Whats everyone's thoughts on epo and its purpose for bodybuilding? I've recently come across some human grade and wondering if its worth using and what people have gotten results wise out of it?
Whats everyone's thoughts on epo and its purpose for bodybuilding? I've recently come across some human grade and wondering if its worth using and what people have gotten results wise out of it?
I know youre going to just shake your head and laugh at me, but if you like blot clots then use that stuff. Using EPO alongside AAS is just asking for it. Try it out for a few months and report back on here about your resuults. We could use some personal experience on the site!
expensive and dangerous! It can give you some temporary volume/fullness kinda like timing A-bombs a couple days before your show. The amounts you do will dictate what its doing. No way is this stuff worth it.IMO
Whats everyone's thoughts on epo and its purpose for bodybuilding? I've recently come across some human grade and wondering if its worth using and what people have gotten results wise out of it?
What results do you think you could benefit from as a bodybuilder using epo?
None. Being on a any decent dose of AAS is going to elevate your RBC's anyhow. Using EPO is going to get them to dangerous levels. There is no need. Even just doing testosterone and nothing else is going to elevate your RBCs. EPO is for cyclists that arent using steroids for the most part. Some of those professionals have died from it.Do a google and youll see some names.
Why does everyone keep saying "epo is the secret of the pro's" I know thats probably just broknowledge, but whats the big thing with it. If cyclists wanted to use it to raise rbc's why dont they just use eq instead? I dont see why its around?
I think they use it because its tough to test for? Im not sure if they even have a test that can detect its levels. I think all that they do is test your hematocrit several times a year and check to make sure that the levels do not jump up right before the race.At least that is the impression I got. Maybe someone with knowledge of cycling could chime in. Deca and EQ hang around a long time and are some of the drugs that get more athletes busted more than others; they are very easy to test for. On the other hand EPO I think is easier to conceal. Another factor may be the fact that they do not want to get too heavy and bulky, as it would impede them in cycling?
Why does everyone keep saying "epo is the secret of the pro's" I know thats probably just broknowledge, but whats the big thing with it. If cyclists wanted to use it to raise rbc's why dont they just use eq instead? I dont see why its around?
I read somewhere that cyclists actually get red blood cells take out, frozen, then injected back into their body at a later time to increase performance? Anyone know how this works? Not that i would ever try it, but sounds similar to EPO.
Typically EPO is used by endurance athletes for the purpose of increasing rbc count so as to increase the hemoglobin which increases the amount of oxygen that can be carried in the blood to the working muscles. This increases the aerobic capacity of the working muscle and ends up letting the athlete train at a much higher level for longer than if he/she didn't have the extra oxygen carrying capabilities.
For bodybuilding, considering that it's not really an endurance sport, it's not really needed or recommended in the least. That and the fact that compounds such as eq already raise rbc's to higher and higher levels, if one were to take EPO there would be a major problem with the thickening in the blood and an exponential increase in the chance of a clot.
tl;dr: don't take epo if you're looking into bodybuilding
The effects of epo last well after the course is done being administered. So there is not need to run it continually. Do it in 6 weeks cycles with 4-6 weeks in between( it will depend on your body, everyone is different.)
Everyone like to jump on the 'bash epo bandwagon its so dangerous!'. 99% of the people who give there opinions/advice have never taken the drug or researched it in depth so there opinions are just that 'opinions'. I personally would not take it if I didn't have the centrifuge to test my blood, having it takes the guess work out of it.
Its not that expensive. I know ip sells it for pretty cheap. it would probably cost you $200-$300 to run it for a 3-4 months.