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Greg Kovacs


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
Just watched hie video for the first time in a long while. I never noticed until watching it how much seo he uses. At least that's what it looked like to me. His shoulders and triceps looked rediculous. Way obvious and deformed.
Greg is my boy and all, but you can really see it bad when he diets down!
greg kovacs turned pro the same way jeremy freeman did....doing that weak ass no competition show in canada. the mans physique is not that of a bodybuilder its a mess!!! he should take up power lifting where things like beautiful lines, symmetry, muscle bellies, balance and definition have nothing to do with shit. i hate when guys like him , jeremy freeman, kamali, and the like walk around pretending to be the REAL DEAL when its clear they dont have it, never had it and no matter how much they stick themselves will never have it......
I remember seeing a pic of Kovacs at a pro sho where he was dead last. I felt bad for the guy, his belly was all bloated and his shoulders looked like he had some kind of tumors in them. I dont think he showed up in the evening. This was a couple years ago. Dont get me wrong he is big and strong as hell, but just not a good bodybuilder.

Yeah, I saw that show. He had to do it because his contract said he had to be in so many pro shows a year. He definitely wasn't ready or even hardly dieted down at all. I think he had to drop out due the the seeping infection he had in his quad.
After that show, his sponser dropped him. Don't remember who it was (could have been meso-tech?), but I guess he just didn't represent what their product stood for I guess?
Jeremy freeman

Jeremy is one of the most humble and sincere people that I know, and a great friend. He has confided in me that he feels bad winning the North Americans, but I told him who cares, you came in second at the Nationals in the Super Heavy, so what is the difference? He has never acted cocky around me, and I cant see him ever acting that way to anyone else.

I have to agree with Phil here in the fact that Jeremy might not be the most blessed bodybuilder in the world but he is a very sincere guy and works his ass off. Once again as Phil said he did get 2nd at nationals which in itself is no small feat with todays crop of talent. trust me in this day and age i would be scared to have to step up there with some of these freaks showing up out of knowwhere. best wishes wyldeone. p.s. for those of you that don't know watch for Greg to make a comeback very soon as he is working with Chad and has really refined his physique in the last 2 years and looks 110% better.
Re: Jeremy freeman

Jeremy is one of the most humble and sincere people that I know, and a great friend. He has confided in me that he feels bad winning the North Americans, but I told him who cares, you came in second at the Nationals in the Super Heavy, so what is the difference? He has never acted cocky around me, and I cant see him ever acting that way to anyone else.

well being a good pro is one thing and so what, he has pro status and he can do what he wishes

more important as you put it he is a GOOD PERSON

that really counts
That's what matters. I always remember when I talk about someone, be it a celebrity or pro bb, that they are flesh and blood like me. I'd go crazy if every body was always critiquing me.
Re: Jeremy freeman

Jeremy is one of the most humble and sincere people that I know, and a great friend. He has confided in me that he feels bad winning the North Americans, but I told him who cares, you came in second at the Nationals in the Super Heavy, so what is the difference? He has never acted cocky around me, and I cant see him ever acting that way to anyone else.

I totally agree!! Jeremy isn't a close friend or anything, but one of best friends met him a few years ago at a local show and jeremy asked my buddy to go to breakfast with him, after that they went by his house and jeremy gave him a trunk full of "Muscle Crap" for free!, so from what I've heard he's one of the coolest cats out there!

Dude, was that supposed to be a pic of Kovacs, or is that part of your signature?... I think that pic is of Jean-Pierre Fux, not Kovacs. Its on Fux' homepage:



I think Greg is awesome even if he does'nt compare with the tops guys.
I think Greg is awesome even if he does'nt compare with the tops guys.

That's JP bro!
I can relate to what Wylde and Phil said. Once you know some of these guys, and they turn out to be so humble and kind, you dont like to hear people slamming them just because their lat sweep isnt just right, or they look as if they used syntherol a little (as many of us here have also).
In my instance I hear the same slamming of Brad Hollibaugh, because he look like he used synth in his arms with his high peaks. But meet him and he is the nicest guy around. More important that someone is a fine individual than to judge his entire human worth because of his exagerated bicep peak!

Maybe Im stretching it a little, but just to make the point clear.
i would probably throw in dead last of any comp i judged too.. buy as a guy you cannot talk shit about him, he didnt have bodybuilding genetics, he had the bodybuilding mind set and gave it his all, you can say he "failed" but in my book he didnt. His name is out, and he has some impresive achomplishments being the biggest muscluar bber ever, biggest muscular arms at 27" if your not counting valention who are about the same size anyway. If i met him I would have instant respect and probably let him know hes impressive to me.
Brad Hollibaugh is a great guy and very helpful...

I dont know if anyone remembers but back in 98 or so, Brad was featured in Peak magazine...He had some great pics and I thought at the time he could have turned pro with the look he had there (if he was hard enough) but his look has changed...


damn broz, greg guest posed at i show i was in last summer, that guy had some old ass calvin klein bikini under wear with a hole in them , as his posing trunks, they had to wake his ass up to get on stage, he walked up to the stage had to catch his breath before going on, jiggled his fat on stage(way out of shape) and came off stage sat down adn nodded off again.
and before the show, he was sitting in the crowd just siting still and sweating profusely.

Re: Jeremy freeman

Jeremy is one of the most humble and sincere people that I know, and a great friend. He has confided in me that he feels bad winning the North Americans, but I told him who cares, you came in second at the Nationals in the Super Heavy, so what is the difference? He has never acted cocky around me, and I cant see him ever acting that way to anyone else.

He is the most humble guy I've met in the sport. A class act and intelligent individual. And I have to say, the guy is as big as a house so he's not too slack BB wise either. Not everyone is Ronnie Coleman, but he's a helluva lot closer thatn 99.9% of the world.

I have to disagree with you, GetBig. To say that Greg, Jeremy, and Kamali are not the "real deal" is an unbelievable statement! They are freaks among freaks and deserve a little respect. Unless you're top 10 Olympia that statement is mighty harsh. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.
i know people who hang out and talk to jeremy, kovacs and kamali so the fact that they are nice guys isnt in question. all im saying is how does someone turn pro when they hit a front double bicep and there is no balance, symmetry, bicep shape,. their legs are skinny, they are soo tall that they dont fill out their physique well enough to compete with the big boys, their muscles look untrained and soft????????? thats all im wondering....

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