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Do you burn fat quicker the longer into ketosis, and if so when does it ever decline?


New member
May 6, 2009
maybe its just me but it seems sometime maybe when im into the 3 or 4th week i start to look leaner quicker , is it just in my head, if so when does the fat burn start to slow for some of you and when is it at its peak, i cant nescarilly tell if its ever actaully slowing down due to a low thyroid
maybe its just me but it seems sometime maybe when im into the 3 or 4th week i start to look leaner quicker , is it just in my head, if so when does the fat burn start to slow for some of you and when is it at its peak, i cant nescarilly tell if its ever actaully slowing down due to a low thyroid

Same with me, I actually don't even go flat till about three weeks. And often I gain a ton of water, then "BAM" my body figures it out all and starts burning the fat. And when I'm keto, it seems the higher the refeed the more fat I burn the following week. For me the leaner I get the faster my metabolism gets, the higher I get in bodyfat the slower my metabolism gets. Not to get off the topic, but when I was working with Alex to get into single digits, he started me off on low carbs by the time I was 9% my carbs were close to 400grams, we figured out how my body responds pretty quick.
Same with me, I actually don't even go flat till about three weeks. And often I gain a ton of water, then "BAM" my body figures it out all and starts burning the fat. And when I'm keto, it seems the higher the refeed the more fat I burn the following week. For me the leaner I get the faster my metabolism gets, the higher I get in bodyfat the slower my metabolism gets. Not to get off the topic, but when I was working with Alex to get into single digits, he started me off on low carbs by the time I was 9% my carbs were close to 400grams, we figured out how my body responds pretty quick.

so you got up to 400 gs of carbs while still trying to get acieve lower body fat, sounds like bulking, when i have a good size cheat its like starting all over waiting for weeks for results, hows your cheat meal look like and how oftne, i was thinking of trying just a packet of oatmeal, ya think thats enough to stimulate the tyroid, ive never ead anywhere of a fact based thing of how many grams of carbs you need and how often to keep thryoid optimal
Try no carbs for 5 days, then a refeed on the 6th day. This refeed must consist of only clean carbs and fat must be kept at near zero.
so you got up to 400 gs of carbs while still trying to get acieve lower body fat, sounds like bulking, when i have a good size cheat its like starting all over waiting for weeks for results, hows your cheat meal look like and how oftne, i was thinking of trying just a packet of oatmeal, ya think thats enough to stimulate the tyroid, ive never ead anywhere of a fact based thing of how many grams of carbs you need and how often to keep thryoid optimal

When I worked with Alex, it wasn't keto, and yes he increased my carbs to close to 400grms and I kept getting leaner, my metabolism was on fire with his cardio and training routine! When I did keto I just stayed keto 6 days, LAST MEAL on the 7th day I had whatever I wanted. Usually would end up being a whole medium pizza, cinnamon sticks, ice cream, and some candy. I got from about 12% body fat down to 8% in 6-7 weeks. Though I did do a lot of cardio.
hey scott what is alot of cadio??
i do 30min on my bike to work and 20min back and 50min on a stepmater pretty high speed. 6days a week i think that is a lot

so just wanna know what alot of cadio for you is :)
maybe its just me but it seems sometime maybe when im into the 3 or 4th week i start to look leaner quicker , is it just in my head, if so when does the fat burn start to slow for some of you and when is it at its peak, i cant nescarilly tell if its ever actaully slowing down due to a low thyroid

Do you mean after a few weeks on it and after you do a few of the carb ups then you really start dropping weight? If so then it sounds like you are getting into ketosis faster after the carb up hence more days in ketosis hence more fat loss. Is that what you mean?
When I worked with Alex, it wasn't keto, and yes he increased my carbs to close to 400grms and I kept getting leaner, my metabolism was on fire with his cardio and training routine! When I did keto I just stayed keto 6 days, LAST MEAL on the 7th day I had whatever I wanted. Usually would end up being a whole medium pizza, cinnamon sticks, ice cream, and some candy. I got from about 12% body fat down to 8% in 6-7 weeks. Though I did do a lot of cardio.

ya how much cardio are ya doing? i limit myslef to an hour a day, i feel anymore than that ill just have to wait till the fat loss comes around with conistitacy and dieting.
Do you mean after a few weeks on it and after you do a few of the carb ups then you really start dropping weight? If so then it sounds like you are getting into ketosis faster after the carb up hence more days in ketosis hence more fat loss. Is that what you mean?

na i mean into the diet 3 to 4 weeks with no carb up, no direct carbs, i have my fiber and a palm of nuts ed during the diet and my total of that is like 30g of carbs, 300 g of pro, 100g of fat

on another discussion im actually about to start taking some t3 so i guess i dont need the carb up for the thyroid activation, planning on going 2 months on the t3, then a big refeed and back on for month to month with a packet of oatmeal inbetween( no more t3), till the christmas break and do a bulker, ill see how it goes, i know some guys do these cheat meals more often , but i must be carb sensitive, and need to stay away for a while cuz thats the only time i ever see any fat loss progress
ya how much cardio are ya doing? i limit myslef to an hour a day, i feel anymore than that ill just have to wait till the fat loss comes around with conistitacy and dieting.

When I did keto, I was in the ultimate "GET LEAN QUICK" mentality. I was doing 45 minutes in the morning and 45 post workout 5-6 days a week.
na i mean into the diet 3 to 4 weeks with no carb up, no direct carbs, i have my fiber and a palm of nuts ed during the diet and my total of that is like 30g of carbs, 300 g of pro, 100g of fat

on another discussion im actually about to start taking some t3 so i guess i dont need the carb up for the thyroid activation, planning on going 2 months on the t3, then a big refeed and back on for month to month with a packet of oatmeal inbetween( no more t3), till the christmas break and do a bulker, ill see how it goes, i know some guys do these cheat meals more often , but i must be carb sensitive, and need to stay away for a while cuz thats the only time i ever see any fat loss progress

I think you are assuming the carb up is to keep the thyroid from slowing down and I don't think that is the case. The carb up helps the 1st few workouts after the carb up and also keeps the body guessing, I don't know or really think its purpose is to keep the thyroid going strong. You don't have to carb up but you can have 1-2 normal meals on a Saturday just to keep the body guessing, don't need masive carbs, 100-200gms if you want should be fine.
I think you are assuming the carb up is to keep the thyroid from slowing down and I don't think that is the case. The carb up helps the 1st few workouts after the carb up and also keeps the body guessing, I don't know or really think its purpose is to keep the thyroid going strong. You don't have to carb up but you can have 1-2 normal meals on a Saturday just to keep the body guessing, don't need masive carbs, 100-200gms if you want should be fine.

i am under the impression the cheat meal is mainly to stimulate the thyroid for optimal fat loss. what do mean keep the body guessing? guess whether to stay in keto or not? and whats that do? just make it longer to burn fat cuz you have glucose reserves to burn first.

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