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Earning Your Pro Card

Everyone has already posted my views. I completely agree with 165statechamp, Palifter and TheOtherOne55 etc. One thing I have never got is the bantamweight bodybuilders. That division is up to 143 1/4 pounds. Even if someone has great shape etc what are they going to do in the pro ranks. Obviously many pro's take years to be competitive and that's all part of the process but that weight category never made sense to me. I know the likes of Shaun Clarida started there and he has built an incredible physique who can challenge anyone in the 212 division but pretty much anyone who comes from bantamweight is never going to do anything after becoming pro unless they put on 30+ pounds of lean tissue afterwards. To me it's like having a basketball division for people under 5ft 3.

I know bodybuilding isn't about weight and it's about muscle, shape, symmetry, conditioning etc and some of those guys are "pretty" but it's always seemed almost pointless the way things are between the NPC and IFBB. Obviously if there was a Pro 170 division they could aim for this point would be completely mute but with how the pro league is structured it seems 99% of them once they get their pro card their career is essentially over unless they don't compete in the IFBB.
someone, anyone, please point out to me where anyone in this thread said getting a pro card was easy

need to start comprehending what you’re reading BEFORE your undies get twisted
someone, anyone, please point out to me where anyone in this thread said getting a pro card was easy

need to start comprehending what you’re reading BEFORE your undies get twisted
What does “It seems like now they hand these out like pennies” in the OP mean to you?
Although most professional bodybuilders are not making money, from their division, you will be known as someone who was or is passionate about putting muscle on your frame. Learning your body, and probably exceptional genetics. How many people can say they won their professional ifbb card ?

In bodybuilding it's more of an accomplishment because if how much lean muscle tissue one must put on their body. In classic physique it really depends on your structure, shape how aesthetic one looks, this is an accomplishment and screams good aesthetic genes.
What does “It seems like now they hand these out like pennies” in the OP mean to you?
It means that they give so many out now that they have no value

has nothing to do with what it takes to earn one or that the people getting them are not deserving

just because they give more out does not mean they’re easy to get

i‘m willing to concede that if taken by itself that statement could be interpreted in different ways, HOWEVER if taken in context of the rest of that post, it’s clear thats not what he’s saying
I had a window where I could have competed. I missed it 12 years ago. I wasn't even competing, my friend was, but I watched his training, his diet, his supps... lockstep. Truth is, I didn't miss shit. It was too. damn. hard. It's a 24/7 thing. Even for gym rats. I was starving, my mind was playing tricks on me. I got dizzy and hypo at times, forget sex. Losing muscle left and right, clothes were hanging off me.

They might be handing pro cards out Iike pennies but I'll never have one. As much as I've loved power, BBing, modeling, training people, just giving advice all my adult life, to live like this? Even in my prime, today, I couldn't do it. Not 24/7 like that. Mad respect to the guys who eat, breathe, and shit this stuff day in day out year after year. That shit builds character, dedication, punctuality, discipline, not afraid of hard work. It's why so many who do this are financially successful. They know that formula. Same with our high school and college wrestlers. Same deal. That kind of devotion and loyalty is rare these days. And it can be applied to life.

Been on this board almost 20 years now. I fall short plenty. More than most in fact. But I've been at one gym or another at least 19 out of those 20 years. Divorce? Gym. Custody battle? Get the eggs ready. Family/friend dead? Supersets.

Not everyone can do this shit. There are 800 kids in my daughters school. There might be 5 parents as fit as me. And most are school coaches 10 - 15 years younger than me. Many of you guys describe similar circumstances. That's the goods there. Pro card? Meh. Wanna be famous? Sure. Don't? Fine too. But most of you are here bc you love it. And you know it.

Sorry slesh, know this was a what's up with IFBB vs NPC thread. Hope this didn't derail it.
It means that they give so many out now that they have no value

has nothing to do with what it takes to earn one or that the people getting them are not deserving

just because they give more out does not mean they’re easy to get

i‘m willing to concede that if taken by itself that statement could be interpreted in different ways, HOWEVER if taken in context of the rest of that post, it’s clear thats not what he’s saying
I didn’t take any issue with what OP said as he made it clear through various qualifying statements that the post wasn’t meant to be disrespectful.

But in conjunction with words and phrases like ‘diluted’ and ‘hand these out’ someone could interpret his post as implying getting a card is easy. Things of no value are generally pretty easy to get, right? I’ve never had a hard time finding a penny.
Most of the people I personally know who have got their procard in the past 5 years or so haven't done anything with it. Most use it as an "accreditation" in their IG profile for "coaching".
Someone who really is passionate and wants to be a pro is great, but if that's why they wanted it, why are so many to never get back on the stage?
I gave it a shot in 2018, when they gave out 3 cards. The next year it was 6. Then there were 3 shows a year with 6 cards each.

Personally I miss the old days when people like Matt Mendenhall and Rory Leidelmeyer could not get their cards.
There were comparatively few pros and they were almost all exceptional bodybuilders.
Most of the people I personally know who have got their procard in the past 5 years or so haven't done anything with it. Most use it as an "accreditation" in their IG profile for "coaching".
Someone who really is passionate and wants to be a pro is great, but if that's why they wanted it, why are so many to never get back on the stage?
I gave it a shot in 2018, when they gave out 3 cards. The next year it was 6. Then there were 3 shows a year with 6 cards each.

Personally I miss the old days when people like Matt Mendenhall and Rory Leidelmeyer could not get their cards.
There were comparatively few pros and they were almost all exceptional bodybuilders.
At least it could possibly help them financially by coaching someone, as long as they do it safely. Inspiring to say the least, look what Milos done , after his competive career. Hes coach a lot of professional bodybuilders, and continues now with classic and even physique, I think.

An interview with Dorian Yates, recently, Dorian said, that a lot of guys, when they get older , identifies themselves with their body, and have difficulty downsizing, using too much anabolics. (aas, gh, slin) I understand as a male, it feels awesome to be the biggest guy in most places youre in. I think one can have plenty of muscle, after downsizing from massive muscle size.

Bodybuilders arnt making money, like in them days , where they competed on grand prix tours across Europe. Had sponsors. The bodybuilding scene will never go back there, to the magazine days.
I didn’t take any issue with what OP said as he made it clear through various qualifying statements that the post wasn’t meant to be disrespectful.

But in conjunction with words and phrases like ‘diluted’ and ‘hand these out’ someone could interpret his post as implying getting a card is easy. Things of no value are generally pretty easy to get, right? I’ve never had a hard time finding a penny.
“diluted” again just means theres a lot of something for a given market

just because something has no actual cash value doesn’t mean it‘s easy to get, we‘re not talking actual pennies here

it‘s not that they have no value from the get go, it’s that over time having a pro card loses its ”specialness” as the “market” gets saturated with people who have pro cards. Even though those people probably earned them justly

did you not notice that the last sentence in my last post and your last entire post are saying the same thing with different wording
Thank you @SouthernMuscle

I put those qualifiers in because I meant them. And I used words like “pennies” and “diluted” on purpose to be hyperbolic to prove a point. Not once did I mean to imply it’s easy - but like stated above - especially in the US - they are giving them out more than ever and to 2nd place finishers - those apparently are just the facts. As I have already stated twice now - my real point was the divisions and disconnect between the NPC and IFBB. That is all. Take it how you want. But I never said it was easy.
Everyone has already posted my views. I completely agree with 165statechamp, Palifter and TheOtherOne55 etc. One thing I have never got is the bantamweight bodybuilders. That division is up to 143 1/4 pounds. Even if someone has great shape etc what are they going to do in the pro ranks. Obviously many pro's take years to be competitive and that's all part of the process but that weight category never made sense to me. I know the likes of Shaun Clarida started there and he has built an incredible physique who can challenge anyone in the 212 division but pretty much anyone who comes from bantamweight is never going to do anything after becoming pro unless they put on 30+ pounds of lean tissue afterwards. To me it's like having a basketball division for people under 5ft 3.

I know bodybuilding isn't about weight and it's about muscle, shape, symmetry, conditioning etc and some of those guys are "pretty" but it's always seemed almost pointless the way things are between the NPC and IFBB. Obviously if there was a Pro 170 division they could aim for this point would be completely mute but with how the pro league is structured it seems 99% of them once they get their pro card their career is essentially over unless they don't compete in the IFBB.
This was my main point
I had a window where I could have competed. I missed it 12 years ago. I wasn't even competing, my friend was, but I watched his training, his diet, his supps... lockstep. Truth is, I didn't miss shit. It was too. damn. hard. It's a 24/7 thing. Even for gym rats. I was starving, my mind was playing tricks on me. I got dizzy and hypo at times, forget sex. Losing muscle left and right, clothes were hanging off me.

They might be handing pro cards out Iike pennies but I'll never have one. As much as I've loved power, BBing, modeling, training people, just giving advice all my adult life, to live like this? Even in my prime, today, I couldn't do it. Not 24/7 like that. Mad respect to the guys who eat, breathe, and shit this stuff day in day out year after year. That shit builds character, dedication, punctuality, discipline, not afraid of hard work. It's why so many who do this are financially successful. They know that formula. Same with our high school and college wrestlers. Same deal. That kind of devotion and loyalty is rare these days. And it can be applied to life.

Been on this board almost 20 years now. I fall short plenty. More than most in fact. But I've been at one gym or another at least 19 out of those 20 years. Divorce? Gym. Custody battle? Get the eggs ready. Family/friend dead? Supersets.

Not everyone can do this shit. There are 800 kids in my daughters school. There might be 5 parents as fit as me. And most are school coaches 10 - 15 years younger than me. Many of you guys describe similar circumstances. That's the goods there. Pro card? Meh. Wanna be famous? Sure. Don't? Fine too. But most of you are here bc you love it. And you know it.

Sorry slesh, know this was a what's up with IFBB vs NPC thread. Hope this didn't derail it.
Not at all! Adds context.
Winning a pro card isn't easy for sure, regardless of class. Guys like myself who win in board shorts started the journey at ~150lbs. But winning in body building as a light heavy and up is a whole nother beast. I mean look at how many of the guys win and go on to be competitive at the pro ranks. I feel like we've seen a good chunk in the past couple years here. Also, in Canada we still need to win the overall to win our pro card (other than wellness and bikini where they sometimes give out 2)

I do feel like theres a disconnect between npc and ifbb but on many different levels. On the amateur level I had a tough time winning because I was told I was getting "too big" but my feedback from my first pro show was that I need to get wider and denser... explain that one to me.

With many competitors the standard of having accomplished something has changed. I train with a few other MP pros and classic pros and simple being pro isn't enough. The Olympia qualification is almost the new "pro status". So I do agree with some of the points being made here but we as competitors also see it.
Everyone has already posted my views. I completely agree with 165statechamp, Palifter and TheOtherOne55 etc. One thing I have never got is the bantamweight bodybuilders. That division is up to 143 1/4 pounds. Even if someone has great shape etc what are they going to do in the pro ranks. Obviously many pro's take years to be competitive and that's all part of the process but that weight category never made sense to me. I know the likes of Shaun Clarida started there and he has built an incredible physique who can challenge anyone in the 212 division but pretty much anyone who comes from bantamweight is never going to do anything after becoming pro unless they put on 30+ pounds of lean tissue afterwards. To me it's like having a basketball division for people under 5ft 3.

I know bodybuilding isn't about weight and it's about muscle, shape, symmetry, conditioning etc and some of those guys are "pretty" but it's always seemed almost pointless the way things are between the NPC and IFBB. Obviously if there was a Pro 170 division they could aim for this point would be completely mute but with how the pro league is structured it seems 99% of them once they get their pro card their career is essentially over unless they don't compete in the IFBB.
Most people tend to favour the mass monsters, but many moons ago you had a chap called Mohammed Makkawy who was 5ft 3 and 155lbs, the man had a fantastic physique and a successful pro career, winning shows and beating the likes of Lee Haney, he managed that because like you said, bodybuilding is about muscle, shape, symmetry and conditioning and the only oil involved back then was the posing oil. I respect anyone who has the willpower, tenacity and work ethic necessary to get on a bodybuilding stage and to that level of conditioning, we all know it´s not easy.
Bodybuilders are independent contractors, but it would be nice if the IFBB would provide some basic level of healthcare coverage in order to insure that the basic needs of the athletes are taken care of - since the league depends on their continued participation

I wonder how many top level competitors had their careers cut short because they neglected basic requirements like blood pressure medications (Fahkiri, Fouad etc.)
Bodybuilders are independent contractors, but it would be nice if the IFBB would provide some basic level of healthcare coverage in order to insure that the basic needs of the athletes are taken care of - since the league depends on their continued participation

I wonder how many top level competitors had their careers cut short because they neglected basic requirements like blood pressure medications (Fahkiri, Fouad etc.)

Healthcare coverage for people that abuse aas/diuretics/stims to the max? Will never happen
Healthcare coverage for people that abuse aas/diuretics/stims to the max? Will never happen

I mean, smokers, junkies, the morbidly obese and motorcycle riders have insurance..

Not saying it would be cheap necessarily… but if the IFBB wants to keep their money makers alive.. idk, just a thought

Doesn’t have to be the diamond-level coverage

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