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First cycle


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Hi guys, I need some advice. I've been reading as much as I can now for a few weeks, and don't want to spend anymore before knowing exactly what my cycle will include, so i'm still learning. I've read about the different testosterones and have opted to go for test e, although i'd rather the prop but i don't fancy injecting a million times for my first cycle. I'm going to stack it with dbol, and my cycle will look like this:

1-12 test e 500mg/week
1-4 dbol 40mg/day
Milk Thistle 3caps per day with food

take test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

splitting the dbol up throughout the day, to keep blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains?

Atm i do have some m1t- what is the difference between this and dbol please? I know m1t is a ph but how does that differ from dbol and could i take m1t instead of the dbol? If so how would the results differ?

PCT: tamoxifen and clomid

Looks good to me.... Make sure your diet and training are in check. And yes more frequent doses will yield less sides. I don't know much about m1t so I'll let someone else answer that question. And for future reference.... The forum rules are kind of iffy on asking for cycle help so read the rules.
D-bol especially. Maybe the Enanthate you can do once per week. But D-bol has a short life in the body, so doses have to be constant or else you get fluctuating hormone levels.
i wouldn't use the d bol. any gains it gives will pretty much go away. just be patient and wait on the test to kick in. it would be healthier but you prolly won't listen...
so, everything else sounds good. don't worry about exact injection times bro. it won't matter a whole bunch. just go every M, W, F. -JS
i wouldn't use the d bol. any gains it gives will pretty much go away. just be patient and wait on the test to kick in. it would be healthier but you prolly won't listen...
so, everything else sounds good. don't worry about exact injection times bro. it won't matter a whole bunch. just go every M, W, F. -JS

I'm thinking that injecting test E on MWF is not very good advice considering its a long estered test. Why would you not inject on the weekend? This would create unstable blood levels. Not too badly unstable but unstable nontheless. And he's only doing 500mg/week. His original monday morning wednesday night injection were sufficient enough.
i wouldn't use the d bol. any gains it gives will pretty much go away. just be patient and wait on the test to kick in. it would be healthier but you prolly won't listen...
so, everything else sounds good. don't worry about exact injection times bro. it won't matter a whole bunch. just go every M, W, F. -JS

Is that becasue it'll be water retention? Am i likely to get ance from the test?

Sounds good. Id take dbol over m1t..and look into exemestane
Hi guys, I need some advice. I've been reading as much as I can now for a few weeks, and don't want to spend anymore before knowing exactly what my cycle will include, so i'm still learning. I've read about the different testosterones and have opted to go for test e, although i'd rather the prop but i don't fancy injecting a million times for my first cycle. I'm going to stack it with dbol, and my cycle will look like this:

I think you need to read more. The only difference between the various esters of testosterone is the length of time they stay in your body so I don't understand on what basis you have a preference for propionate as the basis for a cycle.

1-12 test e 500mg/week
1-4 dbol 40mg/day
Milk Thistle 3caps per day with food

So you plan on taking two aromatisable compounds and you won't be taking anything to prevent you estrogen levels from climbing? That is seriously fucked up and I'm suprised no one has told you this. You need to take an aromatase inhibitor during your cycle to prevent the conversion of some of the AAS into estrogen.

Also I don't think Milk Thistle alone is sufficient liver support if you are taking a 17a alkylated steroid such as Dianabol. Get something like Synthetek's Synthergine or something with N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Phosphatidylcholine. Milk Thistle won't give your liver the materials it needs to detoxify itself.

take test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

The 0.5 day won't matter.

splitting the dbol up throughout the day, to keep blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains?

No, splitting the dose won't lessen the side-effects and it is unclear that it will help your gains. The main "side-effect" of Dianabol is intra-hepatic cholestasis (i.e. retarded bile flow within your liver) and liver cell destruction. You liver will have to process the 40mg regardless of whether you split it or take it all at once.

Atm i do have some m1t- what is the difference between this and dbol please? I know m1t is a ph but how does that differ from dbol and could i take m1t instead of the dbol? If so how would the results differ?

M1T is not a prohormone it is Methyl-1-Testosterone i.e. a methylated (and hence orally available) form of 1-Testosterone. M1T is an AAS just like Dianabol.

What is the difference between M1T and Dianabol?

M1T is 17alpha methyl-17beta-hydroxy-androst-1-ene-3-one
Dianabol is 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one

M1T is very anabolic but it is also considerably androgenic. It possesses no estrogenic activity but it does have some progestational activity. This means that you would be wise to take a prolactin inhibitor when using M1T.
Androgenic effects are such things as more vellus being converted into terminal hair (i.e. you will become hairier), increased sebum secretion and acne, prostate hyperplasia, severe HPTA disruption -- these are things you don't want.

Dianabol is not as anabolic as M1T but it is also significantly less androgenic than M1T. Dianabol does have estrogenic actvity but it has insiginificant progestational actvity.

I would avoid M1T if I were you.

PCT: tamoxifen and clomid

Shit. Tamoxifen is itself hepatotoxic and it can give you rebound gynecomastia because it doesn't actually prevent the accumulation of estrogen. Use Exemestane (an aromatase inhibitor) and use it at 25mg/day and continue to take it at this dose for two weeks after your injectable cycle ends. The Clomid is optional, I'd use it only on the second week post-cycle for just one week.
i wouldn't use the d bol. any gains it gives will pretty much go away.

Only true if you you don't use an AI during and post-cycle. Most people that report losing their gains from Dianabol typically use Tamoxifen or not even that and retain water and finish the cycle with elevated estrogen. They subsequently lose the retained water and the elevated estrogen also eats into their gains.
Is that becasue it'll be water retention? Am i likely to get ance from the test?


what sucks is you won't know cuz you are running d bol AND test. thats why its best to just pick one compound so you know how you reacted with it. this should possibly be moved to beginner forum. -STEELE
PS:- Are you that rude, ignorant, self-absorbed, semi-literate cunt that posts on BOS forum as "Bobby $teel"?

Whoa, hold on there, big guy! Steele has always been a respectful, helpful guy that I know of, both on the board and in PM's. Let's not crucify him because his screen name is similar to someone on another board.
once a week is fine, twice a week is better. I've never had any probs and havent needed any pct (just me), BUT I'd have it on hand. Get some HCG to finish with. I'd stay away from orals and you might even cosider trying some prop for 4-6 weeks just to see how you react, this isent for everyone. Alot of people are doing just HCG now to raise test levels natty and getting good results without risk.
Is that becasue it'll be water retention? Am i likely to get ance from the test?


I would start with a dosage of 250 mg of Test E per week. You can grow on this and its a good starting point for a 1st cycle. That is what I started with. I gained 15 solid lbs and got a lot stronger. I injected once per week, and alternated glutes. I am gyno prone so I ran .25mg of Adex each day for a couple of weeks and then switched to Nolvadex for the rest of my cycle. Also, I did HCG during my cycle to keep things moving in my sack :). Then i ran my PCT of nolvadex.

I didnt get much acne at all, and I expected to get some because it was only a few years ago that I got acne (I was clean) really bad. However, I did get a bit towards the end and after my PCT.
All your gains? How do you retain water weight?

my point exactly.
and who does 4 week cycles of d bol?

and if you retained all those gains i would love to see pics. thats me in my avatar.:) -STEELE
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ok first off...for a first cycle that way too much right off the bat....what would the harm be in starting at 250mg test only and seeing how your gains/sides are.you can always add more but if your using multiple compounds and a side pops up you wont know which drug caused it. example....omnadren gave me gyno, test e never did, deca gives me gyno as well so i use nolva along with it and no gyno problems. if you can grow off 250mg test alone then theres no reason to take any more than that. but if you start at 500 you will never know if you could grow off a lower doseage. if your DIET and training are on point 250 a week should be plenty on your first cycle. also we know nothing about you. how tall, old, weight, bf%, training program, example of a days diet(every meal written out), weights used, how long training, weight gained naturally before turning to steroids? NOONE can give you safe or proper advice without knowing this first.
my point exactly.
and who does 4 week cycles of d bol? go to the beginner forum bro. hang out there for a little while then come back here maybe?

and if you retained all those gains i would love to see pics. thats me in my avatar.:) -STEELE

dont even bother arguing steele, you have nothing to prove here:D your reputation procedes you.

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