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Got new blood labs back , HDL even lower ?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I just got my second set of labs back , its been about 6 week since the last set was drawn , though the numbers have improved alot my HDL Cholesterol has dropped even more , the LDL has also dropped but damn.

The Dr diden't seems to worried about it and said that it takes alot longer for that to come up and stabilize especialy since I run at the very bottom or just below normal anyway. He said that as long as the LD keeps comming down and the Triglycerides are low that hes not to worried about the HDL. He had me start taking Niacin and recomended cardio , but since I don't smoke or eat alot of saturated fats and so on that the HDL wasen't nearly as important. He blames the being on 60mg of winstrol for a good while mostly but said that Test for long periods will do the same thing and sense I was taking test at a high does as well as the winstrol it made things worse , we are going to check it again in several months and recomended that I stay off as many oral anythings as possible ato give my liver time to heal and readjust.

So I was wondering if any of you guys had these type of comversations with your Dr.and what your feeling were on the subject.
My doctor wants my HDL levels well up in the healthy range and my LDL low as I can get it. Have you tried using a good fish oil for supplementation?

I will also mention that my HDL levels (and LDL for that matter) are always best when I am doing cardio on a regular basis
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winstrol........destroys joints and reaks havoc on lipid profiles. why anyone still uses this garbage is beyond me.
I'll be totaly honest , in my case it was ignorance and desperation , unfortunatly it was a costly lession but one well learned !!

I'm taking an Ommega 3-6 , 3 times a day
My numbers have been messed up for years. I have blood work done at least four times a year, I see my heart Dr. every year and my internal system is fine except for the HDL's and LDL's. My Dr. explained to me that its from all the test, year round at 52 years old. He also just as many people with great HDL's and LDL's have heart attacks so my dr always tells me keep doing your cardio and living a healthy life style because overall I'm in good shape for my age. My Dr. also said that the drug company's want to push you to use meds that can mess up your liver by scaring everyone into thinking that they will die if their numbers are off. Most Dr's aren't as honest as my guy seems to be. He does tell me to use fish oils at about 6 grams per day. Hope this helps at least for me it calmed me down as I use to get crazy about the numbers. Last thing I do see my Dr's at least every 3 months, as I try to be proactive with my health. I also have used stuff off and on for over 25 years. Once again I hope this helps.
I tried the fish oil and it did nothing to raise my HDL. Niaspan(prescription niacin) did work though and is the only thing that helped me. Even with the niacin mine is still low. Im like a lot of guys on here, low HDL and very low LDL. Suppose mine is genetic since ive not taken steroids in over 1 year.
I might add that my wife's HDL has always hovered around 100 or so and she eats no better than me, maybe even a little worse. I think once again genetics plays such a large role in this as it does other things.
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you have a good doctor most are very ignorant to this subject, his advice is very sound and I support it. tapper off the AAS and orals, and of course HDL will improve. I also suggest be picky with your fat content, have LOTS of healthy fats, (coconut oil, fish oil 10-15g/day, olive oil marinated with all meats and veggies) then just do cardio 3-4x a week, re-test in 4 weeks and watch what happens. Niacin is great CoQ10 in pure powder form I'm a fan of too w/ Arginine.
yep , i have a great dr , though hedoesent like that i use AAShe is very courious about what it really does and admits that most of the medical community is missinformed.

I'm currently taking 9g of Omega 3's a day , started the niacin yesterday and my new workout schedual has me doing cardio 4-5 days a week , 20 min at 150ish heart rate (32yrs old) so im sure that all this will help and i'll likely get more labs in mid December.

"maldorf" hom many mg of niacin do you take a day? being itss prescribed it must be alot
yep , i have a great dr , though hedoesent like that i use AAShe is very courious about what it really does and admits that most of the medical community is missinformed.

I'm currently taking 9g of Omega 3's a day , started the niacin yesterday and my new workout schedual has me doing cardio 4-5 days a week , 20 min at 150ish heart rate (32yrs old) so im sure that all this will help and i'll likely get more labs in mid December.

"maldorf" hom many mg of niacin do you take a day? being itss prescribed it must be alot

I am only taking 500mg/day now, one tablet. I need to get them to increase it to 1000 mg/day. I will tell you this. 500 mg over the counter doesnt compare at all to 500 mg prescription. I used to take 1000 mg/day of the over the counter and barely got a flush. this stuff still gives me a flush from time to time and it did raise my HDL some. When I was using that over the counter niacin, tried that for 3 months, it didnt budge my hdl at all and i was taking 2x the dose.
I agree....why guys use anything other than test is beyond me


Are you saying that test alone is plenty to get ready for a show??? What about A-50 or some var??? Not challenging you, just want to get your input.

I agree....why guys use anything other than test is beyond me

Phil - I hear Emeric say this a lot also. I am 42 and on hrt test cyp with doc (150mg). I have always been a fan of the non aromatising aas like primo, var, proviron.....I guess I just don't understand why adding some primo or proviron (or even deca) to the test would not enhance the gains while reducing sides. I've always thought of primo/var as the safest aas considering primo women take and var is safe for women and children to take. Primo stimulates the immune system, helps joints, reduces estrogen and I don't think it has much impact on lipids nor LFT's.....

Is the reason all about the impact on lipids and LFT's? Thanks and respect your view.

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