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Earning Your Pro Card

Bodybuilders are independent contractors, but it would be nice if the IFBB would provide some basic level of healthcare coverage in order to insure that the basic needs of the athletes are taken care of - since the league depends on their continued participation

I wonder how many top level competitors had their careers cut short because they neglected basic requirements like blood pressure medications (Fahkiri, Fouad etc.)
In America, "Independent Contractor" by definition means they are independent and are therefore responsible for their own benefits, not the people they are contracting work with. Sure it would be nice, but won't ever happen. From a business standpoint why would they ever provide that?
In America, "Independent Contractor" by definition means they are independent and are therefore responsible for their own benefits, not the people they are contracting work with. Sure it would be nice, but won't ever happen. From a business standpoint why would they ever provide that?

The IFBB is under no obligation, but it would be nice, and perhaps paint the organization in a more favorable light
Most people tend to favour the mass monsters, but many moons ago you had a chap called Mohammed Makkawy who was 5ft 3 and 155lbs, the man had a fantastic physique and a successful pro career, winning shows and beating the likes of Lee Haney, he managed that because like you said, bodybuilding is about muscle, shape, symmetry and conditioning and the only oil involved back then was the posing oil. I respect anyone who has the willpower, tenacity and work ethic necessary to get on a bodybuilding stage and to that level of conditioning, we all know it´s not easy.

Very true and there are some incredible bodybuilders who don't weigh much. The same still applies though because today 99% of them could not be competitive when the smallest pro division is 212. Shaun Charida is an outlier just like Mohamed Makkawy was in the 70-80's.
Bodybuilders are independent contractors, but it would be nice if the IFBB would provide some basic level of healthcare coverage in order to insure that the basic needs of the athletes are taken care of - since the league depends on their continued participation

I wonder how many top level competitors had their careers cut short because they neglected basic requirements like blood pressure medications (Fahkiri, Fouad etc.)
I believe Fouad has been pretty wealthy for a very long time, I don't think he hasn't been able to afford an excellent health monitoring to be honest.
Adding "IFBB Pro" to your resume might help to a certain extent if you're coaching others, but anyone that really follows this sport, and knows much at all about it,
knows that it means very little, and doesn't make someone a better coach at all (if anything it could hinder their coaching abilities, for a variety of reasons).
I can think of more great coaches that are NOT pros, than coaches that are.
I believe Fouad has been pretty wealthy for a very long time, I don't think he hasn't been able to afford an excellent health monitoring to be honest.

Didn’t save his kidneys

But to be fair, I believe he did ignore his doctors recommendations to get on bp meds
Adding "IFBB Pro" to your resume might help to a certain extent if you're coaching others, but anyone that really follows this sport, and knows much at all about it,
knows that it means very little, and doesn't make someone a better coach at all (if anything it could hinder their coaching abilities, for a variety of reasons).
I can think of more great coaches that are NOT pros, than coaches that are.

Matt Jansen, Patrick Tuor, Justin Harris, AJ Sims, Hany Rambod, Chad Nicholls

Not a pro card between them as far as I’m aware
I’ve been trying for 25 years just to be the best in my town. Now a day just trying to be the best at the old YMCA lol.
Didn’t save his kidneys

But to be fair, I believe he did ignore his doctors recommendations to get on bp meds
Well then...no healthcare coverage is enough if one disregards his issues!
Just like any sport. As the league grows along with interest and fans so do the competitors.

They didn’t have alot of these divisions 20 years ago

Any open bodybuilder pro card seems still extremely hard to obtain
Matt Jansen, Patrick Tuor, Justin Harris, AJ Sims, Hany Rambod, Chad Nicholls

Not a pro card between them as far as I’m aware

I believe Patrick did turn pro - and AJ tried, but just didn't have the structure for it. However, to be fair to AJ, he only competed in Open BB. He more than likely could have made it in other categories.
I always say this.....
While I agree that there’s nothing easy about it, the fact that I did it puts into stark focus that with, the advent of SO many divisions/age groups/ etc., it’s much easiER than it once was.

I can say “IFBB Pro” but I would NEVER place myself at the level of your accomplishments or the vast majority of those that won theirs before the current era.
Didn’t save his kidneys

But to be fair, I believe he did ignore his doctors recommendations to get on bp meds
On his pod casts that i have seen numerous times he has talked about a dr. telling him to quit BBing as it was not good for his kidneys but was never offered BP meds. And says once he finally was offered them he started taking the. But it seems he did wait a long time and did not get a second opinion. Seems like something he could figure out on his own. But many don't do their own foot work.
While I agree that there’s nothing easy about it, the fact that I did it puts into stark focus that with, the advent of SO many divisions/age groups/ etc., it’s much easiER than it once was.

I can say “IFBB Pro” but I would NEVER place myself at the level of your accomplishments or the vast majority of those that won theirs before the current era.
Incredibly self aware, humble and honest post. But also - don’t sell yourself short.
On his pod casts that i have seen numerous times he has talked about a dr. telling him to quit BBing as it was not good for his kidneys but was never offered BP meds. And says once he finally was offered them he started taking the. But it seems he did wait a long time and did not get a second opinion. Seems like something he could figure out on his own. But many don't do their own foot work.
Abiad has said when he initially was told he had high blood pressure and needed to be put on medication he believed you couldn't bodybuild if you were taking blood pressure medication. He's never said where he got that idea from but I assume it was his own as he's had plenty of wacky ideas. For example, for most of his career he believed you should take a rest day the day after your cheat meals.
I believe Patrick did turn pro - and AJ tried, but just didn't have the structure for it. However, to be fair to AJ, he only competed in Open BB. He more than likely could have made it in other categories.
AJ Sims quit competing due to stomach issues - he couldn't keep eating the way he needed to for bodybuilding. He talked about it in depth with Fouad Abiad a year or two ago.
Abiad has said when he initially was told he had high blood pressure and needed to be put on medication he believed you couldn't bodybuild if you were taking blood pressure medication. He's never said where he got that idea from but I assume it was his own as he's had plenty of wacky ideas. For example, for most of his career he believed you should take a rest day the day after your cheat meals.
with all due respect, but Fuad has a really low level of knowledge - you can see it from the podcast in which he often asks completely idiotic questions to his guests
with all due respect, but Fuad has a really low level of knowledge - you can see it from the podcast in which he often asks completely idiotic questions to his guests
Very true. I find that to be true of many if not most of pros that i listen to for any length of time. People and guru's tend to think what ever they did was the best or even the only acceptable way to train, grow, diet etc. And not that they had good genetics drugs and a lot of food. I find natural guys can be the most knowledgeable out there very often as they don't have things to make up for their errors.

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