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first competition - winging it - need help :)


New member
Nov 27, 2010
hey guys,

im thinking about doing a small competition. its an "in-house" competition being held at my gym. its on october 29th, so i guess i have a little less than 7 weeks to get ready - can it be done? and just so were on the same page here, this is my first competition ever!

i only considered all this few days ago while looking at the picture board in our gym. i had already seen it before, but this time i was really intrigued and contemplated the idea of competing in my head. i then approached the guys at the desk and asked them "who can i speak to here about competiting ?" they then suggested this competition to me and gave me a newsletter to take home and read, although i had already made my mind up on the drive back home

i think this will be great. being that its small competition, i dont feel so pressured, and its kinda like getting off my training wheels

i gotta admit, im actually really nervous about the idea of peacocking with a pair of trunks especially seeing as the already sold out audience will see me every day after that! haha

my diet is as follows:

1) wake up shake - 2 cups of skim milk, 1 cup of egg whites, 60-70g of oats and 1 banana
2) 120g of (uncooked) rice and 200g of chicken breast chicken cooked on a skillet with a moderate amount of olive oil, herbs + spices and a small amount of bbq sauce
3) 120g of (uncooked) rice and 200g of chicken breast (preparation as above)
4) can of tuna with 4 slices of whole grain bread - only eating this temporarily as im using up these foods over the following week; this will then change to 400g of potatoes and 1.5 cups of egg whites or a can of tuna
5) post workout shake - 30-40g of dextrose, 60-70g of oats, 1 cup of egg whites, 2 scoops of protein powder and 1 banana
6) 200g of chicken breast (preparation as above), 30g of cashews and 30g of peanuts

i have a few questions; firstly, do i need to cut out skim milk or banana now? secondly, while cutting, is it ok to use dextrose as your primary sugar source in post workout shake? thirdly, should i carry on eating nuts in my last meal, as i exclude carbs? and lastly, how long into my prep can i use olive oil in my food preparation?

should i make a plan right now as far as water, sodium, and carb loading is concerned? or, should leave this for later, and worry about my diet, training and posing for now? where should my priorities lie at this point?

i also wanted to mention i want to run test right through, as i was supose to not start this cycle for another month. as soon as i finish the comp i will kick things into gear and get serious for summer lol :p i dont usually have a probelm with bloating, but is there any protocol i should implement as far as getting as dry as possible on the day of the contest?

ive taken some pics of where im at right now; no front or leg shots right now, as i ate a few roast beef sandwiches, and my stomach was looking like a balloon. havent worked out since friday so these are all cold shots. i will upload some pumped up photos post workout this coming week.

im actually winging this on my own at this point, so any advices would be much appreciated!!


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You've got what appears to be a good solid frame. And anyone can do well in competition if their diet is right and they carry at least some mass. Give us some more shots of you from the front and you will get quite a bit of good advice the the bros' on this board.
First thing would be to cut out the skim milk and bread.
my biggest advise is to higher a coach for this show you have a short amount of time and your diet IMO is not good at all for prepping. and your gonna have to be constantly dropping caps and upping your cardio it's gonna be hard trying it in your own. look into Alex or Phill on this site both could do wonders for u in a short amount of time bro!
my biggest advise is to higher a coach for this show you have a short amount of time and your diet IMO is not good at all for prepping. and your gonna have to be constantly dropping caps and upping your cardio it's gonna be hard trying it in your own. look into Alex or Phill on this site both could do wonders for u in a short amount of time bro!

If you cant afford to hire Alex, (he is great to work with), Big A has some stickies on contest preparation. They are excellent. Read them closely.
Even with a great coach 7 weeks isn't enough time in my opinion judging by your pics. Your going to be soft, lose a lot of muscle, or both. Posing is a whole world by itself. BUT, if you want to do it, then by all means go for it. Bodybuilding is a very individual sport( if you want to call it that).....its whatever you want it to be....some guys like competing against others, some make it a personal challenge.....whatever makes you happy man.

Keep us posted and good luck!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I would add in at least 30 minutes on the eliptical every training day...do the cardio after you train with weights. I would also suggest using a macro calculator (fitday.com is good) to track your daily intake and make adjustments as necessary. Good luck!
how does this look

trying to aim for 180g protein, 270g carb, 60g fat 2400cals

egg whites+oats+banana
chicken breast +rice
chicken breast +rice
egg whites+potatoes
dextrose+protein powder+egg whites
whole eggs + broccoli

do you guys think i can get in good condition in time if im running test and tren? i have a fast metabolism and so i dont need to do much too lose fat apart from reducing cals, but in any case, i will be doing pwo cardio.

can anyone suggest a good method to carb load, deplete sodium, and to get extra dry using AI's?
how does this look

trying to aim for 180g protein, 270g carb, 60g fat 2400cals

egg whites+oats+banana
chicken breast +rice
chicken breast +rice
egg whites+potatoes
dextrose+protein powder+egg whites
whole eggs + broccoli

do you guys think i can get in good condition in time if im running test and tren? i have a fast metabolism and so i dont need to do much too lose fat apart from reducing cals, but in any case, i will be doing pwo cardio.

can anyone suggest a good method to carb load, deplete sodium, and to get extra dry using AI's?

Looks like a legit set up to me.
Honestly, for a little "in-house" contest at your gym, just do your best WITHOUT STRESSING, and HAVE FUN. I would not hire a coach, etc. for something like this...this is a prime example of grass-roots amateur bodybuilding for fun. You'll be a celebrity in your gym afterwards no matter how you do. You already know enough to not embarass yourself and to do some basic prep. 99% of the audience will not look as good as you. Show it off! That's what it's all about, not whether you do everything perfectly. It's all gotten ratcheted up too far, in my opinion, and now guys are intimidated to compete and small contests are few and far between.

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