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Do I Have "Risk Taking" Genes? Should I do AAS?



Is it normal to enjoy taking unecessary risks? I remember when I was an undergrad and taking entrepreneur courses, we studied a little psychology behind what made entrepreneurs successful. Its a very interesting subject. We learned something about a "risk taking" gene that some entrepreneurs seem to have. This knowledge is 10 years old, but since then I often ask whether or not I have this "risk taking" gene. At my company, we make everyone do this "DISC" profile system to help better understand themselves and their customers that they are trying to sell. I am an "S" which is steady and a hardworker(teachers, doctors, nurses). "D's" dominate(great at selling but also lawyers can be "D's"). "I's" influence others and love to talk(great at selling). "C's" are very cautious people(accountants). It may not tell much, but I find myself fascinated with certain things that most believe are risky. At the same time, I can also be "ultra" cautious. Maybe I'm bipolar. ha.
I tend to be sort of an "S" and steady worker throughout the day. I do a lot of book keeping, record keeping, etc.. Get me behind the wheel of a car, though, and I'm a damn banshee. Usually, I'm just sort of on autopilot and can hardly remember getting from point A to B. Sometimes, though, I will see a very interesting turn, lets say a 15mph turn, but I feel the need to take it at 40-50mph or until I lose traction at all four wheels. Its the adrenaline rush that I seek. Then I'm buzzing with adrenaline for like an hour after this hair raising episode. When I go up to the track, I go through the initial adrenaline spike, but then I sort of get into this zone after driving a few laps and by the end of the session say 20 minutes I'm worn out and tired and just dragging.
Do you think this is normal? To seek a "thrill" from taking risks? A lot of you guys play with AAS which is also breaking the law, and I wonder if this is something you think about.

I've also been giving thought to this issue of AAS and whether I should not join the group and make this whole bodybuilding experience an easier ride. I've tried to research this forum to see if anyone else has ever brought up the subject, but I didn't get very far. This is an advanced group, after all, and most have already taken the plunge. Phil always talks me out of this silly fantasy and tells me its not the answer I'm looking for. I see all you guys on here and think to myself, that I could be hanging with you guys too though, and I guess feel more a part of the group. I have stupid issues with trying to make others happy and feel accepted. My girlfriend reminds me that I couldn't even take a stupid "prohormone" without getting all psyched out about my bp. I think I may be a hypochondriac. ha. I kind of wish some others who are facing this same quandary would start a thread on this. There are a lot of factors to consider with using AAS. Part of me says maybe you should only be using if your actually competing. I have no issues of feeling "small" or have even felt that way since I was in highschool. For the most part I'm happy at 218lbs and 14%bf, but would maybe like to get that down to 10-12%bf. Or maybe just freak my body out and let you guys show me how to get to 240lbs ripped. ha. Its a complex issue for me, b/c I am sort of a "deep thinker" with things. Maybe along with feeling accepted, I am drawn to AAS for the thrill seeking of it? Any comments? Anyone just getting started who faced these same issues? Or maybe some insight into how you veterans look at the overall picture of things. Is anyone else a thrill seeker?
I've turned this into a novel. Maybe it should be in the Articles section. ha
Peace out. Thanks for any insight.
Sadly, found out that I may have blood pressure issues. Went in for my yearly checkup and it was 148/76. Doc wants me to lose 20lbs and see if this helps. So I guess no AAS for me :(
littlemack said:
Sadly, found out that I may have blood pressure issues. Went in for my yearly checkup and it was 148/76. Doc wants me to lose 20lbs and see if this helps. So I guess no AAS for me :(
You wouldn't fit in even WITH the gear!!!:D

Seriously, with your dimensions, you are doing something right. You weigh the same as me and I've done about 2 cycles a year since I was in my early 30's. Since that time, I've put on perhaps 20lbs of free and clear muscle that's not going anywhere. But think about this. That was years ago! If I would have known about this board and used some of the methods here, I may have been able to gain that same 20lbs without anything. It's up to you bro but some guys get huge off small amounts of gear but for me to really get crazy big, I'd have to be using some very questionable amounts. I won't do that.

Trust me, you're part of the club.
I really think this choice is very much a personal decision.

I think you need to weigh all the options. Look at your health, look at where you really want your build to go from there? Do you "need" steroids? Or do you just "want" to try them?

If I could go back and start over, looking at that first needle, would I still take it? Or would I think more so about my life, my health and what the future may lay out for me...ME personally, I then think, Fuck yea I would have taken it, I love being juiced up to the gills lol jk
Thanks guys. I consider you both friends and it means a lot coming from both you guys. I think a lot of you both. Besides, would I still be the same "lovable" Mack that makes everyone laugh or just some fucking asshole that just tries to piss off everyone. ha.

This board wouldn't be the same without LittleMack!

Shit. Now open up the motha' F' ing door and let me in! <knock><knock><knock>
What do I need a special knock or something? Shit. Is there a special door for everyone 6ft and above? All you shorties be hatin' on us giants.

Oh yeah, and thanks a lot Kaiser for not chiming in! Asshole.
Oh double yeah, thanks Phil for not chiming in either! Prick.
And where's my god damn birthday card Phil?
JT! Don't think I've forgotten about you either!
Vander! You tell me you quit bodybuilding and then I see you post on here today! wtf? You trying to blow me off too?
Marshall, you post something controversial on every thread! You ignore this thread and disrespect me like that!
Do I need to keep going with this list and calling all you phuckers out on this?
Accept you BigA. Cuz. No one messes with BigA. <Nice Kitty...Nice Kitty>

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dude you only live once, live life with no regrets. if you so choose to go the aas route educate yourself to the upmost, you have a ton of knowledge at your fingertips here, its a very personal decision only you yourself can make. its a very hard thing to stop once you start, keep that in mind. that being said, i battle with what i do everyday. society makes me feel i am a bad person because i choose to bodybuild on a hardcore level. i used to feel like i got nothing but admiration for the level of development i have achieved for myself. now with the media attention and negativity particulary over the past couple years i feel sometimes people look at me now like i am a bad person. good luck
edge250 said:
dude you only live once, live life with no regrets. if you so choose to go the aas route educate yourself to the upmost, you have a ton of knowledge at your fingertips here, its a very personal decision only you yourself can make. its a very hard thing to stop once you start, keep that in mind. that being said, i battle with what i do everyday. society makes me feel i am a bad person because i choose to bodybuild on a hardcore level. i used to feel like i got nothing but admiration for the level of development i have achieved for myself. now with the media attention and negativity particulary over the past couple years i feel sometimes people look at me now like i am a bad person. good luck

Thanks Edge. Lots of respect for you bro. I think its safe to say that we ALL know the real you. You are a really good person. Don't let anyone take that away from you.

i dont think it has to do with taking risks.. lol.. i think its more of a moral battle, or a battle of your own personal emotion, and experience. i believe that we all get to that point where we want to go further.. i myself, got there too.. i was lifting forever, and couldnt get past a certain weight. and now, that i look back, i wish i hadnt gotten so overboard with it.. i got a bit addicted, and had to just go clean. for the past 2 years i havent touched juice, and now am just starting to think about a cycle. there is a point at which you have to decide if your health is more important that lookin huge..

NOW, dont get me wrong.. nothing feels better than being "juiced to the GILLS" like JWBH has said.. lol.. but i will say, that is proabbly the best feeling i have ever had. BEING TOTALLY JUICED ON 600mg test and 500mg EQ, and some winstrol. i mean to tell you.. people comment all the time.. you want attention??? my lord, when i juice, its sooooooo NOTICEable.. seriously. get ready for women and ATTENTION!!!

sorry, im rambling, but what im saying is, its your decision, make DAMN SURE you are well educated before you do ANYTHING, and above all, dont start a cycle and not have everything in LINE. i see tooo many idiots these days that are like " i am at the end of my cycle, and my PCT is in the mail. WHAT DO I DO" well, i tell them what to do.. DONT START TIL YOU ARE FULLY READY. make sure you understand the esters, and what they mean, understand sterility, and rotation of inj. sites, research differnt training styles, and above all EAT THE BEST, when you are on, IT IS NOT A SHORT CUT, you actually should train your hardest and you best while ON. it makes a HUGE difference.

whatever you do, do NOT think of juice as a SHORT CUT.

good luck little mack.. KEEP THE SOUTH DIRTY!!!!!:D
I don't think it has to do with taking risks either. I take plenty of risks in life an am still very young (skydiving, motorcycles, rock climbing, have a small business, etc). Actually, I think I'm just afraid that once I get older and have real responsibilities (house payments, children <-oh no:D, etc ) that I won't get to do everything I want to do...ahh if I could only stay in college forever.

Anyway I have no idea what is has to do with. If you look at my post history, in June06 I was thinking of doing a cycle, had a blood test done, put a lot of stuff together(meal plan, lifting plan, all supplements) and was ready to start placing orders.

It's October I'm about 7lbs heavier than I was in June and much stronger, and never went through with the cycle (or ordering anything). Now I'm thinking again of doing a cycle but am asking myself if I'll be 7lbs heavier and the same BF in 4 more months, shouldn't I just go that route and try to further enhance my diet and lifting.

Questions I've have asked myself a lot lately when thinking of AAS:
How big do I want to be? Do I want to take the legal risks? Do I want to take the risk of sides (primarily - acne & sterility)? How much can I gain naturally? Do I REALLY have my diet and workout in check? Is this what I'll want in 5-10 years?

I know your training with Phil and I have thought about that a lot too. Maybe I should look into spending money on a trainer such as Phil or DC before I decide to make the move to AAS, then I will know I'm doing stuff right and will know that if I decide to use AAS I will be using them to thier most potential, AND THEN, maybe the rewards outweigh the risks.

Nice post btw, I look forward to more responses b/c I've often wondered similar things.
settle down littlemack... :)

You went to a team building seminar at work and now you're all riled up about doing some gear?

You better call Phillip (reverse the charges hahah) and get a 1 on 1 with him immediately for some peer counseling. j/k bro..

Just some things I'll point out:

1) Gear will not turn you into a 240 pound ripped freak. If it did, those guys would be wall to wall in every gym. Ain't happening. Don't expect miracles or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

2) Competition isn't a moral free ticket to use gear. It is no more valid of a reason than someone who wants to bench 400 or someone who wants to look like a greek god at the beach. It's all the same brotha...

3) There is no "thrill" in it. It is a continuation or furtherment of a lifestyle. One that some choose to do carefully and even healthfully and others choose to do blindly and recklessly.

4) The choice is yours. Even the guys here with paramount knowledge and background like Phillip and BigA cannot make or ok a decision that you have to make. Others are not going to enable you to do it. You'll know if and when the time is right and make that decision yourself. Just be thankful for the geniuses on here whose brains you get to pick.
I will be responding to this thread later on today when I have mroe time. I have a lot to say here, if I forget for some reason, then PM me buddy.
Thank you everyone! I really do appreciate the support and understanding. This is why I won't go anywhere else on the web for bb'ing information! I consider you all friends, and sometimes you need to talk about this stuff with those that have made these same choices. I don't mind being talked out of pursuing this either. I am very open minded and I don't think this makes someone a bad person-to use AAS. Sometimes I feel bad for some of you guys who hold feelings of guilt about it. At this point, I'm leaning towards staying natural just b/c I'm worried about this bp thing and I know that I have a somewhat obsessive personality with stuff like this. Plus, sadly, I feel it pretty much ruined my buddy Phil's life. Well, I wouldn't say ruined, but I would say he probably has regrets about it now. It sounds like there are others here who share in similar regrets. Glory just doesn't seem to be permanent.
I had fun calling all you guys out on this. I really do appreciate the sharing of so much knowledge. How can anyone be so fortunate?

Oh yeah, and my doc put me on Lexapro and I'm pretty hyper. You ever seen one of those rubber bouncy balls you get out of the gumball machine? :D
littlemack said:
I've also been giving thought to this issue of AAS and whether I should not join the group and make this whole bodybuilding experience an easier ride. I've tried to research this forum to see if anyone else has ever brought up the subject, but I didn't get very far. This is an advanced group, after all, and most have already taken the plunge. Phil always talks me out of this silly fantasy and tells me its not the answer I'm looking for. I see all you guys on here and think to myself, that I could be hanging with you guys too though, and I guess feel more a part of the group. I have stupid issues with trying to make others happy and feel accepted. My girlfriend reminds me that I couldn't even take a stupid "prohormone" without getting all psyched out about my bp. I think I may be a hypochondriac. ha. I kind of wish some others who are facing this same quandary would start a thread on this. There are a lot of factors to consider with using AAS. Part of me says maybe you should only be using if your actually competing. I have no issues of feeling "small" or have even felt that way since I was in highschool. For the most part I'm happy at 218lbs and 14%bf, but would maybe like to get that down to 10-12%bf. Or maybe just freak my body out and let you guys show me how to get to 240lbs ripped. ha. Its a complex issue for me, b/c I am sort of a "deep thinker" with things. Maybe along with feeling accepted, I am drawn to AAS for the thrill seeking of it? Any comments? Anyone just getting started who faced these same issues? Or maybe some insight into how you veterans look at the overall picture of things. Is anyone else a thrill seeker?
I've turned this into a novel. Maybe it should be in the Articles section. ha
Peace out. Thanks for any insight.

................. :)
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Thank You Hella Swole! I think that was one of the best posts I've ever read! All of it hit home. I have saved all of these responses so that I can reflect on them. Lots of great insight and experiences. Thank you all.
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OK. I Think I Have Assessed All This.

I think I have a little better handle on all this stuff. I'm going to stay clean and natural. Get my health in line first, and get a LOT more consistent with my diet. I still like to cheat at least once every 2 days. I'm making strength gains. I'm gaining muscle(maybe not as fast as the rest, but still gaining). I'd like to get my bf down under 10% first. Then maybe look at all of this down the road some day. Seems to be so much risk with ordering and customs or mail delivery. Guys tell me not to purchase anything from anyone in person b/c of other risks. Its times like this that make retiring down to Costa Rica look that much better. ha.

I really struggle(d) with this whole AAS issue, and I really appreciate everyone's opinions and sharing your perspectives on this subject. Like I said, I tried to do a search to see if anyone else is facing this same issue, but couldn't find anything. I'm hoping that this will help others in the future as well.
So, given where I'm at with my physique, I would like to start setting a goal. I'm sort of lifting with no purpose at the moment. Its been more of a way to relieve stress and for the love of training hard. So, hear is what I'm going to do, and we will follow me throughout the year. Let's set a 1-2 year goal.

Currently, I'm 6'0" 218lbs and around 14% bf. Here is another guy who is 6'0" and is competitive in NPC at a stage weight of 195-200lbs. He's also 33. He says he carries an offseason weight of 205-210lbs. So he's not a huge ass freak or anything, but I think his physique looks pleasing. I figure I'll need to put on 10-15 lbs of lean mass. Which I think I can do in the next year to year and a half if I work hard, eat clean, get my rest, train hard, and avoid injury.

First, here's me. at 210lbs about a month ago. As you can see, my chest and legs need to be brought up(I feel). I'm working on both of those and legs have filled in some already. On chest, I'm recovering from a torn pec about a year and a half ago.

**broken link removed**

Here's my one to two year goal.
**broken link removed**

I've shared these with Phil and he seems to think its possible. Or at least fairly close.
What do you guys think?
I think Phill is dead on. You can probably get pretty damn close to that if not make it all the way, but you will have to be strict and dedicated. One thing though is that it is tough to get in that kind of condition without drugs, although I will say that many people still do it. You would be suprised at what you looked like once you stripped all the fat off and got shreaded, you shape changes dramatically as you diet. I was suprised when I did my first show this past summer, I almost looked about like you did when I started dieting, here are some before and afters: (I started dieting at around 250lbs though eventhough it doesn't look it, I am 6'1")


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Holy crap! Oh man Swole, this is inspiring! Thank You!

I think this is what I need at this point. A little more focus and a goal in mind.
edge250 said:
dude you only live once, live life with no regrets. if you so choose to go the aas route educate yourself to the upmost, you have a ton of knowledge at your fingertips here, its a very personal decision only you yourself can make. its a very hard thing to stop once you start, keep that in mind. that being said, i battle with what i do everyday. society makes me feel i am a bad person because i choose to bodybuild on a hardcore level. i used to feel like i got nothing but admiration for the level of development i have achieved for myself. now with the media attention and negativity particulary over the past couple years i feel sometimes people look at me now like i am a bad person. good luck
I totally agree with Edge. Littlemack, you have alot of variables to consider and from the look in your pic, it looks to me like you are doing a good job naturally. Ultimately it is only your decision, no one elses, as Edge said feed yourself with loads of knowledge and make the best decision for yourself that you possibly can make. If you do decide to start, start very slowly and take it one cycle at a time, see how you reacts to different compounds. You are a very intelligent person and I think that we all believe that you will make the right decision best suited for your personal needs...............
Thanks Kawasaki! Another one of my mentors has chimed in with much wisdom. Thank you.

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