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Debit Card Update 8/3


New member
Jan 26, 2006
Okay so if your customer is going to send western union to the debit card company for pick up they may be asked to call in to send the money. I don't know what you sell but I sell debit cards and internet privacy service and my customers merely say that is what it is for. She picks up tons of Western Unions for tons of legitamite and legal offshore products and services and so there shouldn't be a problem with any of them. If it is too big of hassle use Moneygram with the same reciever information and the same email notification of load.

But you guys can't all capitalize on moneygram loads like you did on western union and post all the information publicaly so anyone could acuse you of wrong doing or something illegal.

Get your people using Egold, use western union when you not sure of the customers character and use moneygram when you trust them.

... Hey Bro ... I love your internet privacy service ... I have been using it for a few months to help keep the hackers out, and it is the bomb ... :D
Thank You bro,

That is the best endorsement! I hope you don't mind that I use it as I am going to give away free 5 day trials starting today.

contact me..

|--[\\\\]>---------- Annointed, pls. contact me via email: [email protected] i have a matter to discuss with you regarding this pls.
anointed said:
That is the best endorsement! I hope you don't mind that I use it as I am going to give away free 5 day trials starting today.


... Hey Anoited ... Sounds good ... I liked it so much that i signed up for 1 year about 2 months ago ... ::ction-sm

...ps ... Thanks for all the free software that you guys give away for "going all in" ...:fo:d-smil​
I was telling T- Muscle in Another Thread

That I have never had a significant customer complaint to date. That may change over my involvement with these debit cards.

They will continue to be good cards although it was naive of me and maybe others to believe that such a convienient load feature could be so well utilized and not get someone asking questions.

I am sorry, I didn't see that coming.

The biggest concern right now is Western Union deciding to not let Western Union payments be picked up by the Debit Card payee. Who happens to have all of the companies Western Union payments recieved in their name. As I said above their are a ton of Western Union coming in for a ton of legitamite reasons.

Well this coming week I am told they are formally dealing with Corporate Western Union about this issue of blocking payments. I don't know if they will be succesful at convincing Western Union to lift the blocking, but it remains a possability.

What I do know is many of the payments that are most at risk were sent down using an alias. That creates a problem I never aticipated. So if they block the payment how do you get it back or redirect it? Maybe you can, maybe you can't. I never used Western Union enough to know. I do know that if you have used real information you can retrieve or redirect the payment for pickup.

I would think that whether you use Moneygram or Western Union down the road to send payments for loading on the debit card that you consider using real information. As I think it through, I don't see significant negatives and the ability to retrieve the payment remains when and if the rules change. Maybe I am not thoroughly appreciating the need for anonymity.

Anyhow, I think you really have to weigh the pros and cons of using the card. It remains a good option particularly if people use factual information and loads are balanced using E-gold, Moneygram, Bank Wire and Western Union.

It has significant risks if you operate differently.

At this point I am not pushing the cards. I have never sold that many and in the two weeks only 3 have been shipped.

It was an exciting thing when it worked, but it is a pretty painful, tiring, and expensive thing when it doesn't.

I will try to keep you informed.


[email protected]
Update 8/8 What a fricken Trip!!

The only thing I want to say is these people do know how to get the job done. They are absolutely legitimate and they have gone back to Western Union International and had the payment blocking issue resolved.

I don't think there has been more than 1 person who has been seriously asked to verify their account information and the funny thing is last week they were complaining about how they had money in Western Union that was being blocked. So they must have worked through that issue and continued to use the cards???????

Fortunately he was really the only one who even hinted that I hadn't done everything in my power to inform people of changes and potential changes in terms of the cards.

I have done that at my own cost. You want to hinder sales, just be openly honest and share even potential risks with people. I have done that primarilly becuase of some guilt for not seeing what could go wrong. I nolonger feel any obligation to be overly concerned about all the potential things that can go wrong with an offshore debit card.

I have some awesome vets who use the cards and who immediately email me and say we know the game, we don't hold you responsible and so on.

At every turn and twist this company has addressed the issue straight on and in every case what initially was thought to be some sort of deal breaker turned out to be a bump in the road.

You didn't get that from WMcards or others like them. I am more convinced then ever of the value of these cards when used by people who understand boundaries and don't do obviously attention drawing things when setting up the account or by posting payment pickup information on gear lists for anyone to see. Not very smart or fair for everyone else. This is a fricken bank we are talking about not some eccurency provider.

I don't think anyone wants to police the accounts as they are debit accounts and the owners should have a reasonable right to operate privately becuase it is almost always their own money they are playing with.

Anyhow, no harm, no foul, and most of us know a little more about what not to do and how to balance load behavior then we did before.

They are great cards and I am not responsible for the manner in which you choose to use them or for changes in terms that may have a negative effect on the account.

Please email with questions,


[email protected]


1 card $100
2 Cards $150

$10 USA
$20 Elsewhere

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