RazorCuts, I understand your philosophy of slowly increasing the weight, but forme, and i say again for me...I feel as if I don't add a 2.5lbs, a 5lbs, a 10lbs, or a 25lbs weight to a workout that I've plateaued in that I'm not helping anything. Hear me out...some days you are full of energy and strength and you can bench 315lbs, but some other days you're not and may even have joint pains or just feeling really weak and press only 275lbs, is that a plateau? No, I don't think so, I beleive is just being worn out or not enough rest. So i believe that the next workout (fully energized) you have, don't add ounces to your workout, but add one of the weights I mentioned above, it will tear (in a good way) some muscle mass, therefore repairing after recuperation, making you stronger for future lifts. Hope I didn't ramble too much and it makes sense.