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Cycle advice, opinions and help please?


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Well, im going to be starting this cycle sometime in mid may. I wanna hold off on starting right away because im going on a cruise the first week of may, and obviously i wouldnt bring my gear on the ship and pin... Not to mention I would be unable to keep diet and training in check, and thats something thats going to be really important to me through the duration of the cycle.

Without further ado!

Week 1-12: Sustanon 500mg/wk (250mg mon 250mg fri)
Week 1-8: Tren A 75mg/EOD
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50mg/ED
Week 1-14: Arimidex .25mg/ED
Week 14-18 PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50

Suggestions? How does this look? Also, What would be the best way to run my AI?

Thanks for the suggestions guys
Your cycle I would say looks ok bro, but do you mind me asking how many cycles you have done before? I only ask since you are posting in the Beginners Forum and I dont think any Beginner should do Tren without having at least 5 or 6 decent cycles under his belt. Most pros on here will tell you that Tren is for people who compete. And you are planning on stacking Tren with Adrol, so....

You will blow up for sure but it will more than likely be accompanied with heavy sides, and neither the Nolva or Adex will protect you from the sides of Tren which is a 19-Nor derivative. You need Pramiprexole, Dostinex or Cabergoline. There are a number of sponsors who carry these products and it would be very wise to have one of these on hand in case Tren sides kick in which can be a real bitch. I would also take Clomid throughout the entire cycle 50 mg EOD so your balls dont shrink to the size of jelly beans.

Good luck!
number 1

why do you need anybody to look at your proposed cycle??

number 2

who are you??? long you been training???
how old are you???.....whats your diet like???

number 3

why would you start this thread when you just became
a member yesterday????


maybe you should read the board rules
maybe you should get more involved before asking such
maybe you should just read the fuckin forum awhile

maybe i should shut the fuck up:eek:
Your cycle I would say looks ok bro, but do you mind me asking how many cycles you have done before? I only ask since you are posting in the Beginners Forum and I dont think any Beginner should do Tren without having at least 5 or 6 decent cycles under his belt. Most pros on here will tell you that Tren is for people who compete. And you are planning on stacking Tren with Adrol, so....

You will blow up for sure but it will more than likely be accompanied with heavy sides, and neither the Nolva or Adex will protect you from the sides of Tren which is a 19-Nor derivative. You need Pramiprexole, Dostinex or Cabergoline. There are a number of sponsors who carry these products and it would be very wise to have one of these on hand in case Tren sides kick in which can be a real bitch. I would also take Clomid throughout the entire cycle 50 mg EOD so your balls dont shrink to the size of jelly beans.

Good luck!

No man, I dont mind you asking at all. In fact im glad you did.... but to answer the question, i dont have much experience with injects at all, only a simple 8 week sust cycle. However, Ive done a few oral only cycles. With that said, I guess I am a beginner of sorts in this area, but the reason i posted in the beginner section was because im a beginner to these forums! (Thought thats what it meant :eek:) lol. I was going to pickup some caber to have on hand incase i needed it. I was under the impression that nolva use while on cycle with tren was a no-no?

Anyways.... I've never thought about using clomid on cycle. Is that a common practice? And thanks for the input man, it's appreciated!
number 1

why do you need anybody to look at your proposed cycle??

number 2

who are you??? long you been training???
how old are you???.....whats your diet like???

number 3

why would you start this thread when you just became
a member yesterday????


maybe you should read the board rules
maybe you should get more involved before asking such
maybe you should just read the fuckin forum awhile

maybe i should shut the fuck up:eek:

Why don't you answer these questions???
number 1

why do you need anybody to look at your proposed cycle??
I dont NEED anyone to look at it, but I guess the answer to this question could be found in my original post. Just looking for opinions and suggestions so I run this as properly as possible, thats all.

number 2

who are you??? long you been training???
how old are you???.....whats your diet like???
My name is Adam, i'm 21 (22 next month), and ive been training for a continuous 3 years (ONLY counting SERIOUS training, not the BSing around i did in highschool). My diet is taken care of by the trainer at my gym, who's also a competitive bodybuilder. Maybe if you read my thread at the top of this page you'd know this :p;)

number 3

why would you start this thread when you just became
a member yesterday????
You know, this is a good question. I had a feeling this would be a bad idea, but i went against my better judgement. I've been reading around this forum for months and there's a TON of knowledgeable people in here, I definitely look up to you guys. So, I finally decided to make an account. I guess i just figured it would be a smart idea to have people with knowledge far beyond mine give this a good once over before I begin, didnt think it would be a problem if i did so in a respectful manner.

Thank you..

maybe you should read the board rules
I already have

maybe you should get more involved before asking such
Youre probably right here...

maybe you should just read the fuckin forum awhile
I have been (Reading) these boards for a while

maybe i should shut the fuck up:eek:
Nah man, dont shut up! im glad youre in my thread :D

Tenny, Just from reading these boards I know you know your shit and youre a HUGE knowledge base to these forums. Just want to say, THANK YOU for that alone! I'm not about to come onto these forums and disrespect one of the elites, because you definitely have my respect. But please man, also treat me with respect , i'm a person too...
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Well, im going to be starting this cycle sometime in mid may. I wanna hold off on starting right away because im going on a cruise the first week of may, and obviously i wouldnt bring my gear on the ship and pin... Not to mention I would be unable to keep diet and training in check, and thats something thats going to be really important to me through the duration of the cycle.

Without further ado!

Week 1-12: Sustanon 500mg/wk (250mg mon 250mg fri)
Week 1-8: Tren A 75mg/EOD
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50mg/ED
Week 1-14: Arimidex .25mg/ED
Week 14-18 PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50

Suggestions? How does this look? Also, What would be the best way to run my AI?

Thanks for the suggestions guys

Im by NO MEANS an expert, but if you are a novice, why start with tren? My first cycle i was getting advice to 'brrroooo you gotta use tren! Its sweet!'. Well, its effects are obvious as far as gains....but i think some newer guys may not have read up enough on it. It can get pretty nasty. Scared me off at least (considering ive only done one cycle) but ima puss soooo... :eek:
From one Baller to seem like a good guy..I like the responses to the questions lol..Glad you answered them with a humble point of view otherwise it would have been a rocky start for you at PM ;) Welcome to the board bro..Cycle looks diesel..something a little too heavy for my liking and I have done at least 6 or 7 cycles..Adrol is too harsh and overkill if you ask me but some people will say the same about Tren..You would probably be better off sticking with only too Adrol and Test or (preferabbly)Tren and Test, not all three..Just my opinion...
OK, I will answer you with a question. Why do you need AAS?

I love body building.... Lifting weights is my one true passion. When nothing else is there, the weights still are. It might sound pathetic, but its my one true center.

I moved out with my girl when I was 18, and shortly after that was when i became serious with my weight lifting. I got a job opportunity in the middle east after graduating the automotive program at my college, where i spent 12hours a day every day in a hot warehouse servicing military vehicles. After the bus delivered us back to the hotel they were putting us away in, everyone walked back to their rooms slowly, tiredly, with their heads hanging down. Beat. I got back to my room as quickly as i could, whipped up the NO XPlode i brought with me from home, threw on my shorts and a Tee and went to the weight room. The weight room was just outside the pool where most of the other contractors hungout, and was made completely of glass so everyone could see I was in there. It was just me alone in there every day, tearing it up. I knew nobody, I was young and in a foreign country. All I knew was how to work on vehicles, and the weights. I ended up getting the nickname 'muscles', and everyone always questioned where i came up with the energy to do it after working 12 hours a day every day. I guess I was just that committed that it didnt bother me. Hell, I had to do it, I wouldnt let myself get lazy. It was my after work treat, what i looked foward to the entire day.... I just wished that i could have eaten better while there. Breakfast lunch and dinner was IT, and we got what they fed us. Despite the poor diet, I still grew.

After a few months of doing that I returned home with a pocket full of money and a better physique. My girl (who was pregnant with our little girl) greeted me at the airport, I was so happy to see her. The first thing she did was comment on how great i looked. I was happy and I knew i couldnt let it go, I had to maintain it, and not only that, build on it. The bug had bitten me. Well, we got another place right up the street from the gym I started at, so i renewed my membership. They didnt charge me, because they knew I was doing something for our country. I continued to train like a beast and continued to grow. At that point, I started focusing on my diet. You see, I started out fat so my training alone carried my a long way, but I realized I had to start eating right, cutting the junk out and eating more (A LOT more) of the good stuff. It's crazy how that works... I so rarely eat fast food I cant even eat mcdonalds anymore without feeling like ABSOLUTE garbage, amazes me how i managed to stuff down several big macs a week just 4 years ago and still survive.

Time passed and I ran out of money. I was young (still am), and spent it foolishly. My hours got cut back where I worked and she lost her job and was unable to find another one. we began to feel the effects of the economy, and unfortunately had to move back home to our parents. My parents lived about an hour and a half away in a town where I knew nobody, so the transition sucked, and I had no connections for a job and no gym. To top it off, my car blewup, so it left me unemployed with no transportation. All I had were my dumbbells and my bench on the back porch. I did what i could with it every day, but it wasnt enough and i was pretty down about it. At this point my training was too advanced for that, I needed a gym to operate. My mom knew how much i loved lifting and ended up surprising me with a membership at a gym called the athletic club (where im still training at) a few miles up the road. I rode my bike 5 miles there and 5 miles back every day to train (hey - its cardio right?). I ended up getting a job at a local restaurant cooking so I took over the gym payments, but I was happy she did that for me. You can imagine how much time i was spending in the gym in a town with no friends and NOTHING to do. It was literally my second home! I probably would have went insane if i never picked up body building.

Anyways, thats my story... Like I said, no matter where i'm at in life, be it high or low, the weights are still there. And to answer your question, i dont feel like i NEED aas at all. I could make gains for the rest of my life without it through training and eating like a beast, but i'm a competitive person by nature. I strive to be the best i can be at what im good at, and this is no different. I feel like im at a point now where i can consider my options.. Hope i've answered you thoroughly enough
Im by NO MEANS an expert, but if you are a novice, why start with tren? My first cycle i was getting advice to 'brrroooo you gotta use tren! Its sweet!'. Well, its effects are obvious as far as gains....but i think some newer guys may not have read up enough on it. It can get pretty nasty. Scared me off at least (considering ive only done one cycle) but ima puss soooo... :eek:

I feel you man, thats why im in here trying to get all my bases covered for this cycle.. hopefully some of the gurus will chime in and let me know if i'm missing anything here.

And ballen, thanks man! lol, like i said im just trying to give respect where its due. I might consider dropping the adrol, but as of now, I have 28 50mg caps so i plan on running it for 4 weeks at 50mg (which is a pretty moderate dosage). But, if the risks far outweigh the benefit i would be willing to drop it all together
I love body building.... Lifting weights is my one true passion. When nothing else is there, the weights still are. It might sound pathetic, but its my one true center.

I moved out with my girl when I was 18, and shortly after that was when i became serious with my weight lifting. I got a job opportunity in the middle east after graduating the automotive program at my college, where i spent 12hours a day every day in a hot warehouse servicing military vehicles. After the bus delivered us back to the hotel they were putting us away in, everyone walked back to their rooms slowly, tiredly, with their heads hanging down. Beat. I got back to my room as quickly as i could, whipped up the NO XPlode i brought with me from home, threw on my shorts and a Tee and went to the weight room. The weight room was just outside the pool where most of the other contractors hungout, and was made completely of glass so everyone could see I was in there. It was just me alone in there every day, tearing it up. I knew nobody, I was young and in a foreign country. All I knew was how to work on vehicles, and the weights. I ended up getting the nickname 'muscles', and everyone always questioned where i came up with the energy to do it after working 12 hours a day every day. I guess I was just that committed that it didnt bother me. Hell, I had to do it, I wouldnt let myself get lazy. It was my after work treat, what i looked foward to the entire day.... I just wished that i could have eaten better while there. Breakfast lunch and dinner was IT, and we got what they fed us. Despite the poor diet, I still grew.

After a few months of doing that I returned home with a pocket full of money and a better physique. My girl (who was pregnant with our little girl) greeted me at the airport, I was so happy to see her. The first thing she did was comment on how great i looked. I was happy and I knew i couldnt let it go, I had to maintain it, and not only that, build on it. The bug had bitten me. Well, we got another place right up the street from the gym I started at, so i renewed my membership. They didnt charge me, because they knew I was doing something for our country. I continued to train like a beast and continued to grow. At that point, I started focusing on my diet. You see, I started out fat so my training alone carried my a long way, but I realized I had to start eating right, cutting the junk out and eating more (A LOT more) of the good stuff. It's crazy how that works... I so rarely eat fast food I cant even eat mcdonalds anymore without feeling like ABSOLUTE garbage, amazes me how i managed to stuff down several big macs a week just 4 years ago and still survive.

Time passed and I ran out of money. I was young (still am), and spent it foolishly. My hours got cut back where I worked and she lost her job and was unable to find another one. we began to feel the effects of the economy, and unfortunately had to move back home to our parents. My parents lived about an hour and a half away in a town where I knew nobody, so the transition sucked, and I had no connections for a job and no gym. To top it off, my car blewup, so it left me unemployed with no transportation. All I had were my dumbbells and my bench on the back porch. I did what i could with it every day, but it wasnt enough and i was pretty down about it. At this point my training was too advanced for that, I needed a gym to operate. My mom knew how much i loved lifting and ended up surprising me with a membership at a gym called the athletic club (where im still training at) a few miles up the road. I rode my bike 5 miles there and 5 miles back every day to train (hey - its cardio right?). I ended up getting a job at a local restaurant cooking so I took over the gym payments, but I was happy she did that for me. You can imagine how much time i was spending in the gym in a town with no friends and NOTHING to do. It was literally my second home! I probably would have went insane if i never picked up body building.

Anyways, thats my story... Like I said, no matter where i'm at in life, be it high or low, the weights are still there. And to answer your question, i dont feel like i NEED aas at all. I could make gains for the rest of my life without it through training and eating like a beast, but i'm a competitive person by nature. I strive to be the best i can be at what im good at, and this is no different. I feel like im at a point now where i can consider my options.. Hope i've answered you thoroughly enough

I got to say young man, I was impressed with your answer and attitude. OK, I been in this for 30 years and this is what I think. I think you can still grow and naturally. At 21, I wouldn't venture into AAS, unless I was offered a million dollar contract. Sounds like you are just starting out with a young family. That should be your main focus for now. I got to admit, training has made me the body of someone 1/2 my age, but now it is a lifestyle for me.

The problem I had when starting out was this, I was consumed by it. Putting it first, before anything. Don't fall into that trap, where you put it above anything. I am not genetically blessed, I had to really work hard to get where I am. I contribute the way I look now to how I focus with my DIET. I know you say you have someone. There are the best of the best on this board. Who really know training and Diet and can teach the best out there.

You want to put things in your body that can have adverse effects. Think about that, you being young with a family. When you turn 30, your body will adjust to test better. Have you ever ran a complete blood profile? Do you know what your ttest levels are now? See this is something you should do first, it tells a story. I cycle through the years, but before doing a cycle I would run a blood profile.

Get someone who can undersand your body type and train you natural for a while. I would almost bet, they can put some good size on you in a couple of years. ;)
I feel you man, thats why im in here trying to get all my bases covered for this cycle.. hopefully some of the gurus will chime in and let me know if i'm missing anything here.

And ballen, thanks man! lol, like i said im just trying to give respect where its due. I might consider dropping the adrol, but as of now, I have 28 50mg caps so i plan on running it for 4 weeks at 50mg (which is a pretty moderate dosage). But, if the risks far outweigh the benefit i would be willing to drop it all together

I wouldnt run the tren and anadrol together. Both of them have a strong tendency to raise your blood pressure. Pick on and stick with that. Save the other for your next cycle. My personal opinion of anadrol is that it sucks. Used it one time and thats it. It made me feel like shit. It really jacks up your red blood cell count. I had terrible headaches on that stuff. Sides totally not worth it. Id use dbol anyday over that crap. The sides on tren were more tolerable for me.

Honestly though, with your experience cycling and limiited time in the gym I would just stick to 500 mg/wk sust. If youre intent on combining 2 drugs, id probably go with the tren. The dose you suggest is fine.
Heres my opinion.

1) Drop the sust and replace it with test E or C, keep the dose the same.
2) Drop the tren if you keep the anadrol or vice versa
3) if you do run the drol and tren together keep in mind they have somewhat of a reputation for causing "proggy" gyno. You will only be running them together for 4 weeks but if your prone to gyno you might want to add bromo along with your adex or at least have some bromo on hand. I'm personally prone to this and have used bromo with good results.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure.

Last edited:
I wouldnt run the tren and anadrol together. Both of them have a strong tendency to raise your blood pressure. Pick on and stick with that. Save the other for your next cycle. My personal opinion of anadrol is that it sucks. Used it one time and thats it. It made me feel like shit. It really jacks up your red blood cell count. I had terrible headaches on that stuff. Sides totally not worth it. Id use dbol anyday over that crap. The sides on tren were more tolerable for me.

Honestly though, with your experience cycling and limiited time in the gym I would just stick to 500 mg/wk sust. If youre intent on combining 2 drugs, id probably go with the tren. The dose you suggest is fine.

I agree for what its worth. If you are intent on using drugs this early, and IMO its a personal decision that shouldnt really get flamed although i would think long and hard about pesty's post, as hes been around the block, i would suggest a straight up 500mg test cycle. I say this because I just turned 26, and am by no means a monster, but that was/is my first cycle and i almost feel like im growing TOO fast! I get slight muscle cramps all the time, which i can only attribute to growing faster then my body can respond. (im taking all standard protocols for cramps with minimal success). I started at about 228 with slightly visible abs at 6 ft. Im 249 now, and i dont know for certain but having competed before, and looking at my condition now, id say im in the high single digits of bf. It was a WILD gain in size, and even more so in strength! And this was all from just 500mg of cyp a week!

I guess my point is why do more then you have too? Like Maldorf said, save something for your next cycle! Whatever you decide, best of luck bro. Like all these guys are saying, you seem like a stand up guy.
I love body building.... Lifting weights is my one true passion. When nothing else is there, the weights still are. It might sound pathetic, but its my one true center.

I moved out with my girl when I was 18, and shortly after that was when i became serious with my weight lifting. I got a job opportunity in the middle east after graduating the automotive program at my college, where i spent 12hours a day every day in a hot warehouse servicing military vehicles. After the bus delivered us back to the hotel they were putting us away in, everyone walked back to their rooms slowly, tiredly, with their heads hanging down. Beat. I got back to my room as quickly as i could, whipped up the NO XPlode i brought with me from home, threw on my shorts and a Tee and went to the weight room. The weight room was just outside the pool where most of the other contractors hungout, and was made completely of glass so everyone could see I was in there. It was just me alone in there every day, tearing it up. I knew nobody, I was young and in a foreign country. All I knew was how to work on vehicles, and the weights. I ended up getting the nickname 'muscles', and everyone always questioned where i came up with the energy to do it after working 12 hours a day every day. I guess I was just that committed that it didnt bother me. Hell, I had to do it, I wouldnt let myself get lazy. It was my after work treat, what i looked foward to the entire day.... I just wished that i could have eaten better while there. Breakfast lunch and dinner was IT, and we got what they fed us. Despite the poor diet, I still grew.

After a few months of doing that I returned home with a pocket full of money and a better physique. My girl (who was pregnant with our little girl) greeted me at the airport, I was so happy to see her. The first thing she did was comment on how great i looked. I was happy and I knew i couldnt let it go, I had to maintain it, and not only that, build on it. The bug had bitten me. Well, we got another place right up the street from the gym I started at, so i renewed my membership. They didnt charge me, because they knew I was doing something for our country. I continued to train like a beast and continued to grow. At that point, I started focusing on my diet. You see, I started out fat so my training alone carried my a long way, but I realized I had to start eating right, cutting the junk out and eating more (A LOT more) of the good stuff. It's crazy how that works... I so rarely eat fast food I cant even eat mcdonalds anymore without feeling like ABSOLUTE garbage, amazes me how i managed to stuff down several big macs a week just 4 years ago and still survive.

Time passed and I ran out of money. I was young (still am), and spent it foolishly. My hours got cut back where I worked and she lost her job and was unable to find another one. we began to feel the effects of the economy, and unfortunately had to move back home to our parents. My parents lived about an hour and a half away in a town where I knew nobody, so the transition sucked, and I had no connections for a job and no gym. To top it off, my car blewup, so it left me unemployed with no transportation. All I had were my dumbbells and my bench on the back porch. I did what i could with it every day, but it wasnt enough and i was pretty down about it. At this point my training was too advanced for that, I needed a gym to operate. My mom knew how much i loved lifting and ended up surprising me with a membership at a gym called the athletic club (where im still training at) a few miles up the road. I rode my bike 5 miles there and 5 miles back every day to train (hey - its cardio right?). I ended up getting a job at a local restaurant cooking so I took over the gym payments, but I was happy she did that for me. You can imagine how much time i was spending in the gym in a town with no friends and NOTHING to do. It was literally my second home! I probably would have went insane if i never picked up body building.

Anyways, thats my story... Like I said, no matter where i'm at in life, be it high or low, the weights are still there. And to answer your question, i dont feel like i NEED aas at all. I could make gains for the rest of my life without it through training and eating like a beast, but i'm a competitive person by nature. I strive to be the best i can be at what im good at, and this is no different. I feel like im at a point now where i can consider my options.. Hope i've answered you thoroughly enough

now we will answer any questions you have

was that so hard????

Sorry guys.... I've been missing in action for the past few days, but im back.

Anyways, my questions are pretty simple, here they are..

1) Does my dosing and the amount of time ill be taking my arimidex look ok? I wanna start it day one, and drop it the day before PCT, right?

2) If my last pin of sust is week 12, I wanna start PCT in week 14 to allow the esters to clear, right?

3) Is there any other ancilliaries i should have on hand?

4) Does anyone have any experience with GAULS gear? Is it quality stuff... The prices seem great

If anyone has any other input, id GREATLY appreciate it

Heres my opinion.

1) Drop the sust and replace it with test E or C, keep the dose the same.
2) Drop the tren if you keep the anadrol or vice versa
3) if you do run the drol and tren together keep in mind they have somewhat of a reputation for causing "proggy" gyno. You will only be running them together for 4 weeks but if your prone to gyno you might want to add bromo along with your adex or at least have some bromo on hand. I'm personally prone to this and have used bromo with good results.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure.


1) Why?
2) How would you recommend running the bromo? Does anyone else recommend using it too?

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