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Dbol timing


Nov 3, 2015
I plan on running 750mg test c 400mg deca and 30 mg of Dbol. I never took Dbol before so my question is does it matter if I take it spread out 3 times over the day or is it better to take 30mg at once 1 hr before working out? Thanks for the advice.
I plan on running 750mg test c 400mg deca and 30 mg of Dbol. I never took Dbol before so my question is does it matter if I take it spread out 3 times over the day or is it better to take 30mg at once 1 hr before working out? Thanks for the advice.
With dbol is does matter. Because of it's short half -life it's best to split optimally 3x s/day with one pre workout if possible.
Let me guess, you're taking Big A's advice on a 'Beginner Cycle'?

Being that you don't know how to use Dianabol properly, you've got to be green in the game.

Good God dude! Get a clue! That cycle Big A recommends is waaay too much for a beginner! It's complete nonsense, unless you don't care about your health and plan on competing.

Start low and slow and don't shock the shit outta your system just to lose most of it when you cruise. And you don't need test AND Dbol stacked together, use one or the other
I plan on running 750mg test c 400mg deca and 30 mg of Dbol. I never took Dbol before so my question is does it matter if I take it spread out 3 times over the day or is it better to take 30mg at once 1 hr before working out? Thanks for the advice.
For maximum gains take the entire 30 mgs of d-bol approximately 1-2 hours before your workouts. Spreading out the dosages still works, but I always got better results with one big spike daily.
Let me guess, you're taking Big A's advice on a 'Beginner Cycle'?

Being that you don't know how to use Dianabol properly, you've got to be green in the game.

Good God dude! Get a clue! That cycle Big A recommends is waaay too much for a beginner! It's complete nonsense, unless you don't care about your health and plan on competing.

Start low and slow and don't shock the shit outta your system just to lose most of it when you cruise. And you don't need test AND Dbol stacked together, use one or the other
I have done cycles in the past but never done Dbol hence why I asked about Dbol. I have done test and deca and test and eq but the most test I have ever run was 600mg. The only part of big A post that seemed excessive is 750 mg of test. What’s your opinion since you have a clue so maybe I can have one as well.
My 2 cents;
If you've done just a few cycles I'd say lower test to 500, half the deca to 200 and I would swap out the dbol for 50 mg anadrol pre workout. Those dosages should be plenty.
Test+deca+dbol will likely give you a lot of estrogen issues, anadrol is a safer option because it will not aromatize.
My 2 cents;
If you've done just a few cycles I'd say lower test to 500, half the deca to 200 and I would swap out the dbol for 50 mg anadrol pre workout. Those dosages should be plenty.
Test+deca+dbol will likely give you a lot of estrogen issues, anadrol is a safer option because it will not aromatize.
I believe anadrol does in fact increase estrogen levels indirectly. Just like Tren does.
I plan on running 750mg test c 400mg deca and 30 mg of Dbol. I never took Dbol before so my question is does it matter if I take it spread out 3 times over the day or is it better to take 30mg at once 1 hr before working out? Thanks for the advice.
I would stick to the dosages that Big A suggested and see how you do. I’ve made great gains from that exact cycle.
And you don't need test AND Dbol stacked together, use one or the other

First off it’s not THAT much gear. He didn’t say it was his very first cycle.
And 2nd who uses dbol without test?
alternatively, you could 'pulse' Dbol by taking it with "ON" days. It helps spread the doses if you're running low or just for maintaining a 'cosmetic' effect.
Even with it's short half life it doesn't really matter as long as you take it consistently. I have took the entire dose of dbol preworkout, am/pm and split 3 or 4 times daily and it's pretty much the same regardless. Although for a 1st timer I would recommend dosing 10mg 3 times daily if you are using 30mg total.
I always just take my full dose 1-2 hours before I workout. Try splitting it up for a while then try it just pre workout see what you like best.
finish up the dbol and dont bother buying anymore, too harsh on liver for no reason or extra benifit over inj
I would just use it to kick start your cycle for a few weeks until the longer esters build up in your system and drop it. Not sure if that was your plan, you didn't mention how long you were cycling for. I did this on my recent cycle but I took T-bol 50mg/day split 2x a day because of half life. But regardless like a lot of these compounds, as long as its in your system, it is going to work (unless its bunk)
With dbol is does matter. Because of it's short half -life it's best to split optimally 3x s/day with one pre workout if possible.
Words right out of my mouth am-pre-pm
Just make sure to start low. I start at 10mg and titrate up to 30mg and I get zero-minimal water retention. Just pumps that look like they’ll tear right through my skin. I’ve gone up to 50mg and I looked like a damn water buffalo…

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