aahhhhh.....first cycle
Man, your first cycle...i remember mine, some 20 f**king years ago. Did'nt know shit about what I was doing, just got some from a friend. Even with no knowledge and a lousy diet, still gained like 25-30 lbs. felt on top of the world....then i crashed when i came off. back to where i was only with no balls and no desire to work out...
the whole point to that little story is for you to do your homework. learn about what you want to put into your body.
1) what are your goals.
2) is your diet and workouts in line.
3) how long you been working out?
4) we need your stats ht. wt. age. bf%
5) do you have plans post cycle.
the world of bbing and juice is a great one, with a little knowledge and common sense.
but, that being said. maybe try a little test/deca cycle. maybe 500/week test and 400/week deca. try eight-ten weeks. have some novl. on hand in case gyno shows up, probl. wont with that low a dose but never know. also think about clomid post cycle. lot of knowledgable bros on this board.....sit back, read, ask questions....welcome to the world of bbing. good luck bor. start out small, get to know your body, listen to it.