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Muay Thai

Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 25, 2008
garcia seems to be battling a heavy cocaine addiction, if you have seen his recent interviews he is out of his mind on a "sick one"

still will be a good fight ! whose watching?
I"ll be watching for the entertainment. Garcia is on some shit for sure. Don't doubt some weird shit happen before after or during the fight.
Whether drug induced or organic- dude has some serious mental health issues....however, no matter where his mind is........the kid can fucking fight! His overhand left....... wow......lightning!

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -Sun Tzu
Disclaimer. I don’t follow him much; I’ve just seen some clips on YouTube.

He basically called out elitists that get away with murder (due to their connections and/or money) and the stuff that goes on behind-the-scenes with child molesters and predators, and all sorts of other bizarre creepy flat out evil crap done to kids.

I don’t think that’s wacky or mental.

I actually applaud an athlete in the limelight risking his career and taking heat for doing what’s unpopular and on a huge platform/stage.

Good for him.

If he is a little checked out, I still like his message.
Garcia definitely shocked everyone…. Hope he gets the proper guidance moving forward so he doesn’t flame out in spectacular fashion. He’s definitely got skills in the ring!

Whether drug induced or organic- dude has some serious mental health issues....however, no matter where his mind is........the kid can fucking fight! His overhand left....... wow......lightning!

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -Sun Tzu
dude he was bad ass!! very impressive, I don't care what he does in his private time lol, just hope he doesn't spiral out like the dude above said, flying too close to the sun
Disclaimer. I don’t follow him much; I’ve just seen some clips on YouTube.

He basically called out elitists that get away with murder (due to their connections and/or money) and the stuff that goes on behind-the-scenes with child molesters and predators, and all sorts of other bizarre creepy flat out evil crap done to kids.

I don’t think that’s wacky or mental.

I actually applaud an athlete in the limelight risking his career and taking heat for doing what’s unpopular and on a huge platform/stage.

Good for him.

If he is a little checked out, I still like his message.
really? hes using his platform for this? noteworthy for sure, he's very unapologetic which is rare if ya can back it up and he certainly can
really? hes using his platform for this?

He was all over YT a month ago or so for his “forced” visit to Bohemian Grove and “what he was forced to watch” etc.

Said he was threatened to keep his mouth shut.

He did the opposite and sang like a bird. lol.
His got skills in the ring but mentally not all there. I saw a video of him I think on Instagram. That he said people always ask him how he does his hair. And he made a video saying that and said I just put body lotion on then just shape it and he actually was doing it on the video. I was like wtf
His got skills in the ring but mentally not all there. I saw a video of him I think on Instagram. That he said people always ask him how he does his hair. And he made a video saying that and said I just put body lotion on then just shape it and he actually was doing it on the video. I was like wtf
This isn’t so strange after you’ve seen a man fuck a grapefruit.
lol dude is a nut, he was on a mountain of blow in a few interviews, he's exciting to watch and normally I am not into controversy, I hope jake paul gets body shot knocked out (I heard they are not even allowing face shots lol)
Disclaimer. I don’t follow him much; I’ve just seen some clips on YouTube.

He basically called out elitists that get away with murder (due to their connections and/or money) and the stuff that goes on behind-the-scenes with child molesters and predators, and all sorts of other bizarre creepy flat out evil crap done to kids.

I don’t think that’s wacky or mental.

I actually applaud an athlete in the limelight risking his career and taking heat for doing what’s unpopular and on a huge platform/stage.

Good for him.

If he is a little checked out, I still like his message.
Ehhh no, not really.

He is spewing Kanye like stuff. Secret society controlling the world, claiming he saw the devils work and satanistic rituals, cleaaarly some mental health issues there. There is massssive difference between calling out the elite and what he said. Also, he is a semi-well known boxer to the American public. He is not a Lebron or MJ. So the worlds elite chose thiiiis guy to basically show their secrets too? No, just no. He was ok a year ago and then went off the deep end. His friends and family have basically distanced themselves from him now and are attempting to get him help.

Great win for him and he will probably get some more great fights lined up. But his media presence is a double edged sword. Crazy talk gets eyes on the fight…but there’s also the risk of him further going off the deep end.

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