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D-NUTZ log (Aurum RX) , Test P - anadrol inject


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 9, 2015
LiquidDrol (ANADROL 25mg)

Any information will help our community,we'd love to see pictures of the product if you can,thanks!
pictures say a million things to people

we would really love to see prod pictures and users pics before and after if possible
Hey guys, sorry it took me a few days to get in here. Been out of the gym since Friday resting up and studying for school.

Little bit about me:

23 years old. 5'11". 229lbs and currently cutting. I train with a hybrid style, so I guess "powerbuilding" with a lot of moutaindog type training thrown in. Diet is constantly changing and evolving based on my day-to-day needs to I won't get in too much detail here as it isn't very pertinent to the samples.

I was lucky enough to be chosen by Viking to sample/log the Aurum RX line of Prop and Injectable Drol. Got 1x of each. Not changing anything supp-wise besides adding in these products in order to get a honest and full review.

I will be running the prop at .5cc ED and then the drol at 1cc ED about an hour pre-workout. I have never run inj drol before so I am excited to try this.

Initial communication was simple and basic. Had no issues with Viking. T/A was right up there with the best sponsors I used and packaging was discrete and safe. Vials are very professional and love the look.

I did my first prop shot today in a delt and it was as smooth as anything I've used, no issues there. Went through a 29g slin pin with no issues. If I get PIP in my delts, I usually don't feel anything for about 12ish hours so Ill be able to comment on that tonight.

Will comment on the drol tonight.

Thank you again Viking. Let me know if you want me to add anything to my posts.
Last edited:
we would really love to see prod pictures and users pics before and after if possible

I'll get some pics of the product up tonight when I get home from school my man. Very slick looking!

I got some good "befores" this weekend so Ill wait until I finish the drol to post the first set of comparisons and then the end of the prop to post a second set of comparisons.
Most guys that use the inj drol say you don't need nearly as much as the oral .if it's good than 25mg is all you need to get results .i know when I use the oral drol I need 100mg/day to get good results .
Most guys that use the inj drol say you don't need nearly as much as the oral .if it's good than 25mg is all you need to get results .i know when I use the oral drol I need 100mg/day to get good results .

Yeah that's what I've read. 25mg should be more than enough considering I've always responded well to even just 50mg oral.

I can't remember if it was here or on AU, but I liked the idea of alternating 3 weeks of oral with 3 weeks of inj in order to not destroy the liver but get longer a duration of the drol.
Yeah that's what I've read. 25mg should be more than enough considering I've always responded well to even just 50mg oral.

I can't remember if it was here or on AU, but I liked the idea of alternating 3 weeks of oral with 3 weeks of inj in order to not destroy the liver but get longer a duration of the drol.

Yea,I remember that .i think Giants83 is following that protocol
So far so good!Definately following brother!I like the idea of faster dvds on training days favorite is test suspension and a50, talk about a good preworkout! Lol!
Curious to see how you got your training laid out?
Most guys that use the inj drol say you don't need nearly as much as the oral .if it's good than 25mg is all you need to get results .i know when I use the oral drol I need 100mg/day to get good results .

This is so true..I was doing 50mg/day of the inject Drol and that was like 100-150 of a good oral.
I knew it would be stronger but I didn't think it was going to be that strong..stuff is unbelievable.
stoked for pics

you da man
**broken link removed****broken link removed**
Whats up guys.

Ended up with no PIP in my delt from the 1/2cc of prop so that's cool. So overall that went smooth yesterday.

Pinned my first CC (25mg) of the anadrol yesterday about 50 minutes before my leg workout in my tricep. I got a bit of a head rush from it when it started to hit within an hour or so....felt similar to a CJC DAC head rush so it wasn't a new feeling to me, its always nice when you "feel" something kick in like that. My tricep was pretty tender the rest of the night but when I woke up, it was pretty much all gone.

The drol kicked in like a real good preworkout, but with more aggression. Like I said before, I have never used injectable anadrol before so this could had been a first inject placebo or it could be a regular occurrence....but I was amped and focused when I started to get to my heavy working sets. The feeling lasted for quite a few hours.

Here's how my leg workout went. I had been hitting very low volume with high intensity/weights for quite a while on legs and I am starting to transition to a higher volume style for a bit. Slowly working my reps and sets up and I felt this one pretty bad, super winded and sick feeling from the change of pace, but ill get used to it.

405x4, 430x4, 455x4, 500x2, 315x10, 315x10

Leg Extensions
4 sets of 15
-The burn and pump was unbearable after this and I had to sit down for a good but so I didn't toss my cookies

Leg Press
2 plates per side for 2 sets of 15

Seated Leg Curls
4 sets of 15 with lots of partial reps on the last set

Barbell Stiff Legged Deads
3 sets of 10 with 185 without locking out

Leg Extensions
2 more sets of 15 with some partials on the last one
Nice ,I haven't tried the Aurum rx inj drol yet but I would love to get that preworkout boost that it gives .my next order is definitely going to have some inj drol in it .thanks for logging D !
Whats up guys.

Ended up with no PIP in my delt from the 1/2cc of prop so that's cool. So overall that went smooth yesterday.

Pinned my first CC (25mg) of the anadrol yesterday about 50 minutes before my leg workout in my tricep. I got a bit of a head rush from it when it started to hit within an hour or so....felt similar to a CJC DAC head rush so it wasn't a new feeling to me, its always nice when you "feel" something kick in like that. My tricep was pretty tender the rest of the night but when I woke up, it was pretty much all gone.

The drol kicked in like a real good preworkout, but with more aggression. Like I said before, I have never used injectable anadrol before so this could had been a first inject placebo or it could be a regular occurrence....but I was amped and focused when I started to get to my heavy working sets. The feeling lasted for quite a few hours.

Here's how my leg workout went. I had been hitting very low volume with high intensity/weights for quite a while on legs and I am starting to transition to a higher volume style for a bit. Slowly working my reps and sets up and I felt this one pretty bad, super winded and sick feeling from the change of pace, but ill get used to it.

405x4, 430x4, 455x4, 500x2, 315x10, 315x10

Leg Extensions
4 sets of 15
-The burn and pump was unbearable after this and I had to sit down for a good but so I didn't toss my cookies

Leg Press
2 plates per side for 2 sets of 15

Seated Leg Curls
4 sets of 15 with lots of partial reps on the last set

Barbell Stiff Legged Deads
3 sets of 10 with 185 without locking out

Leg Extensions
2 more sets of 15 with some partials on the last one

sounds really good to me!!!
Nice ,I haven't tried the Aurum rx inj drol yet but I would love to get that preworkout boost that it gives .my next order is definitely going to have some inj drol in it .thanks for logging D !

Definitely throw some in! Love it so far.
Sick !

I will be following along.
4 shots in with the prop and my experience hasn't changed yet. Still no PIP, but I am gonna test it tomorrow with a quad pin. If there's gonna be any PIP at all, it will be in the quads. Still flowing through a 29g slin pin just fine.

3 shots in with the inj drol and Im starting to stay filled out, even away from my workouts. Usually takes about 8-10 days for oral drol to fill me out and get me that all day fullness but I figured the inj would hit faster and i seem to be right. Weight it up half a pound since Monday and im cutting so I must holding extra glycogen/water IM because I don't look any more watery subq.

Still getting rushes about an hour after using the inj drol.....pretty sure its BP spiking from it hitting the system. Im gonna check my BP when I feel it happen today and see as I usually have good BP the rest of the day (I take cardiotone which keeps it in check).

Here's my chest/delt/tri workout from yesterday. Again I really felt the drol hit and pumps are getting bigger despite carbs being lower. So far the inj drol seems to be the real deal at 25mg and on par with about 50-75mg of oral drol, but just hits harder and faster. Too early to tell anything on the prop yet.

Flat DB Bench
120, 130, 140 all for 8 reps

Incline BB
255x5, 275x5, 295x3

BWx10, +45x8, BWx10, BWx8

Middle Cable Fly
4 sets of 15 with a lot of partials and a 30 sec stretch on the last set

Reverse PecDeck
4 sets of 12 with a double drop on last set

Seated DB Side Raises
20x12 for 4 sets with 2 sec holds at top

Cable Straight Bar Front Raises *SS* Band Face Pulls *SS* Band Partial Side Raises
2 rounds of 15 each exercise

Rope Pressdowns
4 sets of 20 with 15 sec rest periods

Flat EZ JM Presses
70x15, 90x10, 90x10
I'm starting the Anadrol from him soon too. Can't wait with reviews like this!

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