Check out the sticky titled "DC Newbies read this first and ask questions later" and it should clear up about 90% of the program.
Well, basically (and since I'm a thorough type) I wanted to make sure I'm doing the right routine before jumping into it... bear with me here... it looks something like this:
Day one would be Monday and would be:
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back thickness
Day two would be Wednesday and would be
Day three would be Friday and would be the same as day one but with different exercises
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(sat+sun off)
Day four would be the following Monday and would be the same as day two but with different exercises
and so on Wenesday, Friday, Monday, Wenesday etc.
For the different exercises I'd be doing, I'd choose from a list of 3 exercises per body part (for example: chest = incline bench, chest fly, dumbell flat), and do one exercise per body part -- rest paused -- for each muscle listed in the day splits for the day it's listed. The next time I did that body part, I'd move to the next exercise. Rest pausing works something like: do as many warm up sets as you need, then one work set where you aim for approximately 8-12 reps on the first go round till failure, then after taking 10-12 breaths, do it until failure again (probably 4-6 reps), then take 10-12 breaths and do it till failure once more (2-3 reps). And that's it for that muscle, move on to the next. These RP "rest pause" sets are for pretty much everything except for quadriceps and spinal erectors, which means that you don't RP squats, leg presses, deadlifts, etc (the exercises that are dangerous to go until failure on). I think that's the basics of it, but again, I'm not sure and feel free to talk about whatever you'd like. Thanks bro.