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GH 5iu, 1ml test e, introduce Anavar? How much?


Mar 24, 2022
48, currently taking 5iu GH daily, 1ml test e, essentially trt protocol. Recently acquired some Anavar, is it worth introducing? If so, how much?
48, currently taking 5iu GH daily, 1ml test e, essentially trt protocol. Recently acquired some Anavar, is it worth introducing? If so, how much?
1 ML at what dosage?

Really gets down to your own priorities/health goals at this point. Cholesterol and hepatic function are good to go? 35-50mg per day is my sweet spot for oxandralone. A few of the guys run it at 10mg per day and love it for longer term utilization.
Sorry, 300mg test e. The anavar was free essentially so that's why the question. I like the idea of 10mg per day long term as I'm not really at the stage where I'm trying to get bigger just tighter.
It appears that what you are taking is about 2X what most do for TRT. Adding anavar would increase strength, recover and growth some. Just depends on you expectations as to if it is worth while.
I tore my bicep back in May. I’ve been contemplating also adding in some Anavar for some growth and the slight tendon benefits.
Sorry, 300mg test e. The anavar was free essentially so that's why the question. I like the idea of 10mg per day long term as I'm not really at the stage where I'm trying to get bigger just tighter.
Dont get your hopes up taking 10 mg of Var. Just saying…
It appears that what you are taking is about 2X what most do for TRT. Adding anavar would increase strength, recover and growth some. Just depends on you expectations as to if it is worth while.
Let's say it's TRT with benefits then 😉 And as I say the Anavar was free so no bother either way, I was just curious as to its synergy with the GH and test e.
1 ML at what dosage?

Really gets down to your own priorities/health goals at this point. Cholesterol and hepatic function are good to go? 35-50mg per day is my sweet spot for oxandralone. A few of the guys run it at 10mg per day and love it for longer term utilization.
I see your doing crossfit and a marathon, how's Anavar in that respect? Meaning help with joints etc, cardiovascular output? I do more cardio than weights these days, bought a rogue echo bike a few years back and use that daily, along with running etc.
I see your doing crossfit and a marathon, how's Anavar in that respect? Meaning help with joints etc, cardiovascular output? I do more cardio than weights these days, bought a rogue echo bike a few years back and use that daily, along with running etc.
Copy/Pasting from other threads mate

When utilizing orals - I have done so purely pre-workout or pre-testing.
2021 Data Set
Anavar 50mg
Push Ups 89 to 122
Pull Ups 19 to 23
Sit Ups 73 to 84
Mile 5:54 to 6:34

Tbol 40mg
Push Ups 89 to 112
Pull Ups 19 to 21
Sit Ups 73 to 77
Mile 5:54 to 6:17

Sept 2022 Data Set
Bloods Done Sept 5 - This is w/ The Administration of Anavar on Training Days
AST 43 (Range 0-40)
ALT 56 (Range 0-44)
Cholestrol 158 (Range 100-199)
HDL 37 >39
LDL 94 (Range 0-99)
Bloods Done Sept 23
AST 74
ALT 89
Cholestrol 204
HDL 27
LDL 93
So basically my body is saying hard pass.
Some highly unusual occurrences. Keep in mind this is barely over a week of administration @50mg per day.
Oxandralone stimulates my PNS substantially, after initial durability/mobility work for lack of a better term shit just seems to fire properly and force generation throughout the entirety of my system seems equally stimulated. In all sincerity 50mg of Anavar is like a light pre-workout for me as far as neural drive/connection. Winstrol does not provide this in the slightest. I feel sluggish in comparisson.
This is where stuff gets weird; I have full body performance uptakes with Anavar administration. I have purely lower body both anterior and posterior strength gains with Winstrol. I did barbell SLDLs today (9/24) with 275 on the bar moving extremely explosively but completely in control. Normally I would never go over 185 in all sincerity for plyometric movements of this nature. It isn't a CNS uptake, just like this raw animalistic strength that is expressed throughout my lower body. On 9/20 I hit heavy jumping squats @405 (full depth into explosive jump on a raised 3 inch platform). Normal weight for this is 315-335. Tweaked my right soleus again doing it (got cocky) but a serious what the fuck.
Legitimately 0 Upper Body Strength Changes w/ The Administration - Max Pull Ups Remained at 22 - Heavy deads didn't seem to feel any different than usual
1 Mile Time was a 6:12 - had a bit of a negative effect on my splits and heart rate seemed to creep high. I have the same effect with the administration of Anavar and T-bol though. Orals and running anything over 400M is generally not conducive to success.
Now here is where gets tricky, heavy legs on 9/20 - easy day 9/21 - Chaos on 9/22. Administered 50mg Winstrol + 50mg of Oxandralone. Trying to build multi platform strength right now, 5 sets of heavy leg press at 8 plates per side (5-6 per side is usually my max for 5-8 reps). Did those 5 sets then a superset of leg press + heavy hex bar deads 8 plates per side (leg press) and hex bar deads @495 x 8. Shit was just firing, in all sincerity I could have done a new PR on deads that day if I didn't do the leg press work as well. I have NEVER Felt so strong on my posterior chain pulls before. Blood pressure I will add was through the roof. Was red all damn afternoon + the next day and looked what I call "roided out" (you all know what I am talking about).
I can't comment here in all sincerity - I have a mate from Sydney in town right now and we are being as god intended good Texan hosts. Which means I have been a bad boy, a really bad boy this past week. Just a big fat fatty.
Miscellaneous Notations
I am cramping a bit more than usual during pool work
My spinal erectors are pumped 24/7 (post administration), but on a ridiculous level. I move anywhere and I get a lower back pump. I have found that if I keep my heart rate at a certain pace while training its as though the bood doesn't pool there.
Muay Thai was a nightmare after a strength session, just gassed instantly. I seem to get winded post administration.
I feel fuller, this may be from my shitty diet this past week but weight is the same (+2 pounds). Not to be disparaging, but I look like a "bodybuilder" I don't like that - not one bit. Its' like I am super saturated with glycogen and just "big" for the sake of being big.
I see your doing crossfit and a marathon, how's Anavar in that respect? Meaning help with joints etc, cardiovascular output? I do more cardio than weights these days, bought a rogue echo bike a few years back and use that daily, along with running etc.
Now to directly answer your question mate -

Anavar elicits no change in regards to joint mobility/feel. Thus far Masteron is the only compound to affect how I "feel" in a negative fashion. At roughly 75mg of nandralone my joints start to feel a bit better. However north of 150mg of nandralone I have negative cardiovascular affects.

That being stated I do NOT take Anavar nor other orals pre runs, long slow distance nor sprint workout. Blood pooling can get akin to compartment syndrome and the strength capitalization is substantial enough to change my gait and make me more prone to injury.

For cardio based training in all sincerity I love 150-200mg of test, 400-800 EQ, and 50-100mg of nandralone. 35-50mg Oxandralone pre training. 2IU of GH in the morning. 20IU of IGF on high carb days.
Now to directly answer your question mate -

Anavar elicits no change in regards to joint mobility/feel. Thus far Masteron is the only compound to affect how I "feel" in a negative fashion. At roughly 75mg of nandralone my joints start to feel a bit better. However north of 150mg of nandralone I have negative cardiovascular affects.

That being stated I do NOT take Anavar nor other orals pre runs, long slow distance nor sprint workout. Blood pooling can get akin to compartment syndrome and the strength capitalization is substantial enough to change my gait and make me more prone to injury.

For cardio based training in all sincerity I love 150-200mg of test, 400-800 EQ, and 50-100mg of nandralone. 35-50mg Oxandralone pre training. 2IU of GH in the morning. 20IU of IGF on high carb day
Thanks for the advice mate, much appreciated.

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