patk, I respect you, and if t-400 causes no problems that really rocks, since it is good inn terms of AS content.
But have you ever seen serious scar tissue lumps, feel hard like cartilage, adn mine have not broken up after a long time. I'm not talking the kind of scar tissue you get from shooting 2cc winny in your delt EOD for 3 years straight, thats nothing. This is the kind of nasty scar tissue. And I have only seen it caused by products high in BA. Please inform how the AS itself causes the scar tissue unless you are talking about crystaline depots, or irritation form the fatty acid/ester. ie lauric acid, propanoic acid.
I have seen celluitis result from t400 as well as similar products, why is that??? Tissue necrosis??? With an infection following that does not have fixed borders possibly???
I certainly don't want to argue, but I would not let my friends use such products without a serious lecture.
Now some people get no pain form sustanon, some get infections form just the mildest contamination in an AQ solution ie suspensions). But seems a lot have had problems with high dose high alcohol gear.
Perhaps I am wrong, but I wish you were here to feel so body parts on a few guys who regret ever touching those kind of products. But yes, some have no prob.
now how many people get serious scar tissue, such that the location will not even hold oil anymore, and it pops all up to the surface, or travels in a bubble up the leg when it is moved after injection....from regularly/traditionally dosed gear at 250mg or less for all test except prop adn susp. vet or human. I just don't think anyone I care about should take a known risk, or a risk I believe to be real. maybe I'm a fool, but I was a bigger fool for using hte stuff and casuing the damage I have. Visable scar tissue when I flex, thats just nasty, it appears moves under the skin as leg moves/flexes. real nice, many thanks to 300+ mg gear.