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DC Training: interested in talking to people who do it


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Hi bros, I'm curious about DC training, and have done lots of research on it. I know that many of you probably run this training program and have had great results... well, I'd like to get on board and do the same. I've been checking out intensemuscle.com, but have a few questions about specifics that seem somewhat difficult to answer. The reason I'm not posting them now is because someone is going to say "use the search button!!!" and I've been doing that, so if you are genuinely interested in telling me about it, please don't hesitate to reply. Maybe I can trade you from my wealth of knowledge lol about other things, just ask. Thanks
The SacToSD
I'd love a total run down of DC training.. I've gone to that other site and looked around for a "DC FAQ" type thing, and couldn't find it, so I lost interest quickly.. I kno the very basics like doing sets in quick succession with 15 second pauses, or something.. And how you work alot of body parts per day.. But that's basically all I kno.
Well I like DC :)

What do you want to talk about?
I'd love a total run down of DC training.. I've gone to that other site and looked around for a "DC FAQ" type thing, and couldn't find it, so I lost interest quickly.. I kno the very basics like doing sets in quick succession with 15 second pauses, or something.. And how you work alot of body parts per day.. But that's basically all I kno.

Check out the sticky titled "DC Newbies read this first and ask questions later" and it should clear up about 90% of the program.
I've been doing DC training and using Phils diet and probably getting the best results i've ever had.
Check out the sticky titled "DC Newbies read this first and ask questions later" and it should clear up about 90% of the program.

Well, basically (and since I'm a thorough type) I wanted to make sure I'm doing the right routine before jumping into it... bear with me here... it looks something like this:

Day one would be Monday and would be:
back width
back thickness

Day two would be Wednesday and would be

Day three would be Friday and would be the same as day one but with different exercises
back width
back thickness

(sat+sun off)

Day four would be the following Monday and would be the same as day two but with different exercises

and so on Wenesday, Friday, Monday, Wenesday etc.

For the different exercises I'd be doing, I'd choose from a list of 3 exercises per body part (for example: chest = incline bench, chest fly, dumbell flat), and do one exercise per body part -- rest paused -- for each muscle listed in the day splits for the day it's listed. The next time I did that body part, I'd move to the next exercise. Rest pausing works something like: do as many warm up sets as you need, then one work set where you aim for approximately 8-12 reps on the first go round till failure, then after taking 10-12 breaths, do it until failure again (probably 4-6 reps), then take 10-12 breaths and do it till failure once more (2-3 reps). And that's it for that muscle, move on to the next. These RP "rest pause" sets are for pretty much everything except for quadriceps and spinal erectors, which means that you don't RP squats, leg presses, deadlifts, etc (the exercises that are dangerous to go until failure on). I think that's the basics of it, but again, I'm not sure and feel free to talk about whatever you'd like. Thanks bro.
You look like you've got a pretty strong grasp of the foundation, we also do no rest pause calves or forearms in addition to the lifts you mentioned. You listed flys as a possible exercise... while nothing is off limits so to say you can likely come up with a better pressing movement for chest that will allow much more long term progression. But yes you have the rotation down correctly.

Rep ranges are dependent on exercise/the individual. Most things are 11-15RP total, some things like dumbbell presses would be 20-30RP.
You look like you've got a pretty strong grasp of the foundation, we also do no rest pause calves or forearms in addition to the lifts you mentioned. You listed flys as a possible exercise... while nothing is off limits so to say you can likely come up with a better pressing movement for chest that will allow much more long term progression. But yes you have the rotation down correctly.

Rep ranges are dependent on exercise/the individual. Most things are 11-15RP total, some things like dumbbell presses would be 20-30RP.

thanks amigo. I like the idea of DC... I've been doing volume/splits for a while, now, and need to change things up. I dug up some good websites (not from your signature, but elsewhere) that do some good explaining, too:
Scott does a great job as a Mod over at IM/DC...you won't go wrong following his direction.

One item I've found, and Scott touched on it, would be the the use of DBs for chest exercises etc. Once you get into the heavier weights, they're a pain to hoist up and RP with. Might want to consider using Smith Machines, Hammer Strength etc. at some point.

Don't forget...I didn't see it listed in your post, and maybe you have already thought of it...but another key is the stretch after each exercise...you'll need to look into that as well...it is very important.

Peace Bro...
i love DC but he insists on refusing my advances.....

lol, j/k but seriously i could never train "normal" again..

last 3yrs doin dc whilst travelling/working thru 4 countries and no real regular routine and little to none well planned super supps ive gone from barely 200lb to nearly 250lb...

and thanks to the low volume and controlled negatives, "no injuries ever"!!!

the extreme stretches have really changed my chest dramatically
I'm a DC guy for life no question. Best gains in the fastest time
Are their DVDS available for dc training.

yes, trueprotein and jason wojo's site has the dc training dvd. very informational and will provide you with a good foundation
thanks amigo. I like the idea of DC... I've been doing volume/splits for a while, now, and need to change things up. I dug up some good websites (not from your signature, but elsewhere) that do some good explaining, too:

That site is basically cut/pastes of old posts from IM and Cycles for Pennies, while most of it is still accurate there are some things in there that are outdated or taken out of context that confuse new guys to DC.

Things like 6-8 second negatives(just want control)
The way to approach a meal(Dante hadn't worked with as wide a population at that point)
There are others I'm sure but I honestly haven't looked at that site in a long time.

The link in my signature has the 100% most accurate up to date info you can find. Also there is a feature on PM's own Dusty Hanshaw and DC training in the June issue of Musclemag International which I know subscribers got but not sure if it's hit news stands yet which should help understand the system as well.
I am back on DC training after a training layoff, and just like it did last time I trained DC style.... my squat and dead are skyrocketing at a pace that is much faster than any other training program would allow.

SacToSD, what do you find to be your favorite exercises? The ones that work best for YOU.... of course, when training DC style, you'll find out about the ones that work best... for example cycling leg press and smith squats with my squats are a great trio for me.... it's not difficult to think about, but we all have our KEY EXERCISES that for some reason or another we stick with and we GROW on. This also is an important part of DC training.
DC training is a great way... just try to learn the concepts also. It will help you do things that will provide success. Like beating the log book, really pounding protein, get in get out, pay attention to your recovery...

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