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Jun 12, 2002
i know this has been covered alot. what id like to know is if you like it or not, from personal experience
i came upon a bunch of metformin once and experimented with it, i primarly used it with cheat meals i just noticed i didnt get as fat and got realy vascular
i came upon a bunch of metformin once and experimented with it, i primarly used it with cheat meals i just noticed i didnt get as fat and got realy vascular

I use ALA the same way..it seems to work for me..
Let me throw this out and please provide feedback!

I've got a bunch and planned on using it after my post-workout meal, which is high in carbs. Also planned on using it after any large "cheat meal." Does this sound like a reasonable approach?

I've been taking 500mg/BID for a few weeks at the suggestion of a board member here, and feel it has helped some with fat loss. I use it like ALA, which I take as well. I have been more vascular lately, never thought of the Glucophage as the cause, perhaps that's it. I think it helps, but its not a big, dramatic effect. I do not use it just after cheat meals, I just use it daily. I am concerned it might be allowing me to get less energy from the carbs I eat, as I've been feeling drained, but that could be any number of factors. In theory, it really should help with fat loss, and prevent fat accumulation. I'm doing a number of things at once for fat loss, so its getting very hard to say which if any are working. I'm also taking Syntheselen and Synthetine, for example, as well as Clen and NYC, cycling between the latter two every other week.
xcelbeyond said:
Let me throw this out and please provide feedback!

I've got a bunch and planned on using it after my post-workout meal, which is high in carbs. Also planned on using it after any large "cheat meal." Does this sound like a reasonable approach?


Xcel why not use it with post workout drink (chew it) and any creatine/glutamine you take with that also. It will then work with that drink AND the post workout meal. Providing you take a post workout shake...
MikeS said:
Xcel why not use it with post workout drink (chew it) and any creatine/glutamine you take with that also. It will then work with that drink AND the post workout meal. Providing you take a post workout shake...
Yep - I take a 72g protein, 50g dextrose post-workout drink. I thought it had to be taken "after" the meal/drink - I didn't know this :)

If you don't mind my saying this, and I know you guys are very knowledgeable, the purpose of the glucose after workout is to stimulate your production of Insulin to carry the glucose into your muscles which are hungry for fuel at that time. The purpose of Glucophage is to discourage the creation of Insulin by making the receptors more efficient. So, I don't know if that would mean your muscles would get the same benefit from your glucose loading or not, but its an issue to consider. Otherwise, I would simply take your Glucophage later, around the time of your evening meal of real food, which probably includes carbs as well; it would be those carbs you would prefer not to set off your insulin production, because by a couple of hours post workout your muscles no longer need the extra fuel and it could easily end up as fat.

Bear in mind I am not an expert, I have just reasoned this out from what I know to be true about Glucophage and carb loading post workout.
Veinlover - using you're analogy, I came up with this.

Workouts are early morning. I take my post-workout drink immediately after workout. I eat my high carb meal within an hour of that. If I take the gluco "after" the meal then the muscles should have taken advantage of most the carbs needed?!?

If you really consider, the purpose of glucose/insulin spike is to increase the absorption of nutrients taken, in this case after workout. The insulin is a tool to aid that process, but if glucophage can help the efficiency of that process, it really doesnt matter if less insulin is needed to accomplish the improved nutrient absorption.

Xcel ask a Type II diabetic and gluco is supposed to be taken before a meal, makes sense so its action is in effect when the nutrients are readdy for absoprtion in the blood. So yes take it BEFORE the drink, or at worst with the drink.
u want as little insulin to be released as possible to still give makimum benefit to keep insulin sensitivity high, exercise in and of itself will allow for a bit of passive glucose uptake that muscle contractions cause, mikes had the best response to this but id rathe rpeople use r-ala
Thanks "again" MikeS! I'm sometimes easy to confuse - like right now trying to get my electrolyte levels in balance :)

What Mike says sounds logical to me, which of course is counter my original argument. Like I said, I'm not an expert. If indeed less insulin will lead to the same amount of glucogen uptake in the muscle cells immediately after a workout, when they are receptive anyhow, then I guess taking it early makes sense. And, yes, diabetics take it before meals. My original thinking is in the case of a post workout carb load you are wanting to flood the system with sugar-carrying insulin (think about a BB taking insulin after his workout to put on mass), to really feed the muscles, and I was worried Glucophage might hamper that. Normally you want what Glucophage does, but for the brief period after a workout you want something different. There are clearly a lot of variables at work here, so I'm just conjecturing at this point.

Mr. Magoo, since you mentioned r-ala, do you have data supporting the efficacy of r-ala over regular, old, ala? There is a huge price difference, and I've heard the arguments both ways as to which is better. I'm not sure how the workings of either version of ala compare to Glucophage. Ala I gather tends to lessen the impact of carbs on body fat, whereas Glucophage increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors in muscle, fat cells, etc, meaning less insulin is needed, and that reduces the amount of blood sugars stored as fat. So I guess the outcome is similar, but the mechanism I imagine is quite different. I'd appreciate any input on this you have.
Last edited:
Anyone ever had a problem with glucophage putting you into hypo? Is there a 'general rule' of how many MG's of glucophage should be taken for every Gram of carbs you consume? How long before a meal should glucophage be taken? Thanks....
1)metformin cannot cause hypoglycemia .
2)it is supposed to be used with or before meals xcel , as it tends to leave a taste in the mouth .
3)metformin doesnt do much unless ure insulin resistant , so unless ure insulin resistant , its not doing anything for u .
4)it also raises shbg levels , thus decreasing free testosterone .
5)increases lactic acid , although lactic acidosis has been reported , thats very rare , but still having increased levels of lactic acid in the system is not good .
do the benifits outweigh the downsides when using metaformin? there seems to be those that either hate this drug or love it
balplayer said:
do the benifits outweigh the downsides when using metaformin? there seems to be those that either hate this drug or love it
something u have to try and see for urself .

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