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First cycle questions

I thought QV enanthate was 250mg/mL. Anyway, What was your rate in the Navy and where were you stationed?
From what I have HEARD repeatedly, QV's 50ml bottle has some sting to it....if I were you I would try to find some euro gear OR go with QV's 10ml bottles of enanthate OR the cypionate.
Not exactly sure to tell you the truth... What I meant was that the injection site seems to become easily irritated and painful (similar to prop) and it knots up real bad... this is what all my bros informed me of it anyway. I have gone that route before with IP garbage and never will again. I do not like crash landing on the toilet seat! LOL!

When I take enanthate like ICN's for example, not much of a knot at all afterward... So I am thinking (since it IS a vet product) they load the 50mls with a ton of BA.....

BA= Benzyl Alcohol
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There is just alot of alcohol in the QV stuff...Some people it doesnt even bother them and some people it will...

I used the QV prop with no problems and should have some QV enan 50ml bottles any day, so I will let you know.
I did tornel's AND QV's enath and only the very first week did injection sites bother me, usually around the 4th day I was fine, I wouldnt worry about the pain if your doing running 500/week thats only 2 shots a week assuming its 250/cc. which gives your sites plenty of time to recover.

Last cycle I shot a 1.5 gram of it plus 350mg of RSOC Drytest Prop per week:D and I have to say that by itself the QV leaves me sore for a day or two at the injection site (BTW, RSOC Drytest Prop is absolutely painless to inject alone - amazing stuff). So I would mix it with the Prop, 2ml of QV + 1ml of Prop. Did that 3 times a week and did the 1ml of Prop on the other days. I ran this for 12 weeks along with a few other things, and it gave me what I was looking for: size and definition. Not shredded, I only got to 8.5% BF, but look damn good nonetheless.

Oh, and yes QV is 250mg/ml and has high BA content since its a vet product. Also, I personally think it might be slightly underdosed, but it still works.

if your looking at running the enanth why not just get ahold of some of the IP cyp. it's damn near the same thing and works great in my opinion. and you can never beat the price when it comes to IP oils. I've ran the QV enanth and I found it to sting a little as well. my guess is that it's pretty high in BA levels. I don't think QV is that great of a company but I have friends that say they love the shit. But I'd opt for euro gear over anything, stay out of mexico!!! good luck bro. let us all know how it turns out for ya.
good luck and be safe....

See the banner (Kaotik) at the top of each page for anti-estros.
$180 for a 10ml bottle is robery-for a 50ml bottle its good.
freefaller21 said:
Alright my source quoted me a price of $180 for the QV test enan, plus $20 for shipping. Am I getting raped here or is this a good price? Also he dosn't have any anti-e's, he recommended a site for some liquid stuff, he said it was legal and cheap. Here's the site www.pumpnpose.com. I'd prefer to go with tabs for anti-e's, any thoughts?

Pumpnpose has good prices.. but Kaotic still is beating it.. thier 50ml bottle of clomid runs 30.00, and for same strength same ammount it would be 25.00 through Kaotic, and you dont have to buy as much if u didnt want too...

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