Hi..I'm 5'9"..260lbs and its not muscle..I'm stocky..I have broad shoulders (and waist) I'm 36 years old. I used to weigh 145lbs when I grad in 1988..I didnt workout much then and have not really worked out much all together..My question is I have started to lift about (2 months). I am working out m-w-f and doing cardio t-th-sat. I do ch/tri, ba/bi/, sh/l usually 3 x8-10, cardio is plain old walk/run 20-30 min. I am also gonna start a martial art 2 x week for added cardio..My diet is 3 meals..2 snacks. prot. after workout. Ok I have the opportunity to get a 10 week cycle of decca. I know I havent worked out that long and my goal is to loose body fat gain muscle .. get back in the shape I was in (plus more muscle).but my question is, If I do get it How should I workout/diet/cardio...I am looking for detailed info if anyone wants to share it. Any help or info would really be great. Thanks.