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Using a depends diaper at 39 because of blood leaking hemmoroids that aren’t visible. Tell me why I should be around anymore?


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2023
I was extremely embarrassed at work the other day when I was told by a colleague that I had blood on my pants and then I realized after going to the doctor that I have hemorrhoids that bleed every time I poop. I don’t have the best job with the best co pay and can’t afford surgery. I am so ashamed to meet anyone anymore and I wear the large depends that soak up the blood after I poop. Is there any hope for a guy like me?
You can treat hemorrhoids bro I would go to the doctor if it’s really bad.

I went to the convenient store to buy diapers for my grandkids. I ask the guy behind the counter where’s the diapers? He pointed to the back corner, so I go and I come back and said “diapers for babies”!
I think most heavy lifters have had some small roids. I would try fasting so they can heal and then a high fiber diet limit your time on the toilet. There’s ways to get them better and if they are super badly thrombosed the surgery I think can be gotten on care credit. I mean you’re frustrated and embarrassed which is legit but adapt overcome, I know it sounds like I’m downplaying it and I’m not it’s a big deal and it sucks but just like crushing shot in the gym it’s just another opportunity to overcome. I had one I thought was bad bc it hurt like hell I of course saw the doc and he gave me the advice above, it’s gone unless I get upset stomach it flares up, he told me go google thrombosed hemmrhoids and you’ll see what requires surgery, and maybe you are there but try the fasting and other stuff brother
Use suppositories and don't wipe with dry toilet paper. A bidet would come in handy here. Only you know what you wear enough your pants. Don't let it bother you as much.
Thank you fellas. Makes me feel a lot better.
Good to hear brother head up, bro when I was 22 my mentor turned me on to baby wipes he was 37 I was like wtf? He looked at me and said “you don’t have hemorrhoids?!?!?” Dude was a 6’5 stud big AF with a hot wife and a ton of 20 something’s you’ll sort it
Use suppositories and don't wipe with dry toilet paper. A bidet would come in handy here. Only you know what you wear enough your pants. Don't let it bother you as much.
Use suppositories and don't wipe with dry toilet paper. A bidet would come in handy here
,it works ,my wife has tried it
Use suppositories and don't wipe with dry toilet paper. A bidet would come in handy here
,it works ,my wife has tried it
I woukd love a bidet seems like a hassle but you can take a quick shower after you shut too. If I get an upset stomach and my ass hurts I do the obligatory wipe the 5 min shower and I only use baby wipes. I think once you have had a hemorrhoid it’s always there but can heal to basically gone. Again fasting is a break for your whole GI tract to heal. Chipotle gave me food poisoning in like 2004 and it was so violent I got a tear very tiny according to the doc, I thought I was gonna die from the pain. How people do things that could tear their ass in a large way is so odd to me not a moral judgement just seems so painful male or female sand yes if a chic asks I oblige but it’s not my preference I digress- he gave me laurcets (odd bc they can constipate you) and told me to go as long as I vm coukd without eating, I did like 3 days almost and that fixed it. Apparently aloe like from the plant helps the skin tighten as well seems like a hassle but when you’re hurting why not
I know this might just be my mind messing with me but why do I start getting bleeding hemmoroids after I eat steak/beef?

If I stick to chicken or fish I have no issues but last night I had a big serving of ribeye and today the toilet was filled with blood after I pooped. Any ideas why?
I know this might just be my mind messing with me but why do I start getting bleeding hemmoroids after I eat steak/beef?

If I stick to chicken or fish I have no issues but last night I had a big serving of ribeye and today the toilet was filled with blood after I pooped. Any ideas why?
Strain I dunno I haven’t had a rib eye in years, when I eat steak which is daily I eat sirloin or too round and it’s smooth sailing for me. A doc may know though
I've had it for a few years now and the bleeding and less and less aften. Give it some time, use the diaper or just have toilet paper rolled covering that area, wipe with wet wipes or use bidet if available. Spend less time pushing, it might take time but it does get better.
A general surgeon would not refuse you. If you make less than 50K per year you can get federal gov assistance. Go see a Dr and worry bout payments later. If you can’t make payments just don’t pay. Medical bills, minimally affect your credit score and will go away after seven years.
Dude please go to Walmart to the self--care section. By the pharmacy where the deodorant, toothpaste, shaving cream stuff is. Get the Walmart brand flushable baby wipes. I haven't used toilet paper in years. I will even carry them with me on trips. That isn't a permanent fix but will help a lot. An ex-girlfriend turned me on to them. Never looked back. Feels SOOO much better. You're cleaner and won't get raw. Trust me. And why should you be around? Because your life has as much value and worth as any other human being on this planet. No matter how famous or rich or whatever they are. You are a completely unique person. One of a kind. That's how God made us. My belief not everyone's though. The other guy you see may not have bleeding hemorrhoids but he has some other cross to bear in life. We all do. God knows I have some issues. Deal with them, head up high and roll on. Life is waiting for you to live it. Carpe diem.
Dude please go to Walmart to the self--care section. By the pharmacy where the deodorant, toothpaste, shaving cream stuff is. Get the Walmart brand flushable baby wipes. I haven't used toilet paper in years. I will even carry them with me on trips. That isn't a permanent fix but will help a lot. An ex-girlfriend turned me on to them. Never looked back. Feels SOOO much better. You're cleaner and won't get raw. Trust me. And why should you be around? Because your life has as much value and worth as any other human being on this planet. No matter how famous or rich or whatever they are. You are a completely unique person. One of a kind. That's how God made us. My belief not everyone's though. The other guy you see may not have bleeding hemorrhoids but he has some other cross to bear in life. We all do. God knows I have some issues. Deal with them, head up high and roll on. Life is waiting for you to live it. Carpe diem.
Thank you. Means a lot to me.
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I had a super narly hemorrhoid once because I was constipated and pushed to hard. It healed eventually and life went on.

Keep a positive mindset and instead of thinking about why your depressed go make a list of everything you are thankful for. Life is truly what you make of it and I promise you if you have the discipline and drive to be a great lifter you can also apply that to other areas of your life.
I had a super narly hemorrhoid once because I was constipated and pushed to hard. It healed eventually and life went on.

Keep a positive mindset and instead of thinking about why your depressed go make a list of everything you are thankful for. Life is truly what you make of it and I promise you if you have the discipline and drive to be a great lifter you can also apply that to other areas of your life.
Thank you 🙏
Oh fuck come on, ever work in the trades? We are all going to end up in diapers too early and a lot of Union and trades guys would put on diapers just to have your back. Any mature woman wouldn't care, they'd feel sorry for you and probably fall more in love.

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