lil history on me: 35 years old, had chronic fatigue for 15+ years. doc has me on 20 mg cortisol for adrenal function and 75-87 MCG (dose has varied) T3 for low thyroid. been on those meds + test and deca (both each at about 200-400 mg/wk) for bout 2-3 years- Straight. Fatigue STIL comes and goes-maybe a lil better than when off anything. Oh ya-on prescription amphetamine too as well as coffee to get me through the day. hcg too (200 eod) now for couple months cuz boyz started shrinkn. I know- To Much Shit! I wana start weining off some of these meds but feel reliant on them now and dont know where to start? just quit nicotine-that was enough to deal with this week! does anyone know if the body will return to a 'normal' homeostasis after being on so many meds for a significant time? I know of pro BBs who are now OFF and are depressed and miserable for who knows how long! I'd rather stay On indefinately if thats the case and there's no hope of full testosterone recovery. I just wana be Natural again(at least for awhile) but last time i dropped everything cold turkey i felt like i got hit by a semi and wanted to just die! Here's my plan: wein off the amphetamine 1st and see how i feel, then wein off cortisol and thyroid under docs supervision and regular blood work to see if my levels are acceptable. scared as hell about coming off the test/deca. would hate to lose the physique i have now and not looking forward to the energy and libido crashes either! Im pleading for some insights-what the hell do i do?