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Jan 28, 2010
How do you guys deal with being off cycle...I haven't been on a while now and I won't be back on for a long time due to my job but it has me so depressed...I made so much gains and strength and when I get in the gym now its just ridiculas to me how weak iv got. I have almost no drive anymore bc its just that depressing...I know I sound like a little bitch but I'm training hard and eating right and making no gains at all..
What was your PCT like? Usually if your PCT is good, off cycle is pretty bearable.
How do you guys deal with being off cycle...I haven't been on a while now and I won't be back on for a long time due to my job but it has me so depressed...I made so much gains and strength and when I get in the gym now its just ridiculas to me how weak iv got. I have almost no drive anymore bc its just that depressing...I know I sound like a little bitch but I'm training hard and eating right and making no gains at all..

Get a blood test done to make sure everything is back to normal, and then go from there. You very well may have low test. What do you do that you say you cant go on for a long time? 50-100 mg of test a week may give you that little kick in the ass you need.
How do you guys deal with being off cycle...I haven't been on a while now and I won't be back on for a long time due to my job but it has me so depressed...I made so much gains and strength and when I get in the gym now its just ridiculas to me how weak iv got. I have almost no drive anymore bc its just that depressing...I know I sound like a little bitch but I'm training hard and eating right and making no gains at all..

Im in the same boat. I was even thinking about making a thread about this.

Sucks being off, but always remember - it comes back quick
I been off for like 3 months, I'm abt to leave to go work on a ship and I can't take anything on board that's why I said it will be a while before I can run again. I just hate the way I feel in the gym when I'm off. No results at all and strenght is down. But after I ran my pct I was fine. Just went down a little since then
Get a good OTC Test Booster. They work if you get the right one!!

I been off for like 3 months, I'm abt to leave to go work on a ship and I can't take anything on board that's why I said it will be a while before I can run again. I just hate the way I feel in the gym when I'm off. No results at all and strenght is down. But after I ran my pct I was fine. Just went down a little since then
when i come off its not a big deal, if your getting weaker, than its more on your deiting and training, or aggresion which sounds like a mental thing of just being off the juice huh?
How do you guys deal with being off cycle...I haven't been on a while now and I won't be back on for a long time due to my job but it has me so depressed...I made so much gains and strength and when I get in the gym now its just ridiculas to me how weak iv got. I have almost no drive anymore bc its just that depressing...I know I sound like a little bitch but I'm training hard and eating right and making no gains at all..

but think about it like this...you may be weaker and smaller...but you will find most people will tell you how much better you look. your not carrying all that water, and will probably look better. Trust me when I used I used to hate it, but now that I am older and my body just can't take the abuse anymore....Have been clean for some time now, and time after time I have heard people tell me how much better I look and healthier, etc...

throw some cardio in at the end of the work out, realease some of thooose natural endorphins... besides, your pants probably fit better....not sure about you but my pants used to look stupid on me unless I was wearing baggy ones because they would be tight as hell in the butt and thighs and half the time give me "camel balls" when I would sit down in them. from time I time I think about using again...but most days I just feel better being clean. enjoy it, dont get depressed about it.
but think about it like this...you may be weaker and smaller...but you will find most people will tell you how much better you look. your not carrying all that water, and will probably look better. Trust me when I used I used to hate it, but now that I am older and my body just can't take the abuse anymore....Have been clean for some time now, and time after time I have heard people tell me how much better I look and healthier, etc...

throw some cardio in at the end of the work out, realease some of thooose natural endorphins... besides, your pants probably fit better....not sure about you but my pants used to look stupid on me unless I was wearing baggy ones because they would be tight as hell in the butt and thighs and half the time give me "camel balls" when I would sit down in them. from time I time I think about using again...but most days I just feel better being clean. enjoy it, dont get depressed about it.

This is true...
Great post, thanks for that.
as mentioned a correct pct method and then do not stop training...I like to push hard during the downtime as well to try and keep what I have if not grow some....sometimes I think we forget that we can grow w/out the stuff and we feel like we're losing everything when we come off...this is part of the balance that you have to keep correct....if it gets to be a huge problem every time you come off I would consider longer breaks, smaller dosages/shorter cycles, or backing off entirely... you may have a predisposition for depression, or other things going on in your life that affects you subconciously and when coming off you get weaker minded....I think someone else mentioned some blood work...that wouldn't be a bad idea....
Yea, It's amazing how our minds can literally change overnight sometimes. Just have to wait it out and try not to get out of control with your thoughts. Get around people and laugh a little bit. On a side note though, and I'm not hijacking here...

Would shorter cycles help this at all??
I can have a good PCT, keep all my size and strength gains.....but after making those fast gains, not being sore, gaining almost every workout.....well, being an average fella in the gym sucks!!

Usually a few weeks after PCT I lose ambition for a month or so, lose some gains, than start back at it again, waiting for the next cycle.

But what I do do is change my routine from whatever I was doing while *on*, to something with more reps/less weight, or slower negs, that way it seems like there's a reason for lower numbers, instead of me turning into a poossy, LOL.

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