Nothing if you wont diet...
ALR Venom Hyperdrive. Nothing has ever yielded the results that people are seeing with this product. I have been in the supp industry for about seven years and have never seen anything like it. We have to keep cases on hand at each of our stores.
ALR Venom Hyperdrive. Nothing has ever yielded the results that people are seeing with this product. I have been in the supp industry for about seven years and have never seen anything like it. We have to keep cases on hand at each of our stores.
Dusty, with this product do you get the heart racing and such that goes along with most fat burners??
and customers opinions. Most (75-85%) of people do very well on this and don't experience heart racing or increased BP at the proper dose. A few people, it wil make them feel anxious and tweaked out like they are on meth or amphetamines. .
great answer.. how would a customer or you know what its like to feel like your on meth ? ..i couldnt imagine saying to one of my custumers .."hey this might make you tweak like your on meth , you know what i mean"
Fat burners makes me crazy, i cant speak, think and some times breath properly, then i crash in the evening so i rather to do a good diet.