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Feeling wierd


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
I got home from my road trip and I drove the final 18hrs home straight through. I went to sleep for a few hours then went to see some friends, then went to bed woke up during the middle of the night not feeling just right. When I woke up for good I felt dizzy and nausuous. Felt that way everytime I moved all day. It subsided a bit, I then went to bed and woke up this morning and still feel dizzy. My head feels really cloudy and still not just right. It seems alittle like getting your bell rung in football. I was going to go to the doc but insurance doesn't kick in for sometime. I was wondering if anyone else has had anything similair to this. I'm hoping that it's just from exhaustion and another good night of sleep will clear it up. Hope it's nothing big cause I can't afford alot of tests at the moment.
Yep, one spring break I drove from upstate NY to FL took 22 hours straight through.

Then 3 days later drove back.

Dizy, woozy weird feeling. Sound like what you have unless of course you have been to Asia in the past couple days and it feels like the flu. :)
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Hope that all it is. Don't need and or want to be sick. I'm ready to get back to training and everything else. Time for a nap I guess. Take it easy all.
Hope you had fun on the trip

It'd just tiredness, the brain is just over worked from the concentration of driving/travelling

i get it every once in a while travelling around
2 days you will be right as rain

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
Maybe you just need some rest bro?
I had a chat with animal and he thinks that the headaches are from being over dehydrated and that is adding to the nausea(sp). But I should be good to go soon! The trip was great, I was hoping to get to stop and meet some board members but by the end of the trip I needed to come back as it was s-pend $ to do nothing or come home and start buying protein and shit. And as much as I would like to spend time and meet eveyone, I want the protein more LOL. As soon as my head stops spinning I'll put up some good stories. I met some crazy people on this trip and I think you guys will get a laugh out of it.
Not really, body is feeling alittle more run down and all I'm doing is sleeping for the most part and watching pumping iron, LOL My head doesn't hurt today, but it's not right. It feels really cloudy and alittle off center. So either later today or tomorrow I'm going to the doc I think. If I shake my head it feels like my brain is swollen.
Well I have an apointment this evening, but I think I might skip it. I've been doing some deductive reasoning and I think that there might be something screwed up in my neck. So a visit to the chiropractor might do more justice. Cause when I tilt my head backwards I get dizzier and nauseaous, so it could be something that's locked up or pinched. I'm thinking more along these lines as I don't really have any other symptoms of sickness, other than a heavy chest. And I think that is more because I've been a fat ass since the beginning of the year and am out of shape. So I'll go and get this checked out and see what it's all about. Hopefully that's all it is and he can work my shoulder out while he's at it and I can go back to being a beast! LOL Well at least maybe an attack kitten

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