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David Barton Gyms??WTF????

I would go to that place in a heart beat. I am not into techno, but a gym where the atmosphere is hyped up gym music gets you (me) motivated. I workout at a powerhouse gym. And the music fucking sucks big time! Every 30 mins they are instructed at the front desk to change the station and rotate it. You go from slooooooooooooooow rock to slooooooooow rap to whatever funeral march music. And the owner wonders why the moral in the gym sucks! La Fitness, Gold Gym, Bally's, are always super crowded. why? The atmosphere. Now as far as the lighting I dont know whats up with that. LOL

I know what you mean, sometimes my gym plays slow ballads and sad songs. Almost makes me want to put the dumbbells down and cry into my gym towel :D

Also machine weights, are covered, so others cannot see how much your lifting, so you can't intimidate them.. LOL

Mp3 players are heaven sent in there
I know what you mean, sometimes my gym plays slow ballads and sad songs. Almost makes me want to put the dumbbells down and cry into my gym towel :D

Also machine weights, are covered, so others cannot see how much your lifting, so you can't intimidate them.. LOL

Mp3 players are heaven sent in there

oh man, that made me laugh big time... whew.:D
We were awarded a couple three day passes for taking the tour of the gym. I gotta say, I'm actually intrigued as to what a workout there would be like? Having said that, I've decided to take one for the Professional Muscle team and drop in for some free workouts the next time I'm in the area. Of course I plan on bringing a big bag of chalk because for some reason I don't think they will have one. Stay glued to the forums for a full report.

God, I can feel my test levels dropping already.
The one I went to actually had a shit load of equipment. I think I saw every piece of Hammer Strength made including a power rack. DB went up to 120lbs. Of course every piece looked like it was brand new and had never been used. The gal even told us they have a yoga class where they play techno or rock music so "guys like me" could do yoga and not feel uncomfortable.
I had a free 3 day pass once in the early 90's. Let's just say that the locker room situation was "interesting." Nice set-up but one too many deal-breakers.
I remembered that I used to have an issue of Muscle Training Illustrated before it went defunct. It had David Barton interviewed when he was a top trainer in NYC. The issue is from 1992 (has it really been that friggin' long). He is also on the cover:

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Looks like there's a lot of pilates equipment in them. I checked out the "Group Training" classes, and there are a lot of spinning and "ab" classes.

It'd definitely be interesting to train there once time ... I'd have to try to match my gym clothes and shoes and do my hair and makeup before going, though. :p
Holy Fuck! i would have never dreamed of such a place, didnt think somthing like that could exist. its a bit over the top, but id defelity go, i think hes trying to be futuristic
I used to live in the building that housed one of his locations in SoBe. This gym is a total scene, and hookup spot. Not a very good place to try making progress.

If you go to David Barton Gym, you'll need 2 memberships. One to a real gym (so you can look good), and one to DBG (so you can be seen, looking good).

Fine fucking women there.... But seriously, just a scene. The only reason most of those chicks are thin, is they do so much blow. I mean really... right after they go to the gym, they hit Plunge (the Rooftop pool bar at the Gansevoort).... 4 drinks, post workout?... Nobody's going to lose weight that way ;)
I could never get a serious workout there. Would like to see some of the hot b*tches tho.
I went in there once...they wanted to hire me as a trainer, it was not for me. I do not like franchise environments like this, NYSC, Bally's, Crunch, Equinox, etc....I prefer a local neighborhood gym with old school equipment and I doin't care about the look of it or how freshly new and sparkly clean it is. I don't need fresh towels and lotion, a pool, sauna, or a hair dryer...I am just there to workout.
yeah, i go there, when i get home i eat a pickle instead of a pwo shake
wow thats nuts.. First pictures i saw it reminded me of walking into Mansion or m2 lounge. If you live in NYC or NJ or anywhere in the tri state area you probably listen to House music if you have a nightlife. It's no wonder this place does well in the City. More power to the guy but even I couldn't focus in that place.

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