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Double your Trap Routine

Wesley Inman

Jun 9, 2008
About 5 years ago I developed a routine that has become so successful it is now used by several Pro bodybuilders. I even have strongmen and PL's using this...hundreds of amateurs now follow this. I promise you will increase your trap size tremendously, but you have to follow it to a "tee" and leave your ego behind...Generally first time users of my routine will double their trap size over a few month period.

Your bodyweight is not important, and you must use the weights that I am listing...

First you will do these twice per week..

Second, you will use a camber bar if possible, no hammer machines, straight bar only if you dont have a camber bar...You are going to lean forward slightly on each variation of this exercise the entire time, your stance will be slightly less then someone who was downhill skiing...

The form is very IMPORTANT...Now what else is important is a 2 second pause and count at the top of each one...

What else is VERY IMPORTANT is that your arms NEVER bend on any of the reps....

What else is VERY IMPORTANT is that you wear STRAPS...this is not a grip exercise and you will not get proper results if you don't do this....Your straps should be so tight you barely have to grip at all, let them do ALL of the work, do not recruit secondary muscles...On the reverse shrugs a thumbless grip is acceptable with straps on....

There are 2 positions, a FRONT Shrug where the bar resides in the front of you, and a REVERSE Shrug where the bar is behind you and raised slightly above your ass, if it is a camber bar it will not hit... RAISE THE BAR AS HIGH AS YOU CAN before holding the weight.

So strap in, get into place for the first one, the routine goes like this you are leaning forward, take a deep deep breath, now shrug the weight up slowly all the while you continue to lean forward and exhale as you get to the top...Hold and count, one one thousand two...Lower the you lower the weight, allow the weight to stretch the Traps, you are leaning forward still so the stretch is a full stretch, flex your neck as you lower the weight

On the reverse shrug, same thing, only this time lean a little more forward so that the bar can clear your ass, again your ass should be sticking out, chest up, head up, bring the bar as high as you can go and hold for two one thousand two one thousand...

***Each time you shrug the weight up you are not just raising your Traps straight up, raise them up and inward, meaning if you had something in between your trap muscles you would be attempting to squeeze it, aka your traps are doing a "butterfly" motion...****

Again the key is to follow each step of this EXACTLY, dont make your own variation....

Now this is the weight you are to use, follow this EXACTLY...Do not differentiate from this, do not use more or less weight, I dont care how much you deadlift, or how much you weigh, or how strong you think you are, trust me on this
__________________________________________________ _______________________

Set #1
Front Shrug- 135lbs x 50 reps......1 minute rest, turn around and
Reverse Shrug- 135lbs x 50 reps.....

4 minute rest, and yes time this....

Set #2
Front Shrug- 185lbs x 40 reps......2 minute rest, turn around and
Reverse Shrug- 185lbs x 40 reps.....

4 minute rest, and yes time this....

Set #3
Front Shrug- 225lbs x 30 reps......3 minute rest, turn around and
Reverse Shrug- 225lbs x 30 reps....
__________________________________________________ _______________________


If you do these correctly, at first you will not finish the required go to failure...Continue this routine for 2 months like stated, and again, do these 2x per week at the end of whatever workout you are doing...

I dare you to try this routine and not to get the best development that you EVER have...Double your Trap size, your traps will swallow your neck and then be sure to thank me a few months from now
I used to train traps till i heard just about every trainer here say there is no need to ever directly train them. Just heavy back movements will hit them enough. I havent trained them directly in over a year since starting DC and they have still grown but seemed not to grow as much when I would directly train them 1x per week. I may throw a set or 2 in every now and then.

If you work your shoulders and back properly, you will not need a trap day.

If you go to eye level on front and lateral raises you will incorperate your traps sufficiently.
how can you say everyone use the same weight? some people might not be able to do that much weight and for others that weight is like a feather. Your idea is not new bro. I did this when i started training in the 90's. Now like others I realized working traps is not really necessary. Side laterals works traps, rows works traps etc.

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