I have been battling Anxiety and depression my whole life. It took me many places I did not want to go. Mainly from insecurity. Insecurity is a huge TURN OFF to the oposite sex and must be kept at bay. One must seek counseling (best if you see someone) to learn to be secure with one's self alone first. Ananlyze yourself write down the features that you have that are attractive to others and then be totally honest and face the one's that are not attractive and also hurtful to you. You may find yourself lying to yourself about your weaknesses and this will not help you. Take on the bogus ones first and you will see changes to how people are attracted to you. But for you.
The bizarre thing is insecurity feeds more insecurity. Instead of people having mercy on someone who is insecure they shun them like pests. They may like you and love you but they get sick of you. And so it feeds more loneliness and insecurity until you are willing to do anything to keep the relationship going. At this time you are vulnerable to abuse and un-faithfulness. Your partner may be attracted to stonger bad boys at this time. Even though they may be totally bad for that person they are attracted to the security of someone who dont give a shit about what other people think and are seething in confidence. YOU NEED BALLS OF STEEL at this moment.
Jealousy is a killer to a relationship. It spews in insecurity. It also violates the FREE WILL of another to be with who they want. If she is pursuing others then she has that right. It would be wrong to throw a fit here. One should ask if this is the right person for me even if my love feelings have built up a dependancy on that person.
Build yourself into a person who is one, a person who likes himself and if some else doesn't than the hell with them they can just stay away. This will jump start the confidence in you. Stop worrying about if she is sleeping with someone and ask yourself this. Do I really think she would do This? If the answer is yes. Give her her free will to do what she wants and decide if this is really the person I want to waste time on.
EVEN THOUGH WOMEN SAY THEY WANT A KIND SENSATIVE GUY TO LOVE THEM AND HOLD THEM, DONT BELIEVE IT. These same women that very same day blew off the advances of quite a few nice guys and fell for a bad guy who was soothing in confidence even though he did hurt her. Now she was hooked and insecure for him. I bet right now there is a ton of women saying bullshit to my last comment but if you watch them and I bet they dont want to face the truth. NICE GUYS FINISH LAST, I KNOW I AM ONE OF THEM. I am consistantly being told I am HOT but after a night of romance I continually hear that I am a nice guy and handsome but......... And that's that. A week later that chick is with a confident loser and having a horseshit life. But she still digs that bad boy. The more he cheats on her the more she comes running. This is not just that one woman either. I was able to get a whole group of 25 to 35 year old women to agree that I was totally right. Even though I dont want to be. I would rather be nice.
Bad Choices: Jealousy, Chasing, Pleading, Calling to much
If you chase they will run. If you stop they may turn around to wonder why you have stopped. At this moment to not collapse but keep being aloof. Alot of times if there was any spark it will send them to you.
Good Choices, Counseling, Security, Confidence.