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EPO use in pros

Big A

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Jun 4, 2002
mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
EPO use in pros
Is there much of this going on? I really don't hear too many guys saying much about it and was wondering if they might use it for vasularity or to help with training endurance while dieting. And if there is use do they use it for shows or while in the offseason? I know that it can be very dangerous or risky when combined with diuretics, but hell so can taking as much AAS and other things.

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02-08-2002 04:06 AM

Man of Steel

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
i don't know how many of the pro's use EPO, but I used it last summer getting redy for the Mr. Missouri and let me tell you, THE SHIT ROCKS... I was 215lbs and had 12% bf when I first started doing cardio and I was a bit winded because i had spent the entire offseason just bulking up, so i got ahold of some EPO and I swear to god I took 10iu's sub-q and the next dad i was ont he treadmill running uphill for an hour and theier was no problem. The lady next to me told me I must have been in awesome shaper to have that much stamina. I told her " It takes years of dedicated training to what I do" and she siad it must have.

I laughed my head off. EPQ is great shit becuase basically what it is doing is replacing blood doping, the practice of taking a pint of blood out, storing it and then infusing it back into your body so you have more red blood cells in your blood stream, therefore allowing more oxygen to be taken in and not getting that burining sensation in you legs or lactic acid build up or the winded feeling. You never feel outta breath.

Basically it is chemical blood doping. It has replaced Anadrol- 50 on mnay doctors prescriptions to help rasie red blood cell counts in anemic pateints or people with HIV. As we all know A-50 also increases red blood cell counts as well.

But you can retain water on EPO so be cuareful when using it for a contest. As far as using it wth diruetics I used 100mg aldectone and 40mg injectable lasix last year for contest and never had a problem so i doubt any pro's would either, but do your research before you use it, but if you do decide to use it I doubt you will be disappointed.


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02-08-2002 10:31 PM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
Thanks hvy
Anyone else got some input? RY, PHIL, Big A?

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02-09-2002 03:33 AM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
Opinions or experiences please?

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02-13-2002 05:17 AM

Future Junior Natl Powerlifting Champ

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: in your bed with ur girl, lol
Posts: 289
i am think abt usin that for
gettin reddy for football in the fall, can epo be detected on ncaa test?
i think it would be great for recovery especially when mixed with susp and halo
hvy whats ure take on this


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02-13-2002 06:13 AM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51

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02-15-2002 10:53 PM

Man of Steel

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
There has been reports on clinical studies showing if EPO is dectable in a piss test. Since it is not and anabolic or androgenic steroid nor a diurectic the NCAA would not be testing for it.

Since the use of EPO artifically created red blood cells to aid in stamina in endurance sports like track, football, or basketball, the use of EPO is probably known, although I played college football at Central florida and I never heard of it until last summer when I got my hands on some.

The use of EPO in replaciong blood doping is safe and effective in increasing stamina and endurnace while doing high intensity cardiovascular excerise, so to answer both of your questions,

1) Yes I would defenitly use it for football becuase it will help you get through practice with ease

2) The NCAA will most likely not test for it, becuase all the test would show is an elevated number of red blood cells, nothing to worry a doctor.

So in both cases yes go ahead and use it but use only 10ius 3x a week, that is all you need to see good results of increased stamina. Any other questions I would be happy to help.


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02-16-2002 05:27 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 4
What have you heard in terms of using EPO for bulking? Can it be used while using Test? Is EPO the same as Epogin/Epotin?

Thanks Bro

"Do What You Do"

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02-18-2002 02:04 AM

Man of Steel

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
yes I have heard of that...
Yes EPO is the same thing as Epogen. Using EPO during a bulking phase can be good for a number of reasons. The first reason is that of course it increases your red blood cell count which will help get you thorugh those intese training sessions like leg days and back days. I myself am sometimes out of breath after I do a set of squats at 405 for 8-10 reps, but since I have been using EPO I don't get as winded anylonger and my stamina has increased. Also my stamina increases doing cardio because EPO helps prevent the lactic acid build up.
It is also useful becuase of the moderate amoutn od water retention you get from using it. It is quite similar in the fashion of A-50 in the way A-50 increases your red blood cell count and gives you that extremem water bloat, but EPO isn't as harsh nor it doesn't make you as strong. The excess water retention also acts like Deca as it will lubricate your joints making any pain area's feel better.

So yes EPO is great to use during a bulking cycle. Except it will get a bit expensive. A bottle of EPO costs around $200-300, but then again you get a 10,000iu bottle and you only take 10iu's 3x a week, so in my opinon it is a wise investment.


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02-18-2002 03:42 AM

Future Junior Natl Powerlifting Champ

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: in your bed with ur girl, lol
Posts: 289
does it need to
be refrigerated?
and are there alot of fakes of it?
thanx buddy


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02-18-2002 01:32 PM

Ry Roid

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 214
No fakes really and I usually will use it inbetween courses and I use it during cutting. I usually use it for like 6-8 weeks toward the end.


You can determine a man's worth by the amount of criticism that comes out of his mouth.


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02-18-2002 07:23 PM

Junior Member

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 4
Is it okay to use EPO while on Test? I'd assume that EPO and A50 isn't a good idea but what about using it with Test?

Thanks again buddy

"Do What You Do"

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02-18-2002 10:25 PM

Man of Steel

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
No I wouldn't use....
EPO and A-50 together in a cycle becuase of the potential side effects. Inittially your blood would get to thick and you could get clots, block veins, herat palpitations or even worse you could die becuase your blood would be so thick your heart couldn't pump it. So use one of the other. Personally I would use A-50 with the test and save the EPO for a cutting cycle, but if you want to use EPO with test I don't see any problems, just don't add EQ in that mix with the EPO becuase EQ also increases red blood cell count but not to the degree of EPO or A-50.

Not to say you can't use EQ with EPO. I did it for my contest but then again I am a crazy ass mother fucker. I can withstand much more than most people, but go ahead and place the EPO wioth the test if ya want to but in my opinon, use the A-50 to bulk with the test.


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02-18-2002 11:00 PM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
Thanks guys.
Now I'm getting some useful info.
Funny this got bumped.

I've always wondered if there's much of a point in using EPO if you're a bodybuilder.

Any have experience with it?
Funny this got bumped.

I've always wondered if there's much of a point in using EPO if you're a bodybuilder.

Any have experience with it?

EPO increases hemocrit which can be beneficial for bbers. More oxygen gets pumped into your muscles as a result. Then again there's the flip side to it as well. If hemo gets too high, it can lead to stroke or heart attack.

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