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FDA Steroid Cop

It's crazy to think the outrage of performance enhancing drugs will bring the government to going after a guy like Armstrong for publicity. This guy is the poster child for cancer recovery. Amazing.
big fucking waste of our tax payer dollars. what the fuck do they expect to achieve if/when they "bust" Armstrong or any other athlete for that matter. What ever happened to the good old days of when we were actually drugging olympic athletes in order to perform better lol. If these athletes choose to use performance enhancing drugs then so be it, its the job of those in charge of such sports to test them and kick them out or fine them if they are caught.
I couldn't agree more!!! it's a fucking travesty.... but these are the times we live in. Everything else going on but FUCK PED's are the end of the fucking world!!! I can't even talk about his shit anymore it makes me so mad!!!!
he needs to lay off what hes "studying", he's lost all his hair!
Dude is tall! 6'6'. I bet ya could put a PI on him and find all kinds of shit. He looks "crooked".

oh man there so much in that article but i will just mention a couple,1st he does not like publicity,LMAO on that one,im sure he likes it just fine when he benefits from it,2nd he was injured and could not continue his career,hmm,i wonder if there is some deep seeded anger about that and it translates into jealousy,and 3rd 50 MILLION for 1 investigation,haha,wtf.
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"The investigation resulted in a half-dozen other guilty pleas or convictions and reportedly cost $50 million."

And the government is happy about this??? :naughty:

"In the economic climate we're in," Conte added, "knowing about corporate fraud, environmental fraud, health case fraud, my opinion is taxpayers are more concerned about putting a roof over their head, food in their mouth and having health care than they are about spending tens of millions of dollars on a series of trophy-hunting experiences by Jeff Novitzky."


"U.S. Anti-Doping Agency chief Travis Tygart said those who make their living trying to game the system will never understand."

"Without Jeff and the many other dedicated law enforcement agents out there enforcing these important federal laws, the promise of sport fails our kids,"

What is he talking about??? I played professional baseball, and for anyone else who has played professional sports knows that PEDs are part of the game.
With each passing day, the government crawls a little farther up our (the public's) collective ass. I'm afraid it has gone so far, we can do nothing to stop it. It's completely out of control.
Worthless. It's all hearsay. What are they gonna do? Test him...again?

And Rodger that on pro sports. I really dont think these people understand the mentality of real athletes. They are great first, then they use PED to get better and they do it willingly. Their ONLY concerns are playing well and not getting caught, not questioning the morality of their decision.

These asshats think that if the "playing field was level" they'd have had a chance to be pro's. Nope, they'd still suck. The contrast just wouldn't be so glaring.

Watch the clip of Joe Biden in "Bigger Faster Stronger"...Bitter, anyone?
Ehren, that is 100% correct. I'm sorry, but I've seen and played with countless people who tell me "if I took steroids I'd have been drafted too". Here's the thing buddy, you sucked in high school, you were a 3rd string in community college, you had ZERO chance. Yeah, you were a tee ball all star, but that's it! People think that by taking steroids the following can and will happen: you will inflate to ungodly proportions, you can hit a baseball 500 ft (even if you've never picked up a bat before), you can run a 4.2/40 or a 6.5/60, you'd be able to play in the NFL. Here's the truth, you won't do any of these by taking steroids!!! Point blank. People use steroids as a scapegoat because they couldn't make it. What about all the people who take steroids and don't make it, did they not take enough?
I've had about enough of the gvt and media bastardizing everyone who uses them to either help performance on the field or to look better.
shame is, its a us govnt employee going after a us athlete that smoked the competition......................i bet they have a deal in the works with france somewhere....................send lance down the road for a dollar they would
"The investigation resulted in a half-dozen other guilty pleas or convictions and reportedly cost $50 million."

And the government is happy about this??? :naughty:

"In the economic climate we're in," Conte added, "knowing about corporate fraud, environmental fraud, health case fraud, my opinion is taxpayers are more concerned about putting a roof over their head, food in their mouth and having health care than they are about spending tens of millions of dollars on a series of trophy-hunting experiences by Jeff Novitzky."


"U.S. Anti-Doping Agency chief Travis Tygart said those who make their living trying to game the system will never understand."

"Without Jeff and the many other dedicated law enforcement agents out there enforcing these important federal laws, the promise of sport fails our kids,"

What is he talking about??? I played professional baseball, and for anyone else who has played professional sports knows that PEDs are part of the game.

Yes and the biggest guy in the whole "bust" spent 4 months in prison. What a complete waste of money. Why don't they go after people committing fraud and taking people for millions with this kind of zeal?
Yes and the biggest guy in the whole "bust" spent 4 months in prison. What a complete waste of money. Why don't they go after people committing fraud and taking people for millions with this kind of zeal?

They're not going to arrest themselves? They stick it to us every single day, regardless of how bad things are, the assholes on capitol hill seem to be getting alon gjust fine. They actually keep getting raises while everyone else struggles. Their cost of living is going up so they increase their salary, well we don't make any more so our cost of living must be going down, right?
Someday information will come out on this 'steroid cop' that will show he is actually a huge abuser of aas, gh, and slin. His DHT levels are obviously through the roof.
big fucking waste of our tax payer dollars. what the fuck do they expect to achieve if/when they "bust" Armstrong or any other athlete for that matter. What ever happened to the good old days of when we were actually drugging olympic athletes in order to perform better lol. If these athletes choose to use performance enhancing drugs then so be it, its the job of those in charge of such sports to test them and kick them out or fine them if they are caught.

In this day and age,,with so much other REAL problems going around the world,, UNREAL!!!:mad::banghead:
yeah this whole thing has gotten seriously out of hand. whatever happened to meeting some type of burden of proof? i mean seriously lets just dig up shit and sling it to see what sticks....what kind of plan is that?

I will say I was reading another article that was even more disturbing. It was about the FBI and NSL's which are letters secretly demanding certain information such as ISP info, bank info, travel info etc etc.

Sounds reasonable that was until the good ol' patriot act came along that basically gave the FBI free open use of NSL's w/o court approval, or just cause it just had to be considered "relevant" to nat'l security, pretty broad sweep IMO.

So the inspector general decided to look at some of these NSL's that were being written up and 60% did not conform to the Justice Department rules and an additional 22% violated the statute b/c they made improper requests and unauthorized collections of info. That is roughly 80% and they issue these things like hotcakes, anywhere from 16,000 to 49,000 a year on tax paying Americans.

It gets worse, the current administration is seeking to expand on this, the FBI will have the power to demand internet activity records of customers w/o court approval or even suspicion of wrongdoing, if granted, the data sought w/o a court order could expand to include web browser and search history and even facebook friend requests.

I don't know about you, but that shit makes me paranoid.

here is the link if anyone is interested.

‘John Doe’ Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order After 6 Years | Threat Level | Wired.com
50 million smackers and the longest sentence that was given was 2.5 years..hahaha....What a joke!
yeah this whole thing has gotten seriously out of hand. whatever happened to meeting some type of burden of proof? i mean seriously lets just dig up shit and sling it to see what sticks....what kind of plan is that?

I will say I was reading another article that was even more disturbing. It was about the FBI and NSL's which are letters secretly demanding certain information such as ISP info, bank info, travel info etc etc.

Sounds reasonable that was until the good ol' patriot act came along that basically gave the FBI free open use of NSL's w/o court approval, or just cause it just had to be considered "relevant" to nat'l security, pretty broad sweep IMO.

So the inspector general decided to look at some of these NSL's that were being written up and 60% did not conform to the Justice Department rules and an additional 22% violated the statute b/c they made improper requests and unauthorized collections of info. That is roughly 80% and they issue these things like hotcakes, anywhere from 16,000 to 49,000 a year on tax paying Americans.

It gets worse, the current administration is seeking to expand on this, the FBI will have the power to demand internet activity records of customers w/o court approval or even suspicion of wrongdoing, if granted, the data sought w/o a court order could expand to include web browser and search history and even facebook friend requests.
I don't know about you, but that shit makes me paranoid.

here is the link if anyone is interested.

‘John Doe’ Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order After 6 Years | Threat Level | Wired.com

They were doing this BEFORE the patriot act. they were more hush hush about it tho.

Well, the FBI is doing an internal investigation on their agents "cheating" on the new surveilance test. Here's what the new rule/law says: they can do an investigation and/or search of whatever they want, there does not need to be any evidence of a crime commited or consipiracy to commit a crime. So basically, they have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want to do! What ever happened to our rights? Oh yeah, Obama and his administration took over:mad:

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