"If you double triple or quadruple your training weights in good safe form over the next year/s or so your basically (with diet) going to be double or triple your current muscular size. If your going to sit there and overanalyze this shit like its rocket science (which it isnt I dont care what anyone tries to make it out to be) and worry about things that really arent going to add up to pounds of muscle mass, then blame yourself when you never get there."
"I want you guys to feel you way thru all this and pick and choose what exercises work best for you rest paused--you know alot of them that I like but hell if seated cable rows for 12-20rp feel like it destroys your back--be my guest (BUT IF I HEAR OR SEE ANY OF YOU DOING ANKLE KICKBACKS FROM A LOW PULLEY ATTACHEMENT WITH A FUZZY ANKLE BRACELET ON FOR HAMSTRINGS DC STYLE--IM GOING TO BUST YOUR ASS ON IT IN AN OPEN FORUM)"
"middle of the nite)--if they get hungry they either eat like 6 or i have them make a zero carb protein drink in water at meal 6 and put it in the bathroom so when they get up in the middle of the nite to urinate they down it (Just dont be so groggy you piss in the shake and down it-lol)"
"I see the problem right off the bat--why are you eating like its 4 weeks out from a show when your in offseason gaining mode? Egg whites and chicken all day--you might as well go on tuna and rice cakes. This is offseason my man, red meat, steak, hamburger, whole eggs etc etc (mcdonalds, wendys, burger king--eat as many double burgers as you can (hold the mayo) so many burgers you cant eat the fries)---I look above and it looks like you start your carb cuttoff at 10am? Broccoli, Cauliflower, Salad for your 3rd 4th and 5th meals? Chow down!!!! trust in your cardio on off training days and your carb cuttoffs. Your 182lbs and your eating what a 160lb guy eats."
" I dont think Im asking for much--5 worksets "
And theres been many a time I pussed out like a blatant candyass at 17-18reps because I couldnt take the pain anymore---those are the times i go home and put on a girlscout uniform, do a little needlepoint and cry myself to sleep.
"Trust me skip, Ive dieted down twice for shows (before pulling out due to overwhelming work priorities) twice before and it doesnt get much better than whats seen. True story-Im walking out of the gym one day and this mother (no not a MILF JIM!)and her 2 little boys are there--one says"wow your big make a muscle!"--I pulled up my sleeve and flexed the pipe and the kid goes "Flex!"....I said "I am!"....him:"no your not"....me"yes i am!!!".......I walked away with my tail between my legs and decided at that point forward if I ever get asked that question again, Im going to drop my sweats and hit a quad shot, I dont care if its in church."
"Or the constant complaining like "christ i used to incline press (*yea with a 8 inch bounce and your partner pulling up 40lbs of it) 225x6 and now with controlling the descent I was only able to do 185 x 8 first time out---well shucks Bucky welcome to the world of lifting correctly to actually gain muscle mass. Guess what? Im going to make you so strong in such a short time that your old poundages will be a distant memory and even better you're training partner wont be getting bigger biceps spotting you and you wont be cheating your ass off doing it. "