I started my first cycle 6 days ago. I injected 300 mg/ml VK test e into my left glute. I had pain and a little swelling in the glute at the injection site a few days following the injection, but that went away by day four. On day five I felt as if I was getting the flu (headache, body aches, fever, chills, sore throat). I wasnt really concerned at this point because ive read that high dosed test (300-400 mg/ml) often does this. However on day six (today) my fever finally broke and started to begin feeling better but I now have a knot in my lower back on the left side, its right about where my waist is. The knot is slightly warm to touch and it is also a bit painful, it feels like a bruise. So what is this lump? its no where near the injection site. I pinned my left upper quadrant of my glutes on the outer portion, and this knot is located right next to my spine where my spinal erectors tie in and it feels superficial. Ive always heard that an infection from IM's happen right where they were injected. Im due for my next pin tomorrow but i cant stop thinking about the possibility of an abcess. anyone ever hear of this? or have any suggestions about how to deal with this problem? I feel as if I am overreacting but I really want to try and avoid an abcess.