Hey Fellas
I just got my blood work back and everything came back pretty good except for my cholestorol was a little high but my triglecerides were very high. I have a pretty clean diet, cardio and lifting. No gear. I am using generic glycerin, 2 tblspns pre workout with a liter of water,. Could this have anything to do with my tris being so high? The doctor said it is unusual to have such high triglecerides without having super high cholestorol.
I just got my blood work back and everything came back pretty good except for my cholestorol was a little high but my triglecerides were very high. I have a pretty clean diet, cardio and lifting. No gear. I am using generic glycerin, 2 tblspns pre workout with a liter of water,. Could this have anything to do with my tris being so high? The doctor said it is unusual to have such high triglecerides without having super high cholestorol.