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New member
Feb 4, 2006
i just popped a 10mg dbol and it went down the wrong pipe somehow and got stuck in my nasal cavity....ok i just coughed it up. that really sucked. i tried to keep it in there so it would absorb and i wouldnt have to take another, but no dice. i was gonna ask if anyone had any ideas on how to get it out or make it stay in to dissolve and absorb, but i guess its too late now. im sure as hell not gonna eat the damn thing outta the sink all covered in snot and whatnot! oh well, time to go take another dose! i hate wasting shit:mad:

I'd put this up with the guy who wanted to make weight & was over by 1/4lbs so he took a syringe & took out enough blood to make weight.

Or the guy who took 20 beef liver tabs. Puked them out, then washed them off & ate them again.
And don't forget the guy who injected directly into his belly button.
BBJ, did you ever read the post where the dude though a glute shot was actually right in your a-hole?

i remember the dude posting and asking how we can sit still when you are poking in the syringe because his ass puckers up when he tries to inject.. after about 10 post we all realized he was actually trying to stick his a-hole...hahah

i hope soeone else remembers that,, i think it was on the OLD ug years back...
PDFlifter3 said:
i just popped a 10mg dbol and it went down the wrong pipe somehow and got stuck in my nasal cavity....ok i just coughed it up. that really sucked. i tried to keep it in there so it would absorb and i wouldnt have to take another, but no dice. i was gonna ask if anyone had any ideas on how to get it out or make it stay in to dissolve and absorb, but i guess its too late now. im sure as hell not gonna eat the damn thing outta the sink all covered in snot and whatnot! oh well, time to go take another dose! i hate wasting shit:mad:

LOL that was pretty funny. :)
You're going to have one of the biggest schnozzes this world has ever SEEN, brother! *hulk hogan voice*
Got Juice said:
BBJ, did you ever read the post where the dude though a glute shot was actually right in your a-hole?

i remember the dude posting and asking how we can sit still when you are poking in the syringe because his ass puckers up when he tries to inject.. after about 10 post we all realized he was actually trying to stick his a-hole...hahah

i hope soeone else remembers that,, i think it was on the OLD ug years back...

That is the funniest thread of all time. He injected right in his O-ring
Got Juice said:
BBJ, did you ever read the post where the dude though a glute shot was actually right in your a-hole?

i remember the dude posting and asking how we can sit still when you are poking in the syringe because his ass puckers up when he tries to inject.. after about 10 post we all realized he was actually trying to stick his a-hole...hahah

i hope soeone else remembers that,, i think it was on the OLD ug years back...

Yep, I remember that now. I had forgotten all about that one. Genious, man. Pure genious.:D
PDFlifter3 said:
i just popped a 10mg dbol and it went down the wrong pipe somehow and got stuck in my nasal cavity....ok i just coughed it up. that really sucked. i tried to keep it in there so it would absorb and i wouldnt have to take another, but no dice. i was gonna ask if anyone had any ideas on how to get it out or make it stay in to dissolve and absorb, but i guess its too late now. im sure as hell not gonna eat the damn thing outta the sink all covered in snot and whatnot! oh well, time to go take another dose! i hate wasting shit:mad:

gotta crush it before you snort it bro.
Bro, a 10mg dbol is cheaper than a Tijuana blow job. Don't worry about wasting one or two or 1,000.

PDFlifter3 said:
i just popped a 10mg dbol and it went down the wrong pipe somehow and got stuck in my nasal cavity....ok i just coughed it up. that really sucked. i tried to keep it in there so it would absorb and i wouldnt have to take another, but no dice. i was gonna ask if anyone had any ideas on how to get it out or make it stay in to dissolve and absorb, but i guess its too late now. im sure as hell not gonna eat the damn thing outta the sink all covered in snot and whatnot! oh well, time to go take another dose! i hate wasting shit:mad:

Look bro are you sure you are not fishing for answers?? what I mean is -- did you just crush one up and snort it, wondering if you could feel it, and then you posted to see if someone would say no you didn't waste it, your nasal cavity will absorb any drug/medication much more effectively than orally. Which is why your curiosity got the better of you -- you wanted to see if you could 'feel' it... I mean it 'somehow' got stuck in your nasal cavity?? C'mon bro, I did not just fall off the turn truck yesterday...
this has happened to me, not with a dbol tab, but with a piece of chicken. I was eating chicken in my college cafeteria and coughed. Your nasal passage and throat are all connected, so somehow the chicken went up into my nasal cavity. I blew my nose and the chicken shot out of my nose and made this hilarious FWEEEEP sound. I was LMAO, my wife (girlfriend at the time) was sitting with me, witnessed this and actually stuck around for 8 years :D
Look bro are you sure you are not fishing for answers?? what I mean is -- did you just crush one up and snort it, wondering if you could feel it, and then you posted to see if someone would say no you didn't waste it, your nasal cavity will absorb any drug/medication much more effectively than orally. Which is why your curiosity got the better of you -- you wanted to see if you could 'feel' it... I mean it 'somehow' got stuck in your nasal cavity?? C'mon bro, I did not just fall off the turn truck yesterday...

nope it got jammed up there when i threw my head back to swallow. i would never do anything like snort either a pill or powder. thats would be stupid and retarded on my part. plus i have a decent pharmacology background from school so i know there would be no benefit to a practice like that. i mean, what, do i want a rush of dbol to the brain? j/k...im basically just a cheap ass and i cant stand to waste things. after the initial concern of the thing being stuck up my nose, i decided to finish the thread and post it because i thought it was kind of amusing.
sorry ivan, i screwed up the post

i screwed up my cut-n-paste for my reply to u, ivan. anyway, just wanted to kill any crap like id stick dbol up my nose on purpose!
hey it's possible! I know guys who have crushed Viagra between two spoons really finely and did lines...I didn't ask them if they could "feel it" though:eek:
ok bro

Ok man I believe you -- but I WAS wonderin'..ha ha I hate wasting too --- I even lick up the powder from the dbol's container...ha ha
let me just say that the flavor of dbol in the back of my throat all night at work was delicious! i did know this freak once upon a time who used to take eca caps apart and snort that shit. talk about a dumbass...
none of you mfers are hardcore until you pick a tab out of your puke and re-eat it.

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