Just started using this stack and i,ll say i,m in love. it just rocks most labels tell you to use for no more then four weeks. how long should your off period be in between.
I've used ECA for years, many years consecutively, sometimes 4-5x a day, some days I dont use it, but I always use it pre workout. Only side effects would be jitteryness if your sensitive, even panick attacks, but thats extrememly rare. Only trouble I notice is maybe some possible prostate issues.
I've used ECA for years, many years consecutively, sometimes 4-5x a day, some days I dont use it, but I always use it pre workout. Only side effects would be jitteryness if your sensitive, even panick attacks, but thats extrememly rare. Only trouble I notice is maybe some possible prostate issues.
I thought I was gonna die... I had just done a set of 405 on squats and as I racked the weight I started seeing little flashes of light. I got dizzy and felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. I laid down and told my training partner I might have to go to the hospital. It felt like my pulse was beating so fast I couldn't count it. I was pale and feeling horrible, my pulse did return to normal after a couple of minutes but that was the last time I messed with that stack. In retrospect, my heart was probably beating so fast that it wasn't really pumping blood effectively at all, and thats why I became pale, etc. I was just too sensitive to the effects.
I can see why it would be effective but I just can't hack the side effects of it!!