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What % of your daily protein is whey?


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Dec 22, 2023
I’m at about 40%. Sometimes it feels like too much but it’s so damn easy to add it to everything. What is your breakdown?
approximately 25%. I usually have 3 scoops per day and aim for 250-300G. I mix my whey in egg whites so I get a nice 50+ grams of protein every shake.

If you digest it well and are getting the majority of your calories from Whole Foods and hunger isn’t an issue I don’t see a problem with 40% 🤷
Training days 40 to 55%, non training days 10 to 25%. I had two recent tests and creatinine and BUN were slightly out of range high, I was thinking it might be from my 100 grams of protein powder preworkout and during workout or my high BP and RHR, I'll be testing it again soon, and I'm not ever running high bp and RHR again, it's really bad for you.
approximately 25%. I usually have 3 scoops per day and aim for 250-300G. I mix my whey in egg whites so I get a nice 50+ grams of protein every shake.

If you digest it well and are getting the majority of your calories from Whole Foods and hunger isn’t an issue I don’t see a problem with 40% 🤷
You mix protein powder and egg whites and drink it? That's fucking disgusting haha. More power to you I guess. I just use 50 grams of protein powder preworkout and intra-workout or do little one scoop every 2 hours half meals
At the moment 0% but that will likely change to about 20% (1 in 5). In the past when I have been trying to gain more size I would often rotate whole food meals with shakes so would have 3 whole food meals and 2-3 shakes. Although my shakes weren't just whey and would often be something like synthepure whey isolate, oats, pineapple, frozen blueberries and coconut milk.

Just adding my blender broke and it was at the time I began to downsize so I decided not to buy a new one but writing the above has reminded me I am definitely buying a new one soon. I used to love those shakes and they were so easy and fast to make. There is nothing wrong with some whey isolate (or similar) in your diet. I wouldn't have it all the time but mixed in with some great whole foods choices and you are fine.
You mix protein powder and egg whites and drink it? That's fucking disgusting haha. More power to you I guess. I just use 50 grams of protein powder preworkout and intra-workout or do little one scoop every 2 hours half meals

Liquid egg whites mixed with protein powder is actually delicious. The sulfur farts it gives me though isnt worth it. Literally makes one of my cats start gagging and stumble out of the room.
3 meals chicken
3 meals whey
Has worked well for me for years. As I get deeper into a cut phase, I may go 4 chicken meals, and 2 whey meals
Just ~50 gr in the AM currently, since this Semaglutide is kicking my hunger to the curb, and I need to get my protein in somehow 😅. I'd prefer to eat my protein normally, but forcing down chicken breast is meh, a whey shake is easy.
Recently started "growth phase" from a "leaning out phase" and my apatite is soaring.
I'm eating 300g (direct sources) of proteins and 0 are from powders. It might change in the near future.
I stopped using protein powders. Digestion and making me fill full all day, didn't wont to eat whole foods. I do use eaas and beef liver powder post.
You mix protein powder and egg whites and drink it? That's fucking disgusting haha. More power to you I guess. I just use 50 grams of protein powder preworkout and intra-workout or do little one scoop every 2 hours half meals
The whites from a carton really aren’t that bad. I’ll occasionally use them for a milk substitute on cereal but always add protein powder to it too
I stopped using protein powders. Digestion and making me fill full all day, didn't wont to eat whole foods. I do use eaas and beef liver powder post.
Even with isolate or hydrolized?
I stopped using protein powders. Digestion and making me fill full all day, didn't wont to eat whole foods. I do use eaas and beef liver powder post.
I have the opposite problem. Whole foods for me are so much more satiating while whey leaves me feeling hungry...
Just ~50 gr in the AM currently, since this Semaglutide is kicking my hunger to the curb, and I need to get my protein in somehow 😅. I'd prefer to eat my protein normally, but forcing down chicken breast is meh, a whey shake is easy.
The different whey flavors make it so easy to just add: to oatmeal, yogurt, shakes, cream of rice... then before I know it, it's half of my protein for the day.
I stopped using powders a few years back. I have no issue with appetite and my daily schedule allows me to get all my meals in and sit down to eat them

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