake was very important to have the right amount. Now I see why. I had alot of the symptoms of low sodium intake and didn't even know it. My body looks/feels drained now. I feel lethargic. I was getting constant everyday bad headaches(which I rarely ever get). And of course the constant everywhere cramping and feeling like I couldn't relax-almost felt tingly all over my body. I been constantly yawning lately-even in the gym. I never felt nausiated though which is another symptom.

Since I increased my sodium only hours later I feel 10x better already. I feel like i've fallen a year back in all my training from everything I lost unless that part is just in my head. I'm hoping everything comes back and will be normal again in a few weeks or so. I'd take the puffy nipples over playing with my sodium any day of the week. Lol
Bump, how are you doing ?

I'm going through the same thing but not as bad as you described. I'm also coming off the Tren/Test/EQ. I believe its the Tren because its my first time using it and I never got such harsh cramps on any of my numerous cycles.

I drink distill water and I was starting to think it was due to that since distill doesn't have any minerals like spring water, but I'm not sure if distill water can be the cause of it it seems debatable on the internet.

I took potassium 99 and it helped but still cramping, I get plenty of sodium, I salt everything food on site. Only thing I know im probably lacking is calcium which I only take Mega man sports daily serving.

I'm definitely going to give saltstick a try, but I was also thinking of taking more potassium but I hear its bad to take too much.

I hope you find the solution because its hard to sleep when waking up to this painful cramp. I normally only get it right after my work outs on that body part day.

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