dnp rebound
Well i certainly agree about the dnp rebound, but myself( 5 x use) and close friends all get a POSITIVE rebound. but its AT LEAST 10- 20 days after( me about 14 usually). For starters the studies seem to suggest that anything that speeds up cellular metabolism (at the mitochondrial level) would also speed up receptor turn over. this suggests an anabolic rebound. personally i agree with this hypothesis. Gavin really would be the man to comment here, as he has a PHD in biochem and im just an undergraduate......
safety? i believe something that has no suppression effects on adrenal glands or thyroid(ala clen / eca) would be easier on the body. it does however create an ATP deficient state which DOES reduce thyroid output. but the suggestion of 600g Carbs immediately post cycle(no longer than 7on/7off) fixes that.
that only leaves the issue of oxiudant damage and dehydration. these are only negativesapart from sweating like a rapist.
glycerine, taurine, sod, PC vit E vit c etc all help. and you need at leasdt one simple carb intake per day.
also eat maintainance cals ONLY!!!! with a 50-75% BMR increase you dont need to diet just eat clean and mod carb. low carb makes you feel like shit, trust me