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critic my mass diet


Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 16, 2002
here is my mass diet
I'm 205 now, 12% bf I'm juicing/using GH
I've a slow metabolism and want to limit fat gains ...
MEAL 1 :
- 10 eggs whites
- 2 whole eggs
- 50 grams of oatmeals

MEAL 2 :
- 200 grams of chicken
- 200 grams of potatoes
- 10 grams of olive oil

MEAL 3 :
- 300 grams beef meat
- 250 grams of red beans

MEAL 4 :
- 200 grams of chicken
- 200 grams of potatoes
- 10 grams of olive oil

MEAL 5 :
- 50 g proteins (shake MRP)
- 750 ml of soja milk

MEAL 6 :
- 200 grams of tuna
- 200 grams of red beans

MEAL 7 :
- 50 g proteins (shake MRP)
- 750 ml of soya milk
- 200 grams of whole rice

it's 3800 calories in the day ; 45% proteins/35% carbs/ 20% fat ...
is it too much for my kind of metabolism ?
critic please !!

I can do a conversion from grams to oz. if you want ...
do the grams to ounces conversion first, but off hand i think ur lacking some protein in ur first meal
Unless you're in another part of the world, you're weighing your food in ounces aren't you?!?

I used a converter and 200 grams = 0.44092452 pounds. It only converts from gram to troy or avoidupois ounces - and I have no idea what either of those are :confused:

xcelbeyond said:
Unless you're in another part of the world, you're weighing your food in ounces aren't you?!?

I used a converter and 200 grams = 0.44092452 pounds. It only converts from gram to troy or avoidupois ounces - and I have no idea what either of those are :confused:


yep Xcel , I'm in another part of the world ( europe here)
mike1107 said:
yep Xcel , I'm in another part of the world ( europe here)
Figured so - us dumb Americans can't do the metric matric math in our heads. We're so used to figuring how many macro nutrients are in a one-ounce serving rather than in gram servings.

ur diet is good but as i said id add more protein to ur first meal but like the structure bc it comes mostly from whole foods which i believe to be superior to liquid for personal and scientific beliefs

One think i noticed you are bulking and trying to put on lean mass, but you are not bulking. If you are going to bulk, eat like a machine, there is no way to easily get ripped and massive. IF you find out tell me and we can make millions.

On the diet, I see alot of fats being taken witht your carbs. I would prefer to have you eat high protein high carb meals, and then have seprate high protein high fat meals. Like that one meal where you have chicken, potatoes then a scoop or 2 of olive oil, that sounds bad to me.
I would add in more protein and more fat. I dont like that soya stuff but thats just me. If you have the money for that kind of gear Id bulk like i realy mean it. its so easy to get cut once u have the extra mass
ok guys thanx for the inputs .
If i read good , I must :
- increase the cals from protein in particular
- put some peanut butter for good fats with my proteins instead of putting them with my carbs

Vitor , bro I'm not trying to stay cut but I just want to limit unuseful fat gains , but gaining fat doesn't worry me when bulking ...
does anybody here have a meal planning with 4000-5000 cals per day with 40-45% prot/35-40% carbs/20% fat ?
mike1107 said:
ok guys thanx for the inputs .
If i read good , I must :
- increase the cals from protein in particular
- put some peanut butter for good fats with my proteins instead of putting them with my carbs

Vitor , bro I'm not trying to stay cut but I just want to limit unuseful fat gains , but gaining fat doesn't worry me when bulking ...
does anybody here have a meal planning with 4000-5000 cals per day with 40-45% prot/35-40% carbs/20% fat ?

If you already like your menu at 3800 calories and it already has the Prot, carbs and fat % you want just up each of the meals by the appropriate %..

eg If you want 4750 calories just add 20% to the grams in each meal.

Lets see it is very simple. If you eat 6 meals per day, each meal has to have 700 Calories for 4200 cals, or each meal has to be 800 cals.

1 cup of oatmeal 300 cals
3 scoops of whey 330cals
1 cup of OJ 100cals
1 Bananna

THis breakfast has about 120grams of carbs, and 66 grams of protein

Then go on from there, this was an Idea
For a bulking lunch

2 Roast beef sandwhices
2 scoops of whey

1lbs of steak some veggies <-- tons of fat, and great protein,

I Dunno im just throwing out ideas. One tip I have though is when I was my most massive around 237 I would have 1 lb of steak 1-2 times per day.
To much fat my friend, dont take the olive oil and the peanut butter, the fats you will need are in the foods you are taken (chicken, meat, yolks)

Add more protein, remember that you are using gh and juice and for your weight you need about 460 gr of protein,
If you have the slow metabolism you said just make it quickly with t3 and dont worry with the slim if you reduce your fat intake...
and remember.......
......There is no space for the littles!!!!!!!!!!!
def not enough fat if u have a slow metabolism ull do much better witha lower carb intake and higher fat and protein intake
Mr_Magoo said:
def not enough fat if u have a slow metabolism ull do much better witha lower carb intake and higher fat and protein intake

even if I'm bulking ?
bigheinz said:
To much fat my friend, dont take the olive oil and the peanut butter, the fats you will need are in the foods you are taken (chicken, meat, yolks)

Add more protein, remember that you are using gh and juice and for your weight you need about 460 gr of protein,
If you have the slow metabolism you said just make it quickly with t3 and dont worry with the slim if you reduce your fat intake...
and remember.......
......There is no space for the littles!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks BH ... aren't olive oil and peanut butter supposed to be "good" fat ?
In fact I don't take that much fat : 10 g of olive oil in meals 2,3,4 and 10 grams of peanut butter in my before sleeping night shake
Bro, bulking doesn't have to mean simply stuffing your face. There is an easy way to calcutate calories, especially if you're going to be on for a while (sounds like you are). First of all, start with an amount of calories that you Know will produce no fat gains. Then, every 5-10 days (depending on what you feel comfortable with), add 200-300 cals to the total daily intake. For example, lets say it's been a week since you've added weight---that is the time to add 200-300 cals. It's very simple, 200-300 cals might mean adding an oz or two of macadamia nuts to one meal and 1 oz of lean beef to another meal. Follow this protocol and you can slowly and consistantly put on muscle, while limiting fat gain.
It seems that many people decide to bulk for X amount of weeks, and decide to stick with X amount of calories from the very beginning. If you start with a lot more cals than your body needs, you're going to put on too much fat. Also, if you never increase the calories from the week #1 amount, you won't be giving your body an optimal chance for muscle gain. If someone starts week #1 with 3000 cals/day, he is going to need more calories by week #6 (assuming, of course, that he has added muscle mass and increased his metabolic expenditure).

As far as %'s, if you put on fat easily, I would concentrate on oatmeal and veggies (like broccoli) as your carb sources. You probably should have no more than 25-30grams carbs in any one meal (except possibly post workout). Your % of fat should be higher than % of carbs. Some folks say you need lot's of carbs to bulk (they are probably the one's with the very fast metabolism's:)), but you're not interested in water weight gain. Like some guys said-- Flax, olive oil, fish oils; and I love macadamia nuts. They are very caloricaly dense, they make it easy to increase cals without lots of bulk and bloat (and they taste damn good, too). Eat plenty of fiber! Also, you should probably stay away from insulin. If your metabolism is slow, you'll put on mucho fat.........hope this helps....

I only get extra fats from omega 3 when i am carb depleting in a countest diet.
Peanut butter and olive oil are good fats but in a bulking diet will be a lot of fat and before sleeping man... no way!!!
In a bulking diet yo will get about 30 gr of fats from the food and that is anouff to you.
If you take 500 gr of protein , 500 gr of carbs, 30 gr of fats , you will get 4300 cals and then you can work with it looking at how your body answear to those cals and gh, juice, slim, t3. if you need more cals for gain more weight encrease you calories intake with another meal or a weight gainer or if you want to gain lean mass do the Dr. S formula, it is an exelent formula used by Mike Mentzer and i am doing it now to gain lean mass too.
Hey , thanks a lot to both of you bros , really helpful !!!
Dr.S said:
Bro, bulking doesn't have to mean simply stuffing your face. There is an easy way to calcutate calories, especially if you're going to be on for a while (sounds like you are). First of all, start with an amount of calories that you Know will produce no fat gains. Then, every 5-10 days (depending on what you feel comfortable with), add 200-300 cals to the total daily intake. For example, lets say it's been a week since you've added weight---that is the time to add 200-300 cals. It's very simple, 200-300 cals might mean adding an oz or two of macadamia nuts to one meal and 1 oz of lean beef to another meal. Follow this protocol and you can slowly and consistantly put on muscle, while limiting fat gain.
It seems that many people decide to bulk for X amount of weeks, and decide to stick with X amount of calories from the very beginning. If you start with a lot more cals than your body needs, you're going to put on too much fat. Also, if you never increase the calories from the week #1 amount, you won't be giving your body an optimal chance for muscle gain. If someone starts week #1 with 3000 cals/day, he is going to need more calories by week #6 (assuming, of course, that he has added muscle mass and increased his metabolic expenditure).

As far as %'s, if you put on fat easily, I would concentrate on oatmeal and veggies (like broccoli) as your carb sources. You probably should have no more than 25-30grams carbs in any one meal (except possibly post workout). Your % of fat should be higher than % of carbs. Some folks say you need lot's of carbs to bulk (they are probably the one's with the very fast metabolism's:)), but you're not interested in water weight gain. Like some guys said-- Flax, olive oil, fish oils; and I love macadamia nuts. They are very caloricaly dense, they make it easy to increase cals without lots of bulk and bloat (and they taste damn good, too). Eat plenty of fiber! Also, you should probably stay away from insulin. If your metabolism is slow, you'll put on mucho fat.........hope this helps....

what he said, hes very rigt although i would just stay away from carbs till postworkout and rely on proteins and fats the rest of the time as it wokrs for lean bulking so well, and u should def stay away from slin, also u need so much more fat then 30 g a day like bigheinz suggests, and far less carbs, pm me with questions

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