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Give me some discount nutrition Sites


Jun 30, 2002
My wife is freaking out because all I can find her is Ephedera free Xenadrine, Ripped fuel or anything else on the shelves that has the stuff in it.The sites I order from are out of stock and some wont even backorder. You guys have any good sites online I can search and order from.

try 1fast400.com mike might still have some.
I just ordered my stacker 2 from elitefitness. They have the ephedra one. Just make sure oyu click on the right one.
Thanks Guys

I have 4 or 5 I order from but they are all out I'll check these out.
Thanks Again.

try www.supplementdirect.com

They have GREAT stuff there. They used to sell SportPharma's Thermadrine (my personal fav.) but now have a knock off brand that is EXACTLY the same, the capsule looks identical and the ingredients are the same from what the label states. It is cheap as all hell too and I have been using it; I cannot tell the diff. btween Thermadrine and this stuff....It goes by the name Pure Energy.

They also have dextrose for real cheap too!
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An few


www.netrition.com (best for shipping heavy order - $5 covers it all)

www.Nuclearnutrition.com sells Trevor's product which has ephedrine.

Last resort try www.thepowerstore.com
Watch out of the rebate program: you pay full price and get a coupon for the rebate, which can only be redeemed at thepowerstore to by more stuff as full price. Works like this:
Product X: MSRP = $30, PS price = $15
You buy 10 of these for $300.00, get $150. rebate.
Use $100 rebate to by 5 more of product X ($30.00 each) (plus shipping)
Basically you got 15 of product X for $300.00 or $20.00 for each. plus the cost of shipping twice.

Winston said:

They would not have anything with ephedrine in it.
Fathead - get the Synthetek ECA stacker - SyntheBURN. I guarantee you you have never used one as strong!

Also, maybe I am letting the cat out of the bag, but oh well :)
In about 2 months Synthetek will be also offering creatine, L-glutamine, a 'normal' protein blend, etc. The thing is, they will be undercutting every single company out there for these, anywhere in the world. And they will be offering full lab analysis as usual, so the products will be 100% good. :cool:

I have been meaning to try the Burn but I am not dieting when I do I'll grab some this is just for my wife's needs currently.
Any plans for a wt. gainer?...

Big A said:
Fathead - get the Synthetek ECA stacker - SyntheBURN. I guarantee you you have never used one as strong!

Also, maybe I am letting the cat out of the bag, but oh well :)
In about 2 months Synthetek will be also offering creatine, L-glutamine, a 'normal' protein blend, etc. The thing is, they will be undercutting every single company out there for these, anywhere in the world. And they will be offering full lab analysis as usual, so the products will be 100% good. :cool:

Big A,

Any plans for a "weight gainer"?... I'd love to see one with creatine, glutamine, and protein & carbs in a 1:1 ratio (not including the glutamine).

Thinking here of something like:

Creatine: 5 g
Glutamine: 10g
Whey blend: 100g
Carbohydrate: 100g - dextrose, maltodextrin (and small amount of fructose) blend
Artificial sweetener - Fruit flavors!

10IU insulin not included... (hint, hint)

Maybe call it "SYNTHEGAINER"?...


You believe in oral glutamine?
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much more prodokts here, but this is in danish:
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Last edited:
I believe...

BrooklynJuice said:
You believe in oral glutamine?

... it will sell!!!

As to whether it is necessary, if someone is taking in adequate protein from mixed sources, giving them plently of glutamine... I don't think it will make a difference in most cases.

If you are overtraining (at least if you are an endurance athlete), supplemental glutamine may help with immune function. When I am dieting, I do have a tendency to overtrain (and get sick).

FYI, I also don't believe that creatine will do much good if you are already eating plenty of meat. It does seem to help speed glycogen synthesis, however, so it is good for carb-ups when in the depleted state, I "believe"

If you are referring to scientific evidence to support a "belief," - it is not required. Belief is unconditional knowledge that requires no proof (and is often unprovable).

I do not know of any studies (at least ones I trust) showing that protein supplementation to give totals above 1.8g / kg / day will enhance muscle mass gain w/ wt. training. The definitive studies have not been done to my knowledge.

What I do believe is that BB'ing is a game of inches. If, on a daily basis, you can accumulate 7 g of protein in newlys synthesize contractile protein (in skeletal muscle), you will have gained about 25 lb of muscle in 1 year (muscle is 3/4 water). That's a protein balance of +7g per day. Eat 500g / day, oxidize and use for repair / replacement the 493g of that, incorporate / ratain 7 g of it and you're a "new (wo)man" in 1 year.

But, of the ingredient in my proposed "Synthegain(er)", I would make glytamine lost on my list. I simply was thinking of sellability, as well as that Snthetek will be selling each of the ingredients I listed (with the exception of carbohydrate, which is easy enought to come by).

More later - gotta run!


I'll propose it.

Also, forgot to mention, they are also realeasing a 100% maltodextrin powder. As you know, maltodextrin is the last carbohydrate to be converted into fat, while it has a GI virtually the same as glucose. Which means, not only that it's great for dieting, but yone can take it after the insulin shot, not go into hypo since of the high GI but also not get as fat as with other carb sources.
Re: Any plans for a wt. gainer?...

homonunculus said:

Big A,

Any plans for a "weight gainer"?... I'd love to see one with creatine, glutamine, and protein & carbs in a 1:1 ratio (not including the glutamine).

Thinking here of something like:

Creatine: 5 g
Glutamine: 10g
Whey blend: 100g
Carbohydrate: 100g - dextrose, maltodextrin (and small amount of fructose) blend
Artificial sweetener - Fruit flavors!

10IU insulin not included... (hint, hint)

Maybe call it "SYNTHEGAINER"?...



Shit Homonun-that about exactly what I use post workout, with 12iu slin! Would be great all in one!

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