"You must change things up to keep growing".....uh what do you think the load is? Its infinite. You take an exercise to its extreme strength potential (allowed by your genetics) and then at that point where you plateau you switch to a new exercise and get brutally strong on that one. Ronnie was a powerlifter in the 220-242lb class before going over to bodybuilding. He did the regular powerlifter movements. And he looked exactly how he does now just a smaller version since he stayed in those weight classes. He is still using the same power exercises and predominantly the same routine he has for 20 years but the weights/poundages have increased dramatically and he is a walking condominium. Do you think because you have lifted 315x10 before using a certain training style (lets say low volume) and switch over to multi set (high volume training) and are still using the exact same 315x10 that your going to be any bigger? No youve already done it. Its been accomplished. If your curling 135x10, benching 315x10, deading 405x10, shoulder pressing 225x10 and squatting 405x10 right now and in 5 years your curling 135x10, benching 315x10, deading 405x10, shoulder pressing 225x10 and squatting 405x10 still, I dont give a crap what multi set, pseudo scientific, psycho training routine you have put your belief in at that point-YOUR GOING TO BE THE EXACT SAME SIZE because youve been using the exact same weights for 5 years! Make yourself (with whatever routine you decide to use and with an advanced gaining diet) the absolute strongest motherfucker for reps your genetics will allow and your going to be the absolute biggest bodybuilder your genetics will allow. The day you rock bottom squat 500lbs for 20 reps, is the last day in hell that your legs will be small and that goes for any other bodypart.
I totally agree!
I've been powerlfting for about a year now and have since made some dramatic gains in strength and thus, as you pointed out above, size.
BALDNAZI wants me to do a DC routine with him for my next training cycle which sounds appealing but I was thinking about sticking with the westside/metal militia routine I developed and proven to be very effective.
My gains in size have slowed down lately but my strength has been stedily increasing. BN, says that its time to change my routine since Ive been training strictly as a powerlfter for over a year and that the DC routine would bring in some gains in size and strength to which I agree. However, I know for a fact that I can put another 60+ lbs on my bench and squat if I run another powerlfting cycle.. so wouldnt that induce some size gains as well?
Im mostly interesed in building massive strength but id really like to put on another 20lbs this winter. Waddya think is wiser choice? -thanks