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Critique my cycle please...

sam salters

New member
Feb 6, 2008
This cycle is going to be for a lean bulk and to hopefully drop a little bf% as well. I am prone to hairloss and currently take .25mg Propecia (finasteride) a day (won’t go any higher than this without AAS due to all the horror stories I hear). This dosage has seemed to stop my hairloss completely while off but I will use 1mg day while on to help combat hair loss. My Anavar use will run for 6 weeks, from the last 4 weeks of Test E injections into the 2 week gap between my cycle and PCT so that both the Anavar and Test E clear my system about the same time (opinions on this idea would be appreciated vs. running it the last 6 weeks of Test E injections). My Test E is going to stay fairly low as I want to avoid as many sides as possible.

Cycle: Week 1-10 (70 days):

Test E- 200mg every 3 days (ex.- 200mg Mon, 200mg Thurs, 200mg Sun, 200mg Wed, etc. to keep it at more stable levels and hopefully avoid fluctuating levels; equivalent of about 466mg/week)
Arimidex- .25mg/EOD Week 2-10
Finasteride- 1mg/day Week 1-10
Nolvadex- 10mg/day Week 4-10 (just as a precaution, had a little gyno flare up last cycle with Test E @ 500mg/week)
Anavar- 50mg/day Week 7-10

Break between Cycle and PCT: Week 11-12 (14 days):

Anavar- 50mg/day
Arimedex- .25mg/EOD
Finasteride- 1mg/day

PCT: Week 13-18 (42 days):

Clomid- 100mg/50mg/50mg/25mg/25mg/17.5mg
Aromasin- 25mg/day day 1-30 of PCT
Nolvadex- 10mg/10mg/5mg/5mg/2.5mg/2.5mg
DNP- 200mg/day for day 1-20 of PCT (help take off some fat and to help preserve muscle)
Finasteride- .25mg/day


Protein Factory Unleashed (2nd week of 2 week break through PCT)
Multivitamin (2 per day)
Fish oil (2 per day)
Flaxseed oil (2 per day)
Glutamine PWO
Creatine 2x a day; No Xplode Pre WO and Green Magnitude PWO (given a jug of each by a friend) until Anavar begins and once Anavar begins 2x a day CEE with Anavar (1 in the morning with shake and 1 PWO)
Joint support vitamins (with Glucosamine, etc.)

-My orals will be taken with a cup of white grapefruit juice, I will take the Arimidex, Nolva, and half my Anavar together with breakfast (around 7:30AM in the week) and the other half of my Anavar will be taken 1.5 hours before I workout with my afternoon snack (around 5:30PM). For PCT, I will take the Aromasin, Nolva, and Clomid at breakfast with grapefruit juice.

Would it be better to mix the orals in the grapefruit juice or just squirt them down my throat then drink the grapefruit juice to wash them down. Also, I plan on using a regular syring to get accurate dosing with my orals, since orals won't be injected can I use the same syringe to draw daily? I would have 1 dedicated syringe per each liquid oral and keep it capped when not in use. I was thinking about it and it would take a lot of syringes to use a new one each time I took my orals.

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Also, for my lean bulk does 700 calories above maintenance sound like enough for a lean bulk cycle? I have done lean bulk's before but without AAS and was not sure what would be the optimal amount of calories over maintenance to build muscle and not put on fat (or a minimal amount).

The main focus imo when your running gear is getting enough protein cause i mean thats basically what it does..increases protein synthesis (provided your busting ass smartly in the gym)

Then get enough good carbs to supply your workouts

add some EFAs/healthy oils/nuts/natty/pb

you should see some nice gains.

the serms + ais seems like overkill for just that cycle but better to be safe than sorry i suppose..maybe one of the more experienced bros can chime in on this.

Gl man enjoy it and stay focused
I would agree with the overkill on the AI, unless your prone to gyno. .25mg arimidex eod or e3ds is sufficient. If you start to get sensitive nipples then I would add the nolvadex 20mg day then when the sensitivity goes down go to 10mg/day, but I would save the nolva for the end.

For PCT, you can drop the Aromasin, and I would add hcg 500 iu every 5 days for 4 weeks.

Your cycle is very mild, and you dont want to over kill the SERMs and AIs, some water retention is beneficial for gains.

I would just do the test e once every 7 days instead of once every 3. Test E is long acting, there is no reason to pin yourself that much.

As for hairloss, go to minoxidil.com.... they have topical solutions and shampoos that I use to use that worked. Keep in mind, all you can do is slow it down.... by regularly treating my hairloss, I got about an extra 10 years before I had to start shaving it

-just my advice.... good luck
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I don't know your background for gear usage but throwing in Tren at 300 mg a week for the duration would yield some solid hardening and leaning gains with great strength as well. Just a thought.
I don't know your background for gear usage but throwing in Tren at 300 mg a week for the duration would yield some solid hardening and leaning gains with great strength as well. Just a thought.

He stated that he's trying to avoid side effects and go with as mild a cycle as possible. Suggesting he use tren is irresponsible in this case, and there is no need for it in this cycle.
He stated that he's trying to avoid side effects and go with as mild a cycle as possible. Suggesting he use tren is irresponsible in this case, and there is no need for it in this cycle.

This cycle is going to be for a lean bulk and to hopefully drop a little bf% as well. I am prone to hairloss and currently take .25mg Propecia (finasteride) a day (won’t go any higher than this without AAS due to all the horror stories I hear). This dosage has seemed to stop my hairloss completely while off but I will use 1mg day while on to help combat hair loss. My Anavar use will run for 6 weeks, from the last 4 weeks of Test E injections into the 2 week gap between my cycle and PCT so that both the Anavar and Test E clear my system about the same time (opinions on this idea would be appreciated vs. running it the last 6 weeks of Test E injections). My Test E is going to stay fairly low as I want to avoid as many sides as possible.

Cycle: Week 1-10 (70 days):

Test E- 200mg every 3 days (ex.- 200mg Mon, 200mg Thurs, 200mg Sun, 200mg Wed, etc. to keep it at more stable levels and hopefully avoid fluctuating levels; equivalent of about 466mg/week)
Arimidex- .25mg/day Week 2-10
Finasteride- 1mg/day Week 1-10
Nolvadex- 10mg/day Week 4-10 (just as a precaution, had a little gyno flare up last cycle with Test E @ 500mg/week)
Anavar- 50mg/day Week 7-10

Break between Cycle and PCT: Week 11-12 (14 days):

Anavar- 50mg/day
Arimedex- .25mg/day
Finasteride- 1mg/day

PCT: Week 13-18 (42 days):

Clomid- 100mg/50mg/50mg/25mg/25mg/17.5mg
Aromasin- 25mg/day day 1-30 of PCT
Nolvadex- 10mg/10mg/5mg/5mg/2.5mg/2.5mg
DNP- 200mg/day for day 1-20 of PCT (help take off some fat and to help preserve muscle)
Finasteride- .25mg/day


Protein Factory Unleashed (2nd week of 2 week break through PCT)
Multivitamin (2 per day)
Fish oil (2 per day)
Flaxseed oil (2 per day)
Glutamine PWO
Creatine 2x a day; No Xplode Pre WO and Green Magnitude PWO (given a jug of each by a friend) until Anavar begins and once Anavar begins 2x a day CEE with Anavar (1 in the morning with shake and 1 PWO)
Joint support vitamins (with Glucosamine, etc.)

-My orals will be taken with a cup of white grapefruit juice, I will take the Arimidex, Nolva, and half my Anavar together with breakfast (around 7:30AM in the week) and the other half of my Anavar will be taken 1.5 hours before I workout with my afternoon snack (around 5:30PM). For PCT, I will take the Aromasin, Nolva, and Clomid at breakfast with grapefruit juice.

Would it be better to mix the orals in the grapefruit juice or just squirt them down my throat then drink the grapefruit juice to wash them down. Also, I plan on using a regular syring to get accurate dosing with my orals, since orals won't be injected can I use the same syringe to draw daily? I would have 1 dedicated syringe per each liquid oral and keep it capped when not in use. I was thinking about it and it would take a lot of syringes to use a new one each time I took my orals.


this actually looks like a well thought out plan from a 6th grader

Why is it no one ever includes height, weight, bf percentage, age, and training style when asking these things?
because when someone is on mission to run a cycle posting their shit and us telling them its not a good idea usually doesnt matter so mines well help them not kill themselves with gear
He stated that he's trying to avoid side effects and go with as mild a cycle as possible. Suggesting he use tren is irresponsible in this case, and there is no need for it in this cycle.

correct flex. like I said this is a mild cycle as I am prone to AAS and trying to hold out as long as possible and last cycle I had a little gyno flare up (quickly taken care of with nolva) and some acne and want to avoid as many sides as possible with this cycle so I am avoiding things like tren (although I'd love to use it)

Why is it no one ever includes height, weight, bf percentage, age, and training style when asking these things?

because my diet and training are not anything I have any questions about, my diet is great and i bust my ass off in the gym with multiple workouts to continually keep things changing up. I'm 5'10, 218lbs, 8%BF

Waay to much Arimidex

It was supposed to be EOD on the Arimidex, it was a typo there.
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because when someone is on mission to run a cycle posting their shit and us telling them its not a good idea usually doesnt matter so mines well help them not kill themselves with gear

this actually looks like a well thought out plan from a 6th grader


What do you think needs work? I posted here to get some advice not some smartass comments ;) , I'm not a 15 year old kid trying to get JACKED who posts this shit and then ignores all the warning, I have been training seriously for 13 years and looking to do my second cycle and asking for some advice (which I plan to take that is why I am asking for it......)

So far.....ditch the aromasin, arimidex EOD not ED (was a typo), I meant to add HCG on there as well will be running it the last 4 weeks of my cycle as well. Communist, you said HCG during PCT, I may have read bunk info but I have read posts/threads that they said it's not a great idea to use HCG with PCT that it should be used during your cycle only?

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this actually looks like a well thought out plan from a 6th grader

OMG! i almost spit my food all over my computer screen when i read this! LMAO... damn your funny bro, this board would be boring without you tenny!!!!!!!!!!
Tenny ---- Bro you KILL me !!! LOL !!! :D

Honestly bro, what do you think is a good cycle or what are your thoughts on cycling ? Just curious... :cool:

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