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For the guys who compete?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
How does your training change as you approach a competition. Please be general, im not asking anyone to give away secretes between them and/or their trainers. obviously diet changes drastically, but id assume training changes in a manner where the goal is to preserve muscle as much as possible. Prep guys feel free to chime in. Hopefully this thread will become verry informative.
How does your training change as you approach a competition. Please be general, im not asking anyone to give away secretes between them and/or their trainers. obviously diet changes drastically, but id assume training changes in a manner where the goal is to preserve muscle as much as possible. Prep guys feel free to chime in. Hopefully this thread will become verry informative.

I am not competing at the moment, but when I did I increased reps slightly (8-10 to 8-15 for ex) mostly because I would injure myself if I tried to push hard - especially the last month. I always believed you had to train as heavy as you safely could to hold your mass. Gotta give your body a reason to hang onto to all that inconvenient muscle ;-)
i don't really change wk out much AT ALL (if at all). just diet and supps. lifting is just a stimulus IMO. diet and supps determine look/bf etc.
Didn't change a thing and why should you? I'm only speaking for myself but if heavy weights and a certain rep range got you the muscle in the first place, why change things? If you are training hard and your diet is on point, then adjust your cardio accordingly. Just my opinion.
I figure what got the muscle will keep the muscle....I just stay away from lower reps...(2-4) and try to take my ego out of lifting as much as I can. In the offseason I'll go down to heavy sets of 2-4 occasionally
i don't really change wk out much AT ALL (if at all). just diet and supps. lifting is just a stimulus IMO. diet and supps determine look/bf etc.


not too much change
i probley add a day or two a week

i find it hard to take a day off closer to the show
i feel like i NEED to be in there.....so i would say (if anything)
changes would be just alittle more volume than normal

closer to the show also, i try to stay as heavy as i can
to preserve muscle, but obviously your not gonna be AS strong
you do need less compound movements and some more specific movements, but in general not much should change. train as heavy as you can to keep the muscle on, but obviously you will get a little weaker, at least I do....
Keep the intensity as high as possible...
Starting at 24 weeks out I switch over to light rubber band work and calisthenics.
I stop squatting and increase the volume on all other leg excercises the closer I get to a show.
I run a hard 3 on 1 off with a really brisk pace until I need a break
keep all other excercises the same
keep the weight as heavy as possible in order to maintain the neurological response which keeps the body needing to maintain the muscle.

Less load = Less necessity to maintain muscle.

I usually drop volume and keep it moderate on frequency.
Starting at 24 weeks out I switch over to light rubber band work and calisthenics.

i though we werent giving out the secrets????!!!!!

i tend to do a lot of forced resistance negatives during precontest till i get to about the 3 week out mark, then i mix regular 8-15 reps excersises with some negatives (no resistance added) and squeeze the muscle a lot more, everything remains as heavy as humanly possible without killing myself or my body. legs are a different story and i pretty much killed those bitches the whole prep :star-:ars
Just diet changes. Cardio increases but weights stay the same 6-8 reps hard and as heavy with good form.
You guys are crazy, on a calorie deprived diet this is the most I can handle. Even though on only 3 grams of test I was clearly outmassing the rest of the class

(sorry to co-ruin your thread tkav but shelby started it!)


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it doesnt really change...but the workouts get more intense...what I mean by that is ...I do more supersets, rest pauses, drop sets, ect ,ect...I make the most out of every workout..Offseason, the workouts are intense, but its more straight sets with just a force rep here and there..I focus more on getting stronger, as my main goal in the offseason...

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