i ran media grade 40mcg ed for 10 weeks along with other aas and i didnt seem to get the results i wanted(i got pumps and veins that were crazy but no site growth).going to start a cycle on sept which includes t-bol,anavar,prop,and masteron.also got 2mg of rec grade igf.i read so many pros and cons on dosage.i plan on running it 80mcg pwo only.is there a better way of running igf that worked better for some people.im 36yo 195lb 5'11 under 10%bf and been training for 8 years and using gear 4 years.igf came from one of the board sponsers so i know its real.can some people chime in on this that would be great.i also have been doing alot of reading on this but i cant seem to get the answers i want.