I am interested in capping some of my own pills of caffeine and yohimbine hcl.I have not tried this before and am curious if its simple to dose such a small amount of yohimbine of 5mg per pill?I do have a good digital scale that reads 10ths of a gram.It just seems hard to believe that sprinkling 120mg of yohimbe hcl to 24 capsules in a capsule filler and getting a even dose in each pill.
I was gonna go by these directions :
Also planning to get this capper :
I was gonna go by these directions :
Alot of people commonly ask for a good technique for capping powders.
You can get a capping contraption for about $15
You can also get roughly 500 caps for about $8
You can use almost anything for a filler, the finer the filler powder, the easier to use.
BCAA's, Creatine, Glutamine, Protein powder are all good for example.
Say we are working with 24 caps. You want to weigh those caps empty first.
Now fill those caps with filler. Make sure you compress the powder with a card or something.
After you have them full, weigh them and subtract the empty cap weight from the full cap
weight. Lets say that amounts to 10g.
Now lets say we want to make caps that are 25mg. Multiply 25 x 24. (25mgx24caps)
So we have 600mg total active compound. Subtract that from the 10g total full cap weight.
That brings us to 9400mg. Thats the amount of filler we need.
So 600mg active compound, 9400mg filler= 10000mg or 10g
Combine these using a mortar and pestle. Add a few drops of liquid food coloring so that
you can tell the difference between your batches of caps. This helps when you have several
different types. Anavar, Tamoxifen etc. It also helps you to know when your filler and
active compound are fully mixed. Mix well just incase.
Now take your fully mixed powder and dump in all in your tray on one side, use a credit
card to spread it out. the caps will fill easily if the powder is dry but you will be left
with some powder not in the caps. Use the card to compress the powder into the caps and
repeat untill all the powder is in the caps.
Apply the tops and squeeze togeather untill they are tightly capped.
Also planning to get this capper :