i just asked cause did 3 weeks and felt it wasnt working anymore
When I finish my log I am going to post it. I think many will be surprised about JUST HOW LONG the stuff can be taken. Lets just say I went lower dose MUCH longer time than normal and it continued to work. I had 1 week off due to a bad overlap of supply.
same as me
i ran high dose for around 10 weeks and i mean highhhh dose hhaa
How was your diet? And what were the results? Just curious! I have tried it before, it has very little effect on me, I know my shit was real cause my other two friends who used it felt like death while sitting in their air conditioned office while I'm at working in 95+ deg weather.
ran a keto diet
results were i lost 15% body fat
went from 24% bf to 9%..
a keto on DNP?? You didn't feel hypoglycemic?
lol springbok thats some crazy result, how long/high did you run for? And what did the diet look like?
I did 20 days tapering up and didnt have anywhere near that much. Any pics?
I would be very interested to khow.
first week i ran 200mg just to gauge tolerance..then went up to 400mg...still didnt really feel the effects..
next few weeks up to 600mg... took few days break at this point
then went up to 800mg and eventually up to 1g where i stayed for around a week...couldnt handle it and dropped back down to around 600-800 for the rest...
in saying that it was the hardest 12 weeks of my entire life
1g of dnp was absolute hell...i got blood checked while on it interestingly and it was perfectly fine....got to the stage where i didnt sleep for 4-5 days....
dont recommend it to any1
for those of you that have posted. Which do you find is stronger: crystal or powder? Peace.